
Into the omniverse with a beast tamer system

This is a story of how a young man and his younger brother died in a tragic accident and were given the chance to travel the omniverse with the power of the { Beast Tamer System } WARNING This will be a slow-paced Fan-Fic and will also be my first time writing so do expect a few mistakes. I will also try to update chapters as much as possible as well as make the chapters at least 1000 words long. All rights to all the Anime, Manga, Moveis, Shows, Games and images I have used for this Fan-fic are reserved to the respective creators and companies.

Orian2209 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


{Author here I'm so sorry I just realized I posted the wrong chapter a few days back so here is the actual chapter 18}

(POV- Lyra)

<Cyrus you have done enough sleep for now and let me do the rest.> I gently told my spasming host as I forcefully made him unconscious.

<Well now that that's done time to get to work…> I crack my imaginary knuckles as I open his status.


System: Beast tamer system

System host: Cyrus Ryker

Level: 1 [90 exp/100 exp]

Age: Physical 16, Mental 24

Current state: Unconscious, Seriously poisoned, Extremely fatigued, Serious Muscle spasms, Shut down immunity system, Muscle tear on the left leg, Major damage to the nervous system

Affinities: Ice SS, Water B

HP: 13.36/40

STR: 16/37

DEF: 23/32

SPE: 23/40

STA: 6.11/62

INT: 500/500

ACU: 12/47

MANA: 110/110

M-DEF: 76/80

M-ATK: 50/50

Tamed beasts: Amalgam geodude, Mimikyu, None x 47

Transformation: unobtained

Skills: Cooking-4, Gun works-6, Ice magic-0.5, Herbology-5, Engineering-6, Chemistry-8, Biology-6, Close combat-5.7, Mana burst-0.6, Carpentry-5, Pain nullification-6.7, Water magic-1, Scan-1, Brain time-1.6, Oceans vortex-0.5, Sub zero cradle -0.1, escapist -0.6







<Damn! He's in critical!> I shouted in fright and surprise as I examined Cyrus's condition.

I immediately got to work buying numerous types of potions emptying our 256-Sp to nothing in the process.





(POV- Cyrus)

I jolted up coughing as I looked around finding myself in an unfamiliar environment a giant cave illuminated by glowing foliage and luminescent water.


"WHERE-!" I was cut off by a sudden impact on my chest.

I wheezed in pain as I looked down and found Dwayne and Noir latched onto me crying their hearts out.



The duo cried as I awkwardly comforted them unsure of what was going on.

<Finally! Cyrus, you're awake!> I hear Lyra exclaim.

"…'Finally'? What's that supposed to mean how long was I out?" I say in a confused tone as I massage my head.

<Well long story short once you reached the cave your condition worsened and you collapsed. I bought some potions to heal you up which they did to a certain extent but you were completely exhausted.> She paused letting me process

(Right I collapsed back then…) I recalled the incident.

<By staying up all night keeping guard and running from the Deviljho your body needed rest a lot of rest which you have been doing for the past two days. So to keep you safe from any external threats I brought these two out after you collapsed and explained the situation to them.> Lyra explained.

"How exactly did you explain the situation for them to be like this?" I showed her Noir and Dwayne bawling their eyes out.

<I told them the situation is that you were at death's door by facing the Deviljho and needed to rest to heal so they needed to protect you and move you to a safer location.>

"So you believed that by exaggerating my condition they would listen to you?" I say as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

<Fear is good motivation and I wasn't exaggerating. The combination of the Deviljho's and Pukei-Pukei's breath attack messed up your nerves really bad, you spasmed a lot while Dwayne carried you over here increasing their fear.> She explained.

"And where exactly is here?" I say as I observe the illuminated lake.

<Well after you got knocked out we realized that even though we ran away from the Deviljho it was still outside hunting. So we made the logical decision to descend deeper into the cave since with how tight the cave was the only monsters in here would be only be a few feet high which they were->

"Hold up they had to face monsters! Are you two okay!" I immediately got up picked them up and examined their bodies for wounds.



