
Chapter 6: Creep or Stalker?


Hazel eyes locked on to the entering figure of the oldest Lenner, his eyes were calculating it is like he can’t comprehend her. There is something about her that irks Kane Vertrude but it can’t always be a bad irk, can it?

The strutting figure of Artea Lenner entered the cafeteria, her aura was different it was more self-assured, confident, and dominating. The heads of some people turned to her direction, watching her closely they too noticed a change in her but they can’t pin point what.

“Hey Quinn, the practice will be after class right?” Artea asked the cheer captain. “Yeah, it is” Quinn replied while eyeing Artea up and down “What is up with you?” She continued.

“Nothing just felt refreshed you know… It’s been one hell of a life” Artea shrugged while taking a bite out of her burrito. The two got engrossed in a conversion consisting of gossips, complaints, cheer, and school.

In the other side of the cafeteria Greg was watching her sister with a confused look. Not knowing what changed in her but it was the way she walked with a unknown aura and fire in her eyes.

‘Unsettling’ he though but shrugged it off thinking it as her anxiety didn’t spike yet.

“What’s up with your sister” Terrence asked out of the blue. “I don’t know must be her confidence” the younger Lenner shrugged. “Confidence? She was more like dominating… didn’t you notice?” Terrence turned her head to look at Greg to confirm his affirmations but saw the Lenner boy furrowing his brows in response.


“Kel” I called my twin and she hummed. “Did you notice something’s off with that Lenner girl when she entered”. She answered “No, she was already there when I entered” she paused “Why?”.

“Something about her changed…” I furrowed my brows while staring at my locker. I can’t be sure what but something in her was there, maybe it was because of her confidence? Sure she can stand her ground but it was like she was refreshed? Changed? Unlocked?

It was freaking her nerves.

“She’s different” a low voice joined our conversation. “You noticed too?” I asked Kane and he nodded in response.

“Maybe she was just having a good day” Kelani suggested, typical answer from her because she always liked to see the bright side of things. “Maybe… but keep your eyes open” I suggested “We are not even sure if she is— you know” Kelani said.

“I know but still I felt something” Kane said while staring off to the distance, which was weird because I’ve never seen him more bothered. “Awww… Baby bro are you having a crush?” Kelani teased making me smirk at him.

Kane scoffed and said “When pigs fly” he paused and his shoulders were tense “Still keep an eye on her. We don’t want trouble” we just nodded at his statement.

Sure we might play around but we know when to be serious especially when it comes to the supernatural.


Strutting in a powerful posture in the cafeteria I feel all eyes on me and it felt exciting and thrilling. I know I might be overreacting but it is once in a lifetime so I took my chance besides it’s not everyday you will find a necklace in the woods with growing roots you know…

I felt this rushing feeling again I don’t know what it means, it might be a warning? A signal? I’m not but I am sure that there are 2 pairs of eyes watching my every move.

I went over to Quinn and talk about what most girls do and in the corner of my eye I saw my brother watching me confusion laced in his eyes but at this moment I didn’t really care. I am never the person to get mixed in with teen drama or talk about cliche girl things but I do love watching it happen.

My mind keeps on wandering over to the necklace around my neck it is currently under my shirt so that no one would know. I don’t know why but I feel like someone would take it away from me.

~After lunch~

I went to my next class and it is with hazel eyes, that guy who makes my blood boil, nerves rush, and— there’s just something about him that jolts a a side of me that I don’t even know I had.

Locking eyes I turned away and sat by the window. “Ok Good morning class today we will have a sitting arrangement so everyone listen” the teacher announced, most of the students groaned in annoyance but I just kept praying that I won’t have to sit beside him.

“Devon, Grace”

“Sully, Bea”

“Georgia, Kane”

“Kaylee, Artea”

I looked at the out spot and noticed that it is the girl who helped me in Math, I smiled at her and she smiled back shyly. I looked at the table behind us there he was beside her was a girl who keeps on batting her eyelashes at him… not surprising…

The class went on as usual… by usual means boring and I just take notes and doodle. My seat mate, Kaylee, was nice and shy not like this girls who literally will jump on someones bones, it was a nice change of pace.

After class we all went our separate ways and I went to my locker, feeling a stare burning through my back I didn’t turn to look at the person but minutes later it is still there I locked eyes with none other than Kane.

Seriously what is his problem?

I gave him a glare and closed my locker, I could still feel his eyes but paid no mind I walked in my next class thankfully he is not there. I even think that when I was in my class I saw him looking through the doors windows which creeped me out I should talk to Kelani about him.

“Kelani….” I whispered, she was diagonally across from me so she barely heard it “Kelani” I whispered-yelled at her she turned her head and gave me smile which I returned and gave her a piece of paper.

What is with your brother?

Tell him to leave me alone or

I’ll cut is dick off

She looked back at me shocked but snickering and mouthed ‘I am so sorry… I’ll talk to him’. Thank god Kelani was... understanding.

So far the Vertrude siblings were weird and troublesome, I don’t know why this keeps happening but it is something fishy that’s for sure.

After that class I went to the bathroom, I thought I heard something and the rushing feeling came back I know that there is something off but I kept my composure. And when they least expect it I have them pushed against the wall.

”What the fuck Kane?!” I shouted at him and glaring daggers. “Nice to see you too” he greeted still his hands on my arm that was against is throat “Can you let go now?” I immediately let go of him

“What the fuck is wrong with you? You keep following me! Are you high?” I shouted at him while trying to keep my voice down. “I wasn’t” he denied, he was already caught but he shrugged it off like it’s normal.

“You got caught asshole!” I looked at him with an accusing look he just looked at me calculating and his next words were “Look, I’m not a creep, I’m just looking out for you ok?” I was dumbfounded and gave him a confused look and that’s when the feeling came back the rushing feeling in my veins were like fire.

I tried to hold it in to control it but it was stronger when I’m near him, I also noticed that he keeps staring at me like I am some kind of puzzle. “Look I am willing to forget this only if you don’t do this again because if you do you won’t have eyes” I threatened him he looked surprised but masked it with a questioning look.

And I walked out, wanting to go home, the rushing feeling died down a little bit. I still can’t comprehend why is does this kept happening but I just have to do my research then.


“Power is power”