
Into the Deep End

Alora has physical scars and unfiltered fears. When a good-looking Aussie starts to show interest in her, she has a choice. Jump into the deep end and sink or swim.

Angela_Gaines1224 · Urban
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12 Chs

Lunch in Little Italy

Hudson's POV

Orientation was absolute torture. 

Maybe I should change my major so that I could be in more classes with her. God, I sound like a fucking stalker. I mean, really, what will I do with a sports and fitness degree? A gym teacher? A personal trainer? A useless human being? You know, I never asked her what she wanted to study. Then again, she never asked me either. I bet it's something that will better humanity. She did look so cute when she was soaking wet. I wonder why she didn't run. I wonder what she meant when she said she couldn't run? Do you think she would go out with me after this boring shit is over? We should have a late lunch. Go get pizza? I love American pizza. Why am I rambling on to myself? God, is this shit that boring?

"We will be learning that this semester. So, go buy the books listed on the syllabus, read the first three chapters, and write a detailed summary that is due at your next class," the professor droned on.

I headed out as fast as I could. I needed to find the bookstore. I am going to be late meeting Alora. She's going to think that I left her here. Maybe I should meet her first. Three hours and I already can't stand American university.

Fifteen minutes later, I finally found the bloody bookstore. It was packed with people. I was able to grab the last book that was on the shelf. I waited in line for another twenty minutes to pay for the damn thing.

"That will be 62.50." The cashier stared at me like I was the last book on the shelf."In American dollars?"

I watched the girls' faces as I spoke. She licked her bottom lip and bit the corner."I love the accent. Are you Australian?" She looked me up and down.

I am going to get so sick of the whole love your accent thing. Don't these Yanks understand that they are the ones who have the accent? So many accents in the States. So many ugly accents. However, I do really like those people from Boston. They have an awesome accent.I handed her my Black Card.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I heard the sweetest voice. "Hey, babe. Thanks for saving my spot. I felt her pull me down and press a kiss on my cheek. She put her books down with mine—"These, too. Right, Roo?"I turned and smiled at Alora.

"Of course, Darling. I am sorry I didn't wait for you."

The cashier looked at her, and she scowled. These American women were brutal. What happened to female empowerment? 

Alora put her arm around my waist and pulled me near. I decided to take advantage of the situation. "Are we still on for our late lunch? I was thinking of pizza."

"Umm. I..." I could tell I completely took her off guard.

The girl behind the counter watched anxiously.

"Of course. I know a great place, and we can have ice cream afterward." Alora smiled at me."That sounds amazing."

I took a chance and lowered my face to kiss her lips.

"YOU'RE CARD SIR!" The cashier shoved the card into my hand."Fuck,"

I breathed out. So very close, yet so very far.

"Thank you," I said through slightly gritted teeth. We grabbed the bags and left the store."What was up with that?' I let out a chuckle.

"She was about to devore you like a dingo. I couldn't just let that happen. I mean, I can go back and tell her that we just split up if you like," Alora said, smiling at me.

"Oh, dear God, no. You did save my arse."

"Your arse?"

"Ass. My ass," I said, clearing up the language gap.

"Of course." She peered around me to my backside. "And a fucking sexy arse it is." She winked at me, and it lit my cock ablaze.

"So, were you serious about accepting my lunch invitation?" Please say yes.

"I am a little hungry and Italian and addicted to carbs. Plus, my grandmother pinched my cheek and told me I looked emaciated and needed to eat."

"You look perfect—good enough to... go have lunch with." I gave her a wide, toothy smile. I took her bag from her. "Let me take that."

"I can carry my own bag." She yanked her bag away from me and gave me the cutest smirk. She had the cutest little smirk. When she did, a dimple formed on her kissable little cheek.

"If you insist. But my mum would be furious if I didn't try to do the gentlemanly thing."

"Your mum would seem to get angry at you very often." She laughed. "Blink twice if you feel unsafe at home."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her comment. "I know how we can solve this problem. I can keep my mum happy, and you can still hold the bag. And I only feel unsafe when my father attempts to cook."

She cocked her head to the side. "And how would that be?"

I swept her off her feet. She weighed nothing. She let out a little scream. "HUDSON WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"

"Making my mum proud and giving you your way. It is a win-win situation."