<Don't worry they only faced small monsters and a few big but weak ones they're currently stored away in the subspace unconscious. After each battle, Noir would use heal pulse on himself or Dwayne so they're fine so can you please put them down gently they're getting dizzy.> Lyra reassured me

"Well if that's the case I guess it's fine please continue." I say as I put them down on the ground and sit down.

<Well as I was saying due to the monsters being weak we decided to venture onward defeating foes while I took the chance to accept a few missions and commissions to get some Sp among other rewards. By the way, commissions are basically just missions issued by sentries usually to get some materials unique to the dimension. Then a few hours back we found ourselves here in a cave system somewhere between the coral highlands and the rotten vile.>

"Is this place safe I mean the lake looks deep there could be some monsters inside?" I said as I cautiously eyed the lake.

<No I scanned the water it seems to be slightly acidic to a certain degree the only things inside are some plant life and some bioluminescent fish and crustaceans as far as I know.>

"I see well it's best we set up camp here for the time being before we do anything else. Noir Dwayne, you guys have done a good job protecting me so take this time to rest or play." I say as I embrace them in a tight hug.




One hour later…




I sat down next to the tent admiring the serene beauty of the cavern as I wondered what the best course of action would be.

(Hmm, I should try to get as many tames as I can but I also have a limit of fifty so I should choose them carefully. I can't return to the surface just yet these caves open many possibilities to gaining Sp and we are currently at the lowest point of the food chain so this is a chance for us to get stronger.) My eyes fell on the strange and unknown yet familiar ores around me.

(Now what monsters should I tame well there are Diablos, Glavenus, and many more but what monsters live where I am right now? If I go deeper I'll be the rotten vile so I could look for Girros they live in groups so it might be easier to tame. There are the Radobann as well their great tanks and amazing in close quarter combat but a tad bit too aggressive. If I go to the highlands-) My mind engulfed itself in the possibilities.




(POV Noir)

I explored the cavern looking for anything interesting with geodude who ate every rock he found

'Man, this place sucks! I can't wait to get to the surface!' I complained as I threw a rock.

'I don't see why Noir complain, this place has many strong enemies it is chance for us to get stronger. It also has great food!' Dwayne said as he caught the rock and plopped it into his endless gullet.

{When Dwayne is talking think of a thick Russian accent like Colossus from X-men and when Noir is talking think of a scout from TF2.}

'I guess that makes sense… but I miss the warm sun! This place is just dark and-' I paused as I felt a strange presence in fact I felt many presences near us.

'Dark and what wet, cold, creepy Noir have to finish sentence it not good manner to-.' I cut him off.

'Dwayne get master over here now! Somethings nearby something strong I'll investigate while you go get master!' I ordered him as I grew a pair of sharp claws and a transparent yellow and orange aura engulfed me.

<Noir used 'No retreat- 1.4'>

'Don't order me Noir, Noir not superior to me we are comrades, equals let me join! As strange voice says safety in numbers!!' The Geodude reasoned as he took a fighting stance with his fists bursting into flames.

<Dwayne used 'Fire punch- 2.1'>

'That's why I'm telling you to go and bring master over here he can help us! I'll be fine just go and get him here and fast.' I retorted with a reassuring smile.

'tch… you better not die Comrade!' He shouted at me as his fire ceased and his body gained a metallic shine.

<Dwayne used 'Autotomize- 1.4'>

In the blink of an eye, Dwayne vanished from my sight, and a trail of dust was left behind.




(POV Cyrus)

<Cyrus I don't think that would be a good idea to tame a Paolumu behind the cute facade it upholds it hides the nasty personality of a honey badger with anger problems and a pissed-off cat.> She suggested.

"Didn't plan to tame one but good to know they're shitty as I imagined… how about a Dodogama from what I know it's passive so it might be a good idea?" I say as I go through my stats along with the duos.


