
Into the omniverse with a beast tamer system

This is a story of how a young man and his younger brother died in a tragic accident and were given the chance to travel the omniverse with the power of the { Beast Tamer System } WARNING This will be a slow-paced Fan-Fic and will also be my first time writing so do expect a few mistakes. I will also try to update chapters as much as possible as well as make the chapters at least 1000 words long. All rights to all the Anime, Manga, Moveis, Shows, Games and images I have used for this Fan-fic are reserved to the respective creators and companies.

Orian2209 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Battle for the camp 1

One hour earlier…


I patrolled the camp waiting for master and the nice guy to come back as I grew impatient.

(Man I am bored and that dumb rock is still sleeping! What should I do!) I shouted inwardly.

Suddenly I got an idea I looked around to see if there was any monster nearby.

(If there are no monsters I guess I could go for a swim… Besides if there were any I could send them off in one hit!) I thought as I dived into the lake.

I giggled with joy as I swam effortlessly in the lake.

'This is fun!' I said as I took a deep breath and propelled myself downwards.

I looked around and saw an entirely different world filled with all sorts of glowing things from plants, rocks, and small creatures.


(This is so cool!) I admired the beauty of the lake before I headed back up to the surface for air.

I smiled as I made my way back to the shore (I must bring master and kind guy down there it will be so much fun!) I thought with glee.

I then spot Dwayne rushing around the place with a worried expression.

'Oi what are you looking for?' I say as I shake the water off my body.

'Noir there you are! Where is master I think I am about to become lava again!' I hear him shout.

'Lava? Oh, you mean that thing where a sphere surrounds you, and after that is gone you get more rocks growing on you.' I say as I recall this event happening a few times while master was unconscious.

'Yes, I don't want him to worry so I want to tell before it happens again.' He said in a worried tone.

'Well, masters exploring the caves so I don't think you can tell him right now.' I explained the situation to him.

'Oh, I see! Well, I will start the process now then!' I hear him say before he glowed bright orange and a red sphere surrounds him.

*krik…krik…krik…* *Heavy footsteps*

As he floated up into the air I heard a sickening rattle and a chorus of footsteps echo through the cave.

I look to my left and see an army of giant black lizards heading toward the camp as they chase a group of large strange insectoid creatures.


'This is going to be fun!' I say as I empower myself as an array of colorful auras envelop me.

<Noir used Amnesia-1.3>

< Noir used Agility-3>

< Noir used Nasty plot-3.7>

< Noir used Quiver dance- 4>

< Noir used No retreat- 1.4>

I grinned as I molded a pair of sharp claws with the new surge of power.

I aimed my arm at the charging army and sharp green spikes burst out of my hand and towards the intruders.

<Noir used 'Pin missle-1.5'>

All the creatures halted their movement as a volley of quills pierced their hide.


The reptiles roared in pain yet the bugs just looked around confused as if they were tickled.

^KKKKKYYYYYUUUUU!^ I then shout with all my might disorienting them and gaining all their attention.

<Noir used Disarming voice- 2.05>

With all the attention on me, I mold my face to that of a terrifying monster making all of them stay still with fear.

'FEAR ME!' I shouted at the cowering creatures.

<Noir used Disarming voice- 2.1>

<Noir used Scary face- 3.4>

I once again aimed my arms at them as I conjured two pink beams of pure energy that hurled itself at the beasts.

<Noir used Twin beam- 2>

An explosion erupted fort sending them stampeding everywhere including in my direction.

Feeling my Mana levels were low I decided to go on the physical against my foes.

I grinned once more at the charging monsters as I hurled a flurry of fists at them.

{Think of Gomu gomu no jet gatling but nerfed by a lot}

<Noir used Rage fist- 1.6>

<Noir used Shadow punch-2.6>

<Noir learned Sucker punch-0.7>

With each and every second that passed insects and lizards alike fell to the floor dead or knocked out one by one.

Not long after all of the not knocked out creatures looked at the spectacle of me standing on a mound of bodies with awe and fear.

'WELL IS THAT ALL YOU WEAKLINGS GOT! COME AT ME COWARDS!' I taunted the masses with a sharp middle finger from my claws.

<Noir learned Taunt-1>

<Noir used Disarming voice-2.1>


The creatures rushed towards me with a newfound courage only for them to be knocked down and join the pile of their brethren.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a lone lizard retreat from the battlefield as I dodge a thrust from one of the scorpion's tail.

I then in return punched the creature straight between its eyes letting it stand there dazed as I released punch after punch on the creature.

As I was about to send the finishing blow one of the lizards rammed its head into me its fangs grazing me in the process as I flew back for another scorpion to grab me with its claw.

Just before I could register the pain it smashed me into the cave wall with gusto.

I then swiped my hand on its head with rage.

<Noir used Shadow claw-3.8>

As I slashed the thing a primal aura of dominance and rage consumed my mind.

<Noir used Outrage- 2.1>

<Noir used Fury attack- 4.5>

With the creature knocked out it let go of its grip and I was free from its grasp.

I savagely looked around me with rage and saw all of them retreating leaving their comradery and the dead or unconscious bodies of their allies to litter the cave.

I deeply inhaled and exhaled as I returned to my normal state.

(Calm down there is no one more to fight...) I thought as I rested against the wall my stamina almost depleted.

Suddenly I felt nauseous as my body heated up and pain erupted all over my body.

(It must have had poison in its claw! or was it that Lizard) I thought as I spasmed.

I hurriedly and with great difficulty pointed my claw towards myself and a soft pink light slowly shined from it.

<Noir used Heal pulse- 4.4>

I basked in the light feeling the poison being expelled from my body as I healed.

(I should be more careful next time. What if they hadn't retreated and ganged up on me as the poison worsened…) With a fully recovered yet still tired body, I made my way through the battlefield.





To be continued next time…

If this gets five power stones I will will give you all a chapter on sunday