"You are crazy. You know that, right?" She held me tightly around my neck.

"For you."

"Really?" she said in a surprised tone."I was not supposed to say that out loud. You know, like you didn't mean to say how fucking hot I was out loud."

"Fair. However, get to know me, and you will change your mind. Me, on the other hand, I will always think you are fucking hot. Even if I find out that you have bodies buried in your basement."

"We just moved in, so I can neither confirm nor deny that fact." I couldn't help but laugh. When we got to the door, it was still raining. "So, this is not going to work." I put her down, and her pink and purple Nikes hit the floor.

"Well, guess Mum is going to have to give you a pass," she said, looking into the parking area.

"What? No. Come on. Get on my back like a baby Koloa." I squatted so she could jump on it.

"We call it piggyback here."

"I think Koloa is more accurate. I have yet to see a pig carry anything on its back."

She laughed and shook her head. "Touche."

She finally gave me the bag and then hopped on my back. I relished the warmth of her body. She put her chin on my shoulder, and I took off from the door, running to the car. I felt her grip tighten like a vice as she aggressively bounced on my back.

"HUDSON!" She was screaming and laughing; it was the sweetest sound I had ever heard.

We finally made it to my car, and I wished at that moment that I had parked further away. When I put her down, I immediately missed the warmth on my back. She threw the door open and jumped inside. When I got into the driver's seat, she looked upset.

"What's wrong, Darling? Did I do something wrong?"

"No. I am just sorry that I am getting your car all wet. I know these are not as cheap as a purple Pontiac Grand Am."

I brushed her hair back. "Darling, don't ever worry about my things. The only thing I worry about getting ruined or damaged are the people I love."

What if they are already damaged? she thought, this time not saying it out loud. 

I saw her staring out of the window. She had a sad look on her face.I had to break the sudden tension that was building in the car.

"So, where is the best pizza place in this town?"

"Well, if you want the best, we must go to Little Italy. There is a place called Mama Santos, and it is taste bud orgasmic. And then we can go to Corbo's for cannoli! So much better than ice cream!"

"A ca-no-li?" 

"You haven't ever had a... Of course, you haven't. Give me your phone." She motioned for my phone. I handed her my phone, and she pulled up my Google Maps. She tapped a few keys and put the phone back down. "Here ya go! I'll still help with the navigation."

I pulled out of the lot, and we jumped back on 90, heading West. I looked at Alora. She really was beautiful. I just have a feeling she didn't know it. "So, Alora. Tell me, what are you going to school for?"

"Physical therapy assistant. How about you?"

And yes. She is doing something to better humanity. "I am still undecided. I am leaning towards something in the health and wellness category." 

"Makes sense. I mean, look at you. You are built like a..." I watched as she bit the corner of her bottom lip.

"A what?" I smirked.

"You just look like you live a healthy lifestyle." And are carved out of marble; and belong in the Cleveland Museum of Art. On the other hand, I belong in the Case Western oddities department, pickled in a glass tank. 

"Tell me something about yourself. It seems like we might be spending a lot of time with each other this coming year, sharing the same classes and carpooling to college."

I smiled."Do you want to rideshare with me?"

"As long as you're driving? Yes."

"If it gets you in my car, then most definitely." I winked at her.

"Are we still talking about carpooling?" She laughed, and her cheeks turned a cherry red.

We actually found a good parking spot, which I guess was something short of a miracle on a Friday in Little Italy.

Alora told me that only five cities in the whole country have a Little Italy, and Cleveland is one of them. This place wasn't so bad after all. I had seen it made fun of in so many movies and on the TV, but really, it was a really wonderful place.

We were seated at a small table for two in the corner. I think the server thought we were a couple. The corner was dark and a little romantic.

"So, I love pineapple on my pizza. How about you?"

"Please tell me you did not just say that!" She glared at me.I loved the look on her face.

"No, Darling. I am just joking. I know how many of you Yanks feel about the pineapple on pizza debate."

"Well, then, what do you like on your pizza?"

"Mushroom and extra cheese. Then again, that is the only kind I have had since I have been here, but it was pretty bloody good to me."

"Then you are in luck because that is my number one absolute favorite kind!" She clapped in joy.

She reminded me of my little Shelia. "You're a bewdy. You know that?" I asked, looking into her beautiful, bright eyes.

