
Into a Parallel World

Bai Yi Yang is a 26 years old genius who mysteriously transmigrated into a parallel world. While fleeing the organisation to save herself from being killed, Bai Yi Yang was saved by the power of the system and entered a body in a parallel world. Her name is the same and even how she look is similar. Only that, the timeline is 10 years behind and she became a 16 years old high school student again. Luckily she didn’t come to this world alone, she have the most incredible creation of human in her original world, the system that can even help human cheat death. Of course her system is not the kind of cold and unfeeling system, maybe even a bit silly and a little glutton. Turns out, her 26 years of life before cannot be calling as living at all, living the current kind of simple life is much more interesting. She will cook a lot of delicious food, farm fruits and vegetables, catch delicious fish, forage mushrooms and do a lot more things that is possible with the system’s help. With Bai Yi Yang determination and hard work in addition to the incredible system, the Bai siblings will only walk on flowery road from now on. Follow the Bai siblings together with their adorable pets to slowly transform their life from poverty to comfort, from a bitter fate to a life full of sweetness. They will get entangled to new people, make new friends and reunite with their family. NOTES: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, places, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Enjoy reading it with light heart :)

LeCiev · Urban
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271 Chs

Chapter 130: Old Zhou house celebration

When Bai Yi Yang and her siblings arrived, people are also start coming. There are chairs arranged under the canopy, Old Zhou invited quite a lot of people, other than the villagers, there is also their relatives from outside the village and also friends. No wonder the food they prepared were quite a lot. The food should be enough for more than 200 people, so they should have invited about this much people bah.

"You are here, why did you bring your camera?" Zhou Zhu Yao who is welcoming guest with her Second brother call her over.

"To take pictures ah. I will send it to you later." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"Good niece! I can always depend on you." Zhou Zhu Yao pat her on her shoulder.

"Ge, you bring them to take a seat bah. I will go around to take pictures." Bai Yi Yang said. Bai Yi Chen bring her siblings to sit somewhere and save a seat for Bai Yi Yang.

The children look around but they can only see their friends sitting properly next to their parents, seems like they can't play for a while now. It is always like this in events like this, at the beginning the children is still controllable, but when they are used to that place, they will go crazy and forget about their parents.

Bai Yi Yang start going around, she took pictures of the guests and also the Zhou family. Grandpa Zhou and Grandma Zhou is meeting people and Bai Yi Yang will tell them to take pictures with those people. It's basically like that.

Bai Yi Yang also take pictures of the food arranged neatly on the long table and the conspicuous whole roasted pig. Many people has seen it and they are also amazed with the scale. Usually when they are called to eat at the village, the food will be at most 2 meat dishes and 2 vegetables dishes, they heard that Old Zhou house has prepared 8 dishes in total, only 2 vegetables dishes.

When it was 4.30 pm, all guests has arrived so the event can be started. It's actually just a simple events, the host will hive speech, toast the crowd and they will start eating. The style is not like the one sitting at round table and eat, the style is more free, queue up to take the food and find a place to sit and eat. Very free, very casual.

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone who came today. Today is the wedding anniversary of me and my old wife. But other than that, we are most thankful that our family can come together again after many years. So, we decided to call all relatives and friends to celebrate this with us and eat a humble meal from our home. Cheers!" Grandpa Zhou come forward and toast everyone.

"Cheers!" Everyone also lift up their glass to toast. Even the small Bai Yi Fang joined the crowd with her orange juice. Wishes of congratulations came to the Old Zhou family from everyone.

"There is nothing else to say, please get up an eat. I especially invited a special 'chef' to help cook the dishes today, that's why we prepare a bit more today, afraid that the food is not enough, see if everyone like it." Grandpa Zhou said. Bai Yi Yang smile awkwardly and she even hear giggles from the Zhou family members while looking at her.

100 something people start to queue up and the Zhou family members become busy again. They gave out plate and chopsticks, the serving pot is also opened. Fragrant smell of food immediately waft into the air, people who is still sitting and wait for the people queuing also stood up to look.

"Good food! Seems like your family really invited a chef." An elderly man said to Grandpa Zhou. They didn't expect the food to be this good honestly.

"Of course ah. How can you not believe me? See, do you think anyone can make it?" Grandpa Zhou boast. He is one of the first few people who queue up. He is the host but he also cannot wait to try the dishes, so he queue up with his old friends.

When the covering was opened, Bai Yi Yang came closer and took pictures of each dishes, she also wait at the end of the long table and take pictures of people who finished taking food. The last station will be Aunt Mei who hands out a bowl of seafood soup.

"Take pictures, take more pictures! This is my cousin, you can call him 4th grandpa." Grandpa Zhou said when he and a certain elder arrive in front of Bai Yi Yang.

