
Into the Rabbit Hole!

It was a bright and peaceful day in the Great Dragon's sanctuary. In the garden, there was little rascal Chang'e, her dear jade rabbit and caretaker, Xuanlu.

They were chaining flowers together to make crowns, while passing Chang'e was beginning to get very bored of sitting with her "big sister figure" by a tree, and of having nothing more fun to do. The only thing pleasing is Xuanlu's alluring humming.

"When will dà gēgē get back?" The little rascal asked She had been planning a picnic just for the 3 of them, but her big brother has a other matter to attend to.

Xuanlu stopped humming and finished her floral crown, "Be patient, Xīng chén. Soon enough he'll be here before you know it." She said calmly with a smile.

Right after, she put her finished floral crown on Chang'e. It's a majestic flower with azure petals and leaves of silver. "The Ji Zi Lan looks really cute on you." Xuanlu said, adoring the little one.

Chang'e also did the same, as she put her floral crown on Xuanlu's head. Lilac and rose ombré petals and the tiny purple leaves are like ferns. "Here! Wow! The Huan Yu Lan looks so beautiful on you Dàjiě!" She complimented in awe.

That rascal very much loves Xuanlu as her sister. She's kind, caring and beautiful. Zilong is indeed lucky to have her as his soon to be wife.

Xuanlu blushed and giggled, "Thank you!" She took a book by her side and flipped some pages, quietly reading on her mind.

A swarm of colorful butterflies appear, only for the aromatic fragrance of their floral crowns. Chang'e played with them with her small hands, delighted with the feeling of their fluttering wings.

She had peeped once or twice into the book, Xuanlu is reading. "Hey, Dàjiě... Why are you always those kinds of books? There are nothing anything fun." She asked, having thought that Xuanlu always a book with her aside from playing music with her instruments.

"There are alot of good books without pictures or conversations. I enjoy this because I use my imagination." Xuanlu said, her eyes still locked on the book.

Chang'e rested her head on her shoulder, unable to say a reply. She more of an ongoing person, wanting actual adventure and mischief. Xuanlu turned her gaze at her and smiled.

"How about I get some children's books I made?" She said, gently closing her book. "I'm sure you'll love it."

Chang'e beamed, "Really?"

Xuanlu nodded and got up. "Well, I'll go get it then. You stay here and behave okay?" She said as she left. Chang'e replied with a "I will!", waving her hand at her leave.

"So, what will we do in the meantime, Yuètù?" Chang'e cuddled her small, jade rabbit in her arms, also brushing it's soft, snow white fur.

Suddenly, Yuètù jumped out and ran away from her.

"Hey, Yuètù! Where are you going? Get back here!" Chang'e went after her bunny, into a rabbit hole. It was wide enough for her to fit through, she them crawled inside.

The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, "Yuètù– AHHHHH!!!!" She yelled as she slip and fall deep down. Her Ji Zi Lan flower crown was left behind.

It was so sudden, that Chang'e had not a moment to think about stopping herself. She looked beneath her and saw nothing, just dark deep empty space.

She is soon caught by her Crescent Moon. She dazed off at what had happen and continues to float down, it made her a bit uneasy though.

Soon, she landed down and saw many fancy dinnerware sets, furniture, decorations and other knick-knacks adorning the walls of the rabbit hole in a confusingly, asymmetric way.

She quickly spotted her little bunny leaping ahead. "Ah! Yuètù!" Chang'e followed into a large hallway. Unfortunately, she lost sight of it and encountered a door, which she promptly opened it by the knob. But it showed another door a little smaller than the first.

It goes on until it's barely fits her head. When she tried to open it too but it was locked. "Oh dear...." Chang'e frowned.

"Hey, big kid!" a voice called out. Chang'e looked around to find the owner, "Down here!" She turned to see a tiny man with a monkey on his shoulders.

"Oh hello there..." Softly did Chang'e greeted them. The man took off his unusual hat to greet her back, the money waved instead.

"You wanna enter inside?" He knocked on the door. "Too bad, you're not in the right size."

"Well, is there any way for me to enter? Unless there is another door..." Chang'e asked.

He shook his head, "Nope. This is the only door. But if you really want to enter, then drink that potion." He pointed out with his finger.

Chang'e turned left and right, each side. "What potion?" Confusingly she asked.

The man chortled, "That potion on the table beside you."

She turned to her left again and saw a tall glass table appear out of nowhere, only a cute, little bottle was on it. "What the?! There was no table there before!" Chang'e got suprised.

"Expect the unexpected, I mean you're in Wonderland after all! Well, not yet...." The man played with his broken pocket watch. "Anyways, read the contents first before consuming." He said.

Chang'e got the bottle and unfold the paper attach to it that "DRINK ME" was labelled on it. She looked at the other side of the paper, but nothing else is written.

"Are you sure it's safe?" She cautiously asked.

"Of course!" The man and his monkey grinned and gave a thumbs up.

Chang'e didn't hesitate more and gulp down the potion until the bottle was empty. "It taste like water...." She commented on the flavor.

Suddenly, she started shrinking until she's about the right size. Now she's able to fit the door but she's smaller than the man.

"Look! I can fit inside now!" Chang'e exclaimed.

"That's great but err.... I forgot to tell you that it's lock." The man stick his tougue out and scratch his head from behind. "Hehe..."

"What?! Where's the key then?!" Chang'e shouted.

"Up there." He pointed up to the table where the key is visibly seen.

"EHHHH?!" Seeing it frustrated Chang'e. "But how can I get it when I'm this small, you should have remembered it earlier!" She puffed her cheeks in dismay.

Soon her eye fell on a little box that was lying under the table: she opened it, and found a bunch of cookies, on which the words "EAT ME" were marked on each of them.