
into the blue

Alan_Prakash_2633 · Sci-fi
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2 Chs


He replied with a serious look on his face

"Its not just any swimming pool.

Long ago,it belonged to a talented young woman with keen interest in practical robotics.

She created dozens of robots to do odd jobs arround her house,but she was especially fonnd of the one she'd created to clean her swiming pool.The little machine toiled endlessly, scrubbing the ceramic blue sides of the pool.But the young woman wasn't satisfied with the job it did. So she gave it a full color vision system, and a brain larg enough to process the visual data into a model of its surroundings. She gave it the ability to make its own decisions,to design different startegies for cleaning the pool. She continued to use the machine as a test-bed for new hardware and software. And by stages ,it became more and more aware. Eventually the woman died. The little machine was passed from one owner to the next. They added things, made modification here and there and with every iteration,it became more alive.

Became more ME"

After finishing that sentence I take a deep breath with shock. He continued

"This is the same pool.I had it dug up moved here"

Without reliving from that shock I said

" But you're a man with machine parts, not a machine that thinks it's a man."

He replied to me by placing his eyes on the horizon

"Sometimes,it's difficult even for me to understand what I've become. And harder still to remember what I was once."

In that moment I talked to myself loud and realised

"The blue of the tiles..."

He intersected and said

"Zima Blue, the manufacturer called it. The first thing that I ever saw. This was where I began. A crude little machine with barely enough intelligence to steer itself. But it was my world. It was all I knew, all I needed to know."

I asked him by raising my head and looking into his mechanical eyes

"And now?"

Opon The day of the zima Blue's final art's reveal, he appeared in the spot light. The cheering and clapping of the crowd across the stadium echoed . There were people from across the galaxy to see the final piece of zima blue.

As he walked towards the fully filled blue pool and dived into the pool with appearing a smile in his face I heard the answer for my last question ringing in my ear

"I will immerse myself. And as I do, I will slowly shutdown my higher brain function...un-making myself... leaving enough to appreciate my surroundings...to extract some simple pleasure from the execution of a task well done. My search for truth has finished at last.