"Bewdy? Is that a slang word or something?"I really need to learn more American slang. "It means pretty."

"Oh." She lowered her head and started to play with the wrapper from her straw. "Thank you. You know I--"

Her sentence was cut off when a guy with longer brown hair approached the table. He was about six feet tall, had dull brown eyes, and full lips that looked kind of like fish. He was an average-looking guy—too average to be with someone as pretty as My Darling.

"Hey, Alora."

I watched her become very uncomfortable. She was shifting in her seat. "Jayson, funny seeing you here. Shouldn't you be in ninth period?"

"No. I'm in the Hybrid program over at Tri-C."

"Really?' She looked at him. I could now see that she seemed to look just a wee bit angry. "I didn't know they had an associate degree program in asshole studies. Wait, you already have a Masters."

I let out a snort. He turned his gaze on me. "And who the fuck are you, pretty boy?" He sneered.

Being polite, I put my hand out. "Hudson. I just moved here from---"

"Don't care. Look, I'll give you a nickel's worth of free advice. If you are trying to get into her pants, don't bother. Her pants are painted on, meaning you will never get them off. She's a cock tease."

"I don't think you should be talking about a lady like that."

"Oh, of course not. And if I happen to see a lady, I will make sure that I don't." He smirked at Alora.

I couldn't believe the words coming out of this wanker's mouth. "Look, Jayson, I can't get in trouble because I have a future, but I am willing to make an exception for My Darling."

"You're Darling? Alora, did you actually suck a cock? Why else would he be defending you? We were together for four months, and I could get past second base! Tell me what does her mouth feel like? She does have those pretty---"

"Jayson, unlike you, there are very decent men in this world. Just because you seem not to be one of them doesn't mean they don't exist. And you never deserved my lips wrapped around your cock. Why don't you find a girl who has little self-respect and mor---"

"Look. I am just stating facts. I mean---"

I couldn't take this little wanker anymore. I rose to my feet and followed his eyes as he looked at me. I was about 7 inches taller than him. I knew damn well that if I got in trouble, it would cause me to defend my actions in the future, but for this girl, I was intoxicated by her presence, and I wanted nothing more than to protect her. "I think you should leave... Now." I growled. I saw the fear in his eyes no matter how hard he tried to hide it.

Just as he was about to say something, I recognized the girl from the English class I had taken this morning coming up behind him."Jay, Jay. I'm hungry," she whined, looking at Alora. "Oh," she sneered at her.

Then she looked up at me." She batted her eyelashes. "What a surprise to see you. You know, if you need help, my offer still stands." She gave me a wink.

I felt my stomach roll.

"Yeah, baby. I was saying hello to our newest Arc."

"We were never properly introduced." She leaned her elbows on the table so he could see her cleavage, her breasts squished in front of her face. "I'm Willow at your service."

Alora rolled her eyes and discretely shook her head.

I sat back down. I'm Hudson, and I think you have enough people to service."

Alora snorted and sipped her water; her eyes were the size of saucers. We all stayed silent for a few moments.

"Well, it was not nice to see you. So, if you would let us get back to our lunch, we have things to do later."

"Yeah, like what?" Jayson folded his arms across his chest.

"Maybe fuck in the back seat of Hudson's Audi. Either way... leave before I escort you out. I can get in trouble."

"Whatever," Willow said, turning on her heels. "Jay-Jay, let's go. These people are beneath us and a waste of our time."

He followed her like a lost puppy.

"What was that all about?" I had to ask.

"Well, you just met my ex and the one person I hate the most in life."

"Oh, which is which?" I made her smile. I love making her smile. Jay-Jay." 

She stuck her finger in her mouth, making a gagging sound. "Is the ex, and Willow Simmons is the founding member of the CUNT club. Very elite membership, but she's the very first member."

"Should I ask?"

"Not if you want me to be in a good mood for the rest of the night."I laughed.

"Maybe another story for another date?"

"A date? Is this a date?" she asked, looking at me cute and quizzical.

"Well, if you ask the Shelia at the bookstore, you are my girlfriend."


"It means girl. And were you serious about shagging in my back seat?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

Alora let out a laugh. "First off, this." She motioned between us. "It is certainly not a date; second, you heard Jay-Jay. My pants don't come off."

"I admire a girl with some morals. You don't have to explain yourself to me. Not everyone is out for sex."

