
Bird Fairies

Chang'e called out to the owl many times yet it still did not hear her. She took on many obstacles like swinging on vines, running across platforms, turning left and right and even hoping over inclining mushrooms and throwing an indirect attack to catch his attention. But no luck.

"Mr. Owl– KYAA!!" she took a wrong step and fell down from a flower. Good thing she landed on bush with no harm. Chang'e sigh and watch the owl left off further.

"Oh my! Are you okay, little one?!" A blonde haired woman with an colorful wings appeared before her, holding a large pink flower with easter eggs on the middle. Her face filled with concern.

"Oh uh, yes ma'am." She got up and brush her dress to tidied it up.

Suddenly, the woman cupped her face, "But I saw you fall! You must have injured!" She then examined her limbs and her worried face had gone. "Goodie! You're perfectly fine!" She smiled widely.

"Ooh! It's the little girl!" Another blond haired woman appear, wearing white and blue. She didn't have any wings but she can float.

"My, she's adorable!" A peacock lady came also, pinching her cheeks.

"Indeed, her eyes, nose, ears, everything!" said the white and blue woman.

"Let's take her back to home!" The winged woman said, grabbing her and flied off, followed did the other 2.

"Wait!" Chang'e struggled to get out of her grasp but couldn't. And now she's taken away by some unusual women. They took her to a tree where there's a bird house sitting on a nest. Inside, furniture of a household filled it. What a nice place it is, cozy and warm, but she has to go soon.

All the 3 of them commented things about Chang'e. Of course she was flattered, but it's too much. "Um... Who are all of you?" She asked.

"Oh! We're the Bird Fairies! My name is Kadita!" The "white robin" introduced herself.

"Rafaela!" The winged woman raised her hand.

"And I'm Pharsa, welcome to our nest little girl!" The peacock lady gave a welcoming smile.

Bird Fairies huh? I guess that explains all by the feathers on their attires.

"So! What's your name, cutiepie?" Kadita poked Chang'e cheek.

"It's Chang'e."

"Anything that brings you by here?" Pharsa said, bringing in a tray of teacups and a bowl of... seeds?

"Um.... I was just following the white owl. Because I want to ask him som–"

"An owl?" Pharsa interrupted her.

"We don't have a owl fairy around here!" Rafaela laughed, so did Kadita.


"You want a seed cookie?" Pharsa shove the bowl of seeds to her face.

They didn't let Chang'e talk more and she just took one for them, "Thanks, I guess...." The cookie looked like a shiny, chocolate covered wallnut.

"What kind of bird fairy you are?" Rafaela said.


"What's your favorite flower?" Kadita blurted.


"Do you have your own garden?" Pharsa then butt in too.

"I do have a garden–" Chang'e replied.

"Oh! Where is it then?!" Rafaela twittered.

The 3 of them kept asking her nonsense that it's irritating her.

"Please! One at a time!" Chang'e shouted, a little tick off. The 3 slowly back off as they titter and apologize. At the same time, hanging bluebells on the side of the wall began to rang.

"Yay! It's Gardening time!" Rafaela enthusiastically said out loud.

"Alright ladies! Let's go!" Pharsa leaded with her fancy golden staff already in her hands. "Oh you too, little one!" She pointed, as she's now being carried by Kadita that she cannot float or fly like them.

They all went out and gather at a empty lot area with Kadita placed Chang'e on a flower for the time being. Rafaela used her pink Lily to send out eggs to be planted underground, of course it's flower seeds for them. Pharsa then used her magic to make them grow tall and healthy. Kadita then summoned a rain cloud to water them, the dispersion of the sunlight made a rainbow! Chang'e was quite amazed.

"What about you, little one? Aren't you going to do something?" Pharsa turned to her.

"Uhhh..... Do what?" She awkwardly grinned.

"Silly! What we did!" Rafaela presented the field of flowers they grew.

Chang'e hands started fidgeting, "Actually... I...can't...." She bashfully said, "Ehe...."

The 3 ladies eyed on her for a minute then, "Ah! Perhaps you can't grow plants yet!" Rafaela said, which made Chang'e jaw dropped.

"It's okay! How about we go Nuturing!" Kadita grabbed her again and fled to another place.

"W-wait! W-Whaaaat?!" Chang'e gawked and face palmed. Geez! These bird fairies are so difficult to deal with!

Again, Kadita layed her on another flower and the 3 began "Nurturing", which reviving wilted plants, watering them, growing them, and fixing the arrangements. Chang'e crossed her arms, cheeks all puffed because she's really angry now.

Her head turned to a side and saw the white owl sitting on a tree branch, reading a scroll and adjusting it's glasses.

"The white owl!" She exclaimed, getting up from her seat.

"Oh! The Wise Owl! Well, you don't want to disturb him. Come one!" Pharsa dragged her to another somewhere.

"B-But!–" The White Owl finally flew off. "Wait...." Chang'e got upset.

"Now! Get to work, little one!" Pharsa cheerfully said.

Chang'e lose her temper and gave a bad look, "LOOK! I'M NOT A BIRD FAIRY LIKE THE 3 OF YOU, OKAY!?" She yelled at them that she stomped her foot. The 3 gasped in shock. "Just stop!!!" She scratched her head with both hands.

Abruptly, a loud growl startled them.

"O-Oh no..." Pharsa stuttered.

"It's... him!" Rafaela trembled.

"Ahhhhh!" Kadita fearfully screamed softly.

"Umm... Who is?" Chang'e asked.

"It's... Balmond!" Kadita shriek as this "Balmond" popped up before them. His a blue ogre-like creature with pointed teeth and has axe! Horrified, all of them ran to a safe place, and under a musroom they hid.

"Just who was that?!" Chang'e asked one of them while catching her breath.

"Balmond! The scary and mean Orc who always ruined our pretty flowers!" Rafaela complained.

"Yeah! He always do thay every single day!" Kadita added.

Chang'e look back seeing Balmond ruining their beloved garden of flowers and other plants. She straighten up and ran towards him. The 3 called out to stop her but she didn't listen.

"Hey!" Chang'e yelled at him, and he gave her a menacing look. "Yeah you! Stop that at once!"

Balmond snickered, "Why should I?! And who are you tell me that, huh?!" He grunted. "Back off, girl." He pointed his axe to her which frighten the 3 bird fairies.

"Leave this place and never bother their flowers ever again!" Chang'e pointed to the 3 and gave him a tough look.

"Ha! Make me!" He smirked.

"BIU!BIU!BIU!!!!!" Chang'e unleashed moon blades at Balmond which gravely injured him on and on.

The Orc yield in pain, "OKAY! STOP IT PLEASE!!!" He screeched, raising both of his arms to surrender. "I just don't like cute things!"

"If you don't like a thing, do absolutely nothing with it! Now shoo away, you big meanie! Don't bother their garden ever again!" Chang'e said, with that Balmond took the time to truly apologize and left.