System: Beast tamer system

System host: Cyrus Ryker

Level: 3 [79 exp/250 exp]

Age: Physical 16, Mental 24

Current state: Normal

Affinities: Ice SS, Water B

HP: 56/56

STR: 40/40

DEF: 36/36

SPE: 42/42

STA: 80/80

INT: 500/500

ACU: 47/47

MANA: 156/156

M-DEF: 82/82

M-ATK: 50/50

Tamed beasts: Amalgam geodude, Mimikyu, None x 47

Transformation: unobtained

Skills: Cooking-4, Gun works-6, Ice magic-0.5, Herbology-5, Engineering-6, Chemistry-8, Biology-6, Close combat-5.7, Mana burst-0.6, Carpentry-5, Pain nullification-7.1, Water magic-1, Scan-1, Brain time-1.6, Oceans vortex-0.5, Sub zero cradle -0.1, escapist -0.6, Poison resistance-1.8


Sp- 468






Name- none

Species- Mimikyu- M

Height- 8 cm

Type- Shadow slime

Age- 2 days old

Type- Ghost, Fairy

Abilities- Keen eye- passive, Simple- Passive, Disguise- passive (Inactive), Contrary- manual

Current state- Cautious, Adrenaline filled, Stressed

Affinities- Ghost S, Fairy A, Bug D, Psychic A, Dark- C

HP: 156/156

STR: 59/59

DEF: 64/64

SPE: 41/41

STA: 213/217

INT: 120/120

ACU: 80/80

MANA: 300/325

M-DEF: 65/65

M-ATK: 90/90

Skills: Shadow claw-3.8, Shadow punch-2.6, Dark pulse-1.9, Twin beam-2, Heal pulse- 4.4, No retreat- 1.4, Disarming voice-2.05, Amnesia-1.3, Agility-3, Nasty plot-3.7, Quiver dance- 4, Leech life- 1.6, String shot-2, Space pouch-1, Future sight-1.2, Fury attack-45.3, Rage fist-1.6, Outrage-2, Pin missile-1.5, Protect-2, Heal burst-0.3, Scary face-3.4



Name- none

Species- Amalgam Geodude –Unknown variant- M

Height- 46 cm

Type- Earth golem

Age- 2 days old

Type- Rock, Steel

Abilities- Levitate- manual, Iron fist- passive, Sturdy- passive, furnace- passive, Adaptability- passive, Rough skin- manual

Current state- Absorbing Novacrystals, Iron, Onyx, Armor sphere, Tin, Copper, Silver, Obsidian, Basalt, etc., Stressed, Worried

Affinities- Earth SS, Combat A, Metal C, Fire D

HP: 45/45

STR: 94/94

DEF: 67/67

SPE: 25/25

STA: 80/81

INT: 60/60

ACU: 40/40

MANA: 135/156

M-DEF: 56/56

M-ATK: 35/35

Skills: brick brake-4, power up punch-2.7, thunder punch-2.8, nature power-1.04, iron defense-3, Autotomize- 1.4, steamroller- 1.4, iron head-2.3, magma bomb-1.4, rollout-2.6, fire spin-1.6, flame charge-2.3, tar shot-1.8, protect-2, quick guard-2, fire punch-1.4, Bullet punch-1.8, Rock blast-3, Geo storm-0.7


(Well that's odd whys Noir and Dwayne's current state say they're stressed unless-) My eyes widen as an object hurled toward me in the distance.

Upon closer inspection, it was Dwayne floating at high speeds "Hey buddy what's the matter-." I couldn't finish my sentence as I was grabbed by Geodude and placed on his back.

<Welp this is gonna be good! > I hear Lyra mumble in an amused tone.

"…eh?" I blurted out before Dwayne once again floated at high speeds toward an unknown direction.

"AAAAHHHH!" I screamed as I hold onto Dwayne's arms for dear fucking life as we zoomed through the cave.

"WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME!!!!" I shout in fear my voice echoed in the vast space that was the cave.

^No..Noi… Noir Danger!^ I hear the Geodude say his first words in a broken Russian tone.

Without me noticing my eyes gained a dangerous icy glint and glowed a light blue as my muscles tensed.

"…Put me down right now…" My tone asserted itself with seriousness and bloodlust.

Dwayne instantly stopped "Equip neo malware…" I murmured as I jumped off of him with purple smoke engulfing me.

I landed on my feet and immediately opened my inventory and took out my axes "Where…" I said with seriousness and adrenaline pumping through my veins.

Dwayne momentarily froze before nodding and zooming past me while signaling 'follow me' with his hands.





To be continued…