She looked at me like she was trying to gauge if I was telling the truth or just trying to get into her pants. We sat for two hours and ate the best pizza I have ever had. We talked about a little bit of everything, but it was all trivial. I didn't learn much about her, and she really didn't learn much about me. I don't like to tell people much about my life. Not that I was ashamed of my life, but I needed to remain guarded to a point. We learned things like favorite foods. I found out hers was lasagna. And she learned that mine was Vegemite on toast.

"WHAT! Oh, I heard that stuff is super, uber, nasty!" She stuck her cute little tongue out. All I could think of was how much I would love to have that tongue in my mouth. 

"Have you tasted ketchup? You want to talk about nasty!" I stuck my tongue out, mimicking her.

She playfully slapped me on the arm. I love seeing this side of her. She is relaxed and playful. "Alright, well, now I am about to introduce you to something that will be your new favorite as far as sweets are concerned."

She took my hand, and she dragged me across the street. The green and red neon sign read CORBO'S BAKERY.

"Prepare to have your mind blown, Roo!"

That was the second time she had called me Roo. I loved it, but I didn't want to acknowledge it. I didn't want her to stop; for some reason, I thought that if I said something, she would realize she was saying it and stop.

The little bell above the door rang as we entered the little store.

"Hi! Can I help? Oh my God! Alora! I haven't seen you in forever! How are you? How is your Nonna?" The short lady ran out from behind the counter and embraced her. She jostled her from side to side. "You look fabulous but a little thin. Have you been eating?"

"Yes, Mrs. Corbo, I have been eating! And my Nonna is fine. She is living it up at The Lakes in Aurora. She loves it there. As she says, she finally has the social life she has always dreamed of."

"Tell her I said hello! I love that woman! So..." She stopped her sentence and looked at me. "Please tell me this is your betrothed Angel!"

Alora looked at me with wide eyes. "No! Oh, my heavens, no! This is my friend."

Yep, that was a gunshot to the soul.

"His name is Hudson, and he has never had a cannoli. He's from the land down under!"

"What! Okay. First, do not let Nancy see him, or she will have you married off before you graduate, and second." She stopped and ran her hands over my torso. I looked shocked as this little older Italian woman felt me up.

"Just go with it," Alora whispered to me.

"My, my. Have you felt this? Gesu Cristo!"

"Mrs. Corbo. Please stop feeling up my friend."

"Oh, I am so sorry! Please forgive me." The little woman made the sign of the cross. "You are so much better than that little idiota she came in last time! What was his name?"

"Jayson?" I said.

"Yes! Jayson! Little twat."

"Fionia!" Alora spat out.

"Oh, please forgive me! I'll go to confession later! Now, let's get this Jupiter here, some of our famous cannoli!"

"Jupiter?" I was confused."He's the king of all the Gods. Have you ever heard of the Greek God Zeus?"

"Yes. Him, I am familiar."

"So, as far as the Roman Gods are concerned, Jupiter is equivalent to Zeus."

"Oh. I am flattered." I said with a sly smile.

"Four cannoli Fionia. Let's do two regular and two with a chocolate shell."

She ordered, and the little woman went back behind the counter."Of course. I'll throw in a few Italian butter cookies. Have you ever had an Italian butter cookie?"

I shook my head with a smile. "I am willing to try anything you want me to try. I want to immerse myself in My Darling's culture."

My Darling? Fionia mouthed to Alora.

I watched as Alora blushed. God, she was so adorable.

After Fionia kissed me for the twelfth time, we finally walked out of the bakery with a bag full of Italian pastries.

"So, now, what do we want to do?"

"I have an idea." She took my hand and took me up Murry Hill to Lakeview Cemetery. "A cemetery?"

"Trust me. You are going to love this."

"I'm going to love walking through a cemetery?"

"Come on."

She pulled me through the gates, and we began to walk around. The place was actually quite beautiful. She told me that a music video was once filmed there. The man our school was named after, Charles F. Brush, was buried there. She showed me the graves of John D. Rockefeller, Elliot Ness, American President James Garfield, and the Haserot Angel that sits on the top of the mausoleum for the family of Francis Haserot. She explained that the giant statue represents "The Angel of Death Victorious".

