
Introducing Minecraft in The World in Ruin!

* Just a reminder, I'm just a translator, I'm just making this readable and not something that's an abomination of words. * * I'm also a newbie, so appreciated if you point out some words that I might've missed! * ______________________________________ Being isekai'd in another world with the ability of Minecraft , Senju was wandering helplessly in this ruined world full of steel. He thought he was the only one here. It wasn't until he met his companions that he found the goal of survival. He traveled with them and was with them. Going forward together, even if in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, he will find a way to break through the desperate situation and lead to survival. After breaking through the desperate situation, Senju discovered that the world really had many pitfalls. In order to live a leisurely life, Senju began to look for an ideal home. Volume 1: Girls Last Tour: The Human World - 70 Chapters Volume 2: Girls Last Tour: The Uninhabitable Deep Zone - Chapters idk Anime: Girls Last Tour Note: I do not own this fanfiction, I just wanted to translate this/make it readable to people who don't know the Dao of MTL. Before I write the link, I should warn you that in later chapters in the raw, their names would be...messy, that's why I'm translating this. ______________________________________ 75 Stones = 1 Chapter! Here's the link for the raw: https://trxs.cc/tongren/8398/1.html

Bruh20 · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Chapter 23: Starry Night

"It's so dark~so dark~ so dark," Yuuri's singing voice echoed in the dim factory. Chito still drove forward, while Senju fell asleep behind.

"Yuu's so noisy."

"I'm sorry", the singing then stopped.

"It's okay, how is Senju doing?"

"I don't know, he's probably still sleeping."

"Ah, so he's sleeping..."

"Of course, he has to change shifts with Chii-chan. By the way, let's light up lamp." Yuuri took out a fuel lamp and started to light it.

"No, we need to save fuel."

"Oh, you're so stingy, we still have so much fuel."

"There's not much at all. I've already used two barrels. If Senju hadn't brought some with him, it would have been consumed long ago."

"Oh, it turns out that our car can carry so few things. Let Senju carry more things in the future, and it will be fine next time."

"You still want a next time? By the way, how many days have we not seen the sun?" Chito complained about Yuuri's optimism.

"Really, where are we? Why are we here."

"Yuu, I told you, it was your fault . You wanted to take a look in the cave or something."

"Ah, did I say it, didn't Senju say it?" Yuuri still tried to quibble.

However, Chito immediately countered back, defending Senju

"It was you! I'll tell Senju later that he won't give you any fish to eat."

"That's too much. You know I like fish the most."

"Punishment, this should be regarded as Yuu's apology. Besides, Senju also said that there are not many fish left."

"Hey, is there almost no food left?"

"Although there are still some in Senju, we still have to find an exit quickly, otherwise we will always run out of fuel and food. When we go out, we don't know if we can find food or if we can see other humans. Yuu, what will happen to us?"

After waiting for a while, Chito awaited for Yuuri's answer. When Yuuri didn't answer, she looked back, she found that Yuuri had fallen asleep, "Oh, I also need to take a rest and let Senju work for a while."

After saying that, she stopped the car, came out of it car and patted Senju's face, "Wake up quickly, it's time to change the shift."

"Oh, what time is it? Have you found the exit yet?" Senju woke up and it was still dark.

"No, but I am sleepy now." After saying that, Chito yawned.

"Thank you for your hard work. Let me drive for a while. You can eat something first." Senju gave a fish to Chito and got into the driver's seat of the car.

She was happy hearing Senju's praise.

"Thank you," Chito said after finishing the fish, she covered himself with a quilt and fell asleep next to Yuuri.

Senju slowly started to drive the car. In the past few days, Senju and Chito drove the car between shifts, but even though they drove like this, they still couldn't find the exit.

Senju didn't know how long he had been driving, but there were still huge machines around him. The steel road seemed to be suspended next to these machines, and he didn't know where it was leading.

