
Into the wizarding world as Neville Longbottom

Mc gets reincarnated as Neville Longbottom with a Daredevil system. Watch as his antics as he tries to save the world. George and Fred: Neville is the most Gryiffindorish person we have ever met in hogwarts! Dumbledore: "Is the power that Voldemort does not have recklessness." Neville Grandma: "Don't jump out the window dear, we do believe that you are a wizard!"

Ankit_writing_9705 · Book&Literature
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46 Chs

1st Suicide Attempt

"Now when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground, hard," said Madam Hooch.

"Keep your brooms steady, raise a few feet and then come straight down by leaning forwards slightly.

On my whistle-three,two__

But, Neville pushed off hard before the whistle touched Madam Hooch's lips.

" Come back boy she shouted but Neville was rising straight up like a Cork shot up a bottle until he reached thirty feet.

After that his hands left the broom and he began descending towards the ground.


After a Thud and nasty crack, Neville lay face down, on the grass in a heap. His broomstick raised higher and higher and flew out of sight towards the Forbidden forest.

After checking his condition to be nothing more than a broken wrist she took him to the hospital wing herself ordering the students to stay away from brooms the whole time.

The rest of the plot went as you know it.

Harry had been made a seeker for the Gryffindor team. Malfoy challenged them to a midnight wizard's duel at the trophy room that's always left unlocked for some reason. Hermione tried to stop him but the boys ignored her.

This ended up in a pink dressing gown wearing Hermione to follow them to make sure they didn't get caught and lost all the points Professor McGonagall had given to her in the Transfiguration lesson.

As for their infamous reputation she was too invested in her worry about points to care about that bullshit.

They ran into Neville just as they were on their way to the trophy room

A few hours ago

So, when Neville was lying on the bed in the infirmary glancing at the lottery wheel's prizes.

There were Devil fruits, chakra fruit, super soldier Serum, senzu beans, ultra divine water etc

The really good ones had little space on the wheel while the most space belonged to military pills from Naruto.

All of them appeared to be consumables but he would take any one of them happily.

He spun the wheel and the wheel rotated gradually slowing down and it finally stopped at a senzu bean.

Neville looked at the bean in system inventory and began to cry with his head in his hands.

Are you encouraging me to continue risk my life???

He was discharged by Madam Pomfrey in the night as his injuries had mostly healed.

He did not want to go to his dormitory and went exploring the Castle as he had reached 20 percent completion rate and unlocked the clone technique from Naruto.

Exactly as the name suggested it could make physical clones like Naruto did in the anime.

The clones divided his magic pool among them; the main body could replenish it's magic but the clones could not do so and would simply disperse after they had finished all magic.

His altered clone would be running on magic instead of chakra. And since he did not have much magic he would not be able to make a thousand clones for a long time.

He checked his spell proficiency and found that after two weeks of practice it had reached 8 percent.

This wasn't due to his slacking but because his wand affinity was very low. If he wanted to increase his growth he would have to switch to the ash wand provided by the system.

He explored the kitchen got some food from the enthusiastic house elves and went off towards the Gryffindor common room.

The kitchen contributed another 5 percent to his mission completion raising it to 25 percent.

Now he planned to meet up for the first night excursion of the boy who lived.

Present time

Neville excused that he had forgotten the password and after Hermione explained to him that the fat lady had gone off somewhere they all embarked on the journey to the Trophy room.

They flitted along the corridors striped with moonlight from the high windows. They sped up a staircase to the third floor and tiptoed towards the trophy room.

The crystal trophy cases glimmered where the moonlight caught them. Cups, Shields, plates and statues winked silver and gold in the darkness.

They edged along the walls, keeping their eyes on the doors at either end of the room. Harry took out his wand in case Malfoy leapt in and started at once.

The minutes crept by.

It became apparent that Malfoy had tricked them.

Needless to say that Filch was the one to arrive and they had begun a chase; with Peeves shouting and hence giving away their location, they had been forced to seek shelter in the forbidden corridor on the third floor.

And now they knew why it was forbidden.

They were looking into the eyes of a monstrous dog , a dog which filled the whole space between the ceiling and the floor. It had three heads. Three pairs of rolling mad eyes; three noses twitching and quivering in their direction; three drooling mouths, saliva hanging from silvery ropes from yellowish fangs.

It was standing quite still, all six eyes staring at them, and Neville knew the reason they weren't dead was that their sudden appearance had taken it by suprise but it was quickly getting over the suprise as there was no mistaking the thunderous growls.

Neville who was already prepared beforehand reached for the knob at once.

They all fell backwards somehow slammed the door shut.

They never stopped running until they reached the portrait of Fat lady on the seventh floor.

"Where on Earth have you all been?" she asked, seeing their dressing gowns hanging over their shoulders and their flushed, sweaty faces.

"Never mind that--- pig snout said Harry and the portrait swung forward.

They scrambled into the common room and collapsed, trembling into armchairs.

It was a while before they said anything.

"What do you think they are doing keeping a thing like that locked up in the school ?"

said Ron finally.

"If any dog needs exercise that one does."

Hermione snapped to correct the statement by stating that the dog was protecting something under the trapdoor.

After which she stood up and glared at them.

" I hope you are pleased with yourselves. We could all have been killed or worse, expelled. Now, If you don't mind , I am going to bed."

After a retort by Ron that wasn't taken seriously by Harry or Neville they went back to sleep.