It had a very eerie and mysterious presence. We sat on a bench near the Garfield Monument and unpacked our pastry picnic.

"Thank you for bringing me here. This is one of those places I would never have thought to go if I wasn't with a local." I took a bite of the cannoli. My taste buds exploded. It was one of the most unique flavors I had ever tried. My eyes grew wide. I couldn't help but let out a small, satisfied moan.

"It's good, right?" she asked me.

I turned to look at her. She smiled, and her thumb touched the side of my lips. "You have a little something right here," she said.

She wiped away a small dollop of cream off my lips. I watched as she put her thumb in her mouth. God, this girl is killing me!

She took a small cookie from the bag. "Come here. I want to introduce you to someone."

To say I was confused was an understatement. I followed her. We went about a hundred feet from the bench as she stood before a headstone. I stood by her as she placed the small cookie before the stone. Her face grew solemn. "Mom, this is my new friend Hudson. He's a nice guy. He's from Australia. And he now loves cannoli more than vegemite."

I watched her as she let out a small giggle. She dropped to her knees. I knelt beside her, able to tell her how much this meant to her and how special it was that she had brought me here.

"It's a pleasure to meet your soul, Mrs. Petrella. Your daughter is a spectacular person and tour guide."

Alora started to sniff. I looked at her, and tears were rolling down her face. "Alora, are you okay?"

"That is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard, Roo." She rested her head on my shoulder. "I have never brought anyone here before, not even Chesney. This is extremely special to me. I'm not even sure why I brought you here."

She started to cry a little harder. I took her in my arms, and she climbed into my lap. I held her for—I don't even know how long—I kissed the top of her head and held her tight.

"I am so sorry. You probably think I am a crazy, emotional psycho," she said, wiping her tears on her shirt.

"No, it's okay. I can tell this is something that you really needed. I am honored that you shared this with me. Tears, cannoli, and all." I helped her to her feet.

"I have one more thing to show you, and then we can go." She kissed the headstone. "I'll be back soon, Mom. I miss you and love you."

Much to my surprise, she took my hand and led me to the main building at the front of the cemetery by the main gate. She led me inside, which was filled with what looked like a hundred glass display cases. She showed me around.

"These are the memorials to those who have donated their body to Case Western Reserve Medical School. They died and left themselves behind so that others could learn. Even if a person feels they never made any difference in their waking life, they can be proud to know that they have in death."

"Wow. I didn't know. I respect these people for their contribution. Sometimes, we can't help the living without help from the dead."

"That was really poetic, Hudson." She looked up at me, and our eyes met.

I wanted to kiss her so badly. This felt like the right time. If I go slow enough, she will have time to pull away. I lifted her chin and slowly lowered my head. I could feel her breath on my lips, the smell of cannoli filling our breath. So sweet. We both closed our eyes, and our lips ghosted over each other's inches away. I cupped her cheek, and just as our lips were about to meet, we heard the door open and a small child's voice.

Alora pulled away like my touch had scorched her skin. "Umm. Yeah, let's get going. My dad is leaving town, and I need to get home to say goodbye."

My heart sank. I wasn't ready for the day to be over. I wanted more time with her, more information about her. Begrudgingly, I returned to the school and took her back to her car. It was an extremely cute little car—and it was, in fact, purple.

"Thanks for showing me a little bit of the city today. I really had a wonderful time, Darling. Maybe we can do something like it again."

She fidgeted with her keys. "Maybe. I did have a good time." She was hesitating to get into her car. "Look, Hudson, about the thing with my mom..."

"I won't say anything. I have a feeling that Alora Petrella has a rep to protect." I smiled."Hug?"

She smiled. "Sure, I wouldn't mind a hug."

I enveloped her and held her close to my chest. "Thanks for letting me meet your mom. If she were half the girl you are, she would be an amazing woman."

I felt her take a deep breath, inhaling my scent. She looked up at me, and again, I thought this would be the ideal time to kiss her, but she pulled away abruptly.

"Thanks for driving today. You are a really nice guy, Hudson. I can tell you're going to be a really good friend."

I felt like an arrow had just pierced my heart. She had friend-zoned me. Isn't that what they call it? Friend-zoned. She hasn't even given me a chance. I don't want to be a good friend, though friends would be an excellent first step. I waved at her as I watched her drive away. I took a deep breath and headed home.