Suddenly there was a sound behind him. It turned out that Chito had woken up, but Yuuri was still sleeping under the quilt, as if she was talking in her sleep, but it was blocked by the sound of the car and couldn't hear clearly.

"Good morning, Senju, ah," Chito said and wanted to stretch, but found that one of his hands was not stretched out.

"Are you awake? How did you sleep?" Senju heard a voice from behind and felt refreshed. He was so bored that he almost fell asleep.

"It's still the same, it's a bit noisy, and it's so cold, uh-huh, uh-huh," Chito said as if she had discovered something, and then she found that her hand was being held in Yuuri's mouth, and she quickly pulled it out , and then the two heard Yuuri talking in her sleep, "Grilled fish, it's so delicious, hey~hey."

"Yuu! this girl..." Chito looked at her hands covered with saliva unhappily, but after a while she seemed to feel something and stretched his hands in the air, "Ah, there is wind."

"Hey, Chito, what are you talking about?" Senju didn't hear Chiro's words clearly, but then Chito shouted excitedly, "Wind, you can feel the wind here. Just follow the direction of the wind.We can find the exit."

"Yuu, wake up! Get up quickly," Chito excitedly shook Yuuri awake, and Yuuri woke up.

After waking her up, Chito asked Yuuri to feel the direction with her. After listening to Chito's explanation, Yuuri also joined in the wind measurement work.

"Ah," after the two of them had a little saliva at the same time, they began to feel the flow of the wind, and then they pointed in one direction, "This way."

Following the guidance of the two people, Senju kept adjusting the direction of the car. After turning a few corners, a flash of light appeared in front of him.

"It's light," the three sighed. As the car drove closer and closer, after passing a few steps, the three of them came to the bright outside.

When they first came out, they felt the light was dazzling, but after they got used to it, they realized that it was already night, and there were also a few lights in the surrounding cities, but the light Senju and the others felt came from the stars in the sky.

"It's so bright, I didn't expect it to be so bright at night," Yuuri hugged Chito and started to complain. Chito was also shocked by the scenery, "It turns out to be night time now."

"Chii-chan, I want to drink some soup," Yuuri clamored to drink the soup ingredients collected by Chito. These are treasures that she has always hidden in the car, and even Senju doesn't know about them.

"Okay, it's the last can anyway, let's just celebrate it."

(T/L: Ohh so it was canned goods?)

"Great, let's eat."

After being happy for a while, the three of them found themselves on a railway bridge.

After driving along the railway bridge for a while, they finally returned to the road.

After finding a corner, Chito dug out a can from the car. After Senju also set up the electric stove, he took out some raw fish and put them on the fuel stove to cook.

After a while, the soup was cooked. After everyone got a portion, Yuuri couldn't wait to drink it, "It's so hot."

After taking a sip, everyone finally relaxed and felt extremely comfortable. Then they felt that it was good to be alive. After eating the food, everyone looked at the stars in the sky. Suddenly, there were meteors streaking across the sky. All three of them could see them. Mesmerized.

Looking at these shooting stars, Senju was thinking about his hometown that he didn't know where.

Maybe it was somewhere in the night sky, falling into fantasy while looking at the stars.

The two people next to them also looked at the starry sky and kept sighing, "I never knew it was so bright at night."

"Maybe we has been in the cave for so long and had become sensitive to light."

"Is that so? What will happen when the sun comes out?"

"Well, we'll be burned to death."

"Ahhhhhh, I don't want this."

"It's so noisy," Chito murmured, gently bumping into Yuuri, who had been shouting. Gradually, the two of them settled down, gazing up at the starry sky, lost in its captivating embrace...


Ahh, speaking of night time, I'll continue translating tomorrow, early in the morning.

Don't forget! This week 20 Stones = 1 Extra Chapter! Next week 30 Stones will get you 5 Extra Chapters! Great deal ehh~?

I'm so sleepy =⁠_⁠=

Translation is not hard! Just time consuming!

Why not throw some stones? If you have some that is hehe~

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