"Okay." Bai Yi Yang smile and take pictures of the two old men. After that, they returned to their seat and Bai Yi Yang continue taking pictures.

When it was her siblings turn, Bai Yi Chen also carry an extra plate for her.

"Thanks ge." Bai Yi Yang said. She will eat later when everyone has taken their food. Other than that, she also need to feed TongTong.

The people was full of praise with the food when they have a taste. Almost everyone stood up to take a refill, some even return for a third round.

"Old Zhou, which restaurant chef did you call over? Is it from the city? I have tried Bifang Restaurant before, they are not as good as this." Someone from Grandpa Zhou circle ask. Bifang Restaurant in their town is famous, but not many people can go there since the food is quite expensive, but even that is not as delicious as Old Zhou's house food today.

"Actually I was just kidding, it was a granddaughter from my wife side that help with this." Grandpa Zhou laugh.

"A real chef?" Someone ask. When old people gather, what else will they talk about other than their younger generations ah. What more if that person in subject is excellent. This question make Grandpa Zhou laugh louder.

"A high school student. She is just very talented in cooking. The one taking pictures there is her. That group of children is her siblings." Grandpa Zhou point at Bai Yi Yang who is taking pictures, then towards Bai Yi Chen and the Bai siblings who is sitting at one place with the other Zhou family.

"That is your granddaughter? They come from the city?" Another ask. When looking at Bai Yi Yang and her siblings which look pretty and clean, his curiosity is pique. Not that there are no good looking kids from the village, but the aura is just different.

"No. Stay in this village, but their house condition is good, that's why they doesn't look like other from the village. Even my second son will work at their orchard, it's the same place which I told you about my 2,000 yuan salary." Grandpa Zhou spilled the tea. He really cannot help it when it comes to bragging about Bai siblings.

"That one, the one you said was clever and very bright?"

"Yes, exactly that one. Wait, I will call her over." Grandpa Zhou said.

"Yi Yang, Yi Yang.." Grandpa Zhou called. Bai Yi Yang put down her camera and walk over with a smile.

"Grandpa.." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"These are my old friends. They heard a bit about you so they were curious." Grandpa Zhou said.

"Hello elders, my name is Bai Yi Yang. Can just call me Yi Yang." Bai Yi Yang introduced herself. The elders heard her surname and become even more confuse, isn't Old Zhou wife surnamed Shi? How come this child is called Bai? However, they didn't ask about that, they ask a few things like her study ah, her fishing stories ah. They only let her go when Grandma Zhou called Bai Yi Yang to stop chatting and eat.

"Their maternal grandmother is the one surname Shi. They originally come from Bai family in City Bei." Grandpa Zhou explain.

"Where is their parents? At City Bei?"

"That..their parents is dead. The five of them are orphans." Grandpa Zhou sigh.

"Orphan? Then, did the parents leave many inheritance. They don't look like children who don't have parents at all."

"Not inheritance. They had a hard life, but the two oldest brother and sister is capable, so they can live like this." Grandpa Zhou said. So just like that, they gossip about the Bai siblings, how they first come here ah and how they survive this two years ah.

Bai Yi Yang who finally can seat eat her meal while chatting with the other Zhou family, even when she is already finished eating and came to take food for TongTong, there are still people who came to take food.

"I heard you cook this?" They will ask her this and then ask her where she learn to cook. How to make the dish like this and like that. As a result, Bai Yi Yang was delayed again, when she arrived at Zhou Zhu Yao bedroom, TongTong is already impatiently waiting for its food.

"Sorry.." Bai Yi Yang grinned. TongTong don't have time to answer and start eating.

'Taste good!' TongTong said as it eat the meal. Bai Yi Yang stayed in the room and chat with TongTong until it finished eating.

'The people here is so curious about you siblings. You are more famous than Second Zhou family now.' TongTong said. It can hear the conversation, so of course it knows what the people topic were about.

'Let them be. It cannot be avoided.' Bai Yi Yang said.

"Yang Yang, you are here. Come, I will introduce you with my friends." Zhou Zhu Yao com to the bedroom and said to her.

"Jie, I will wait for TongTong to finish. I will come out later." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Okay. Come out soon." Zhou Zhu Yao said before leaving again. Bai Yi Yang nod.

The two system and host chat while the other one is eating. Nothing in particular, just about the guests, the Zhou family and so on.

'What do you think about the Second Zhou?' Bai Yi Yang ask the system. She didn't ask the system first about him before agreeing with the employment.

'Not bad. It's just that your relationship with him won't be as good as the rest of Zhou family since he will look at you more seriously. Second Zhou has more complex and calculative mind than the rest of the family. He will do his job seriously and take responsibility but he is the type that will look at your as an outsider too since you are considered his boss. I think it's quite good ah.' TongTong said.

'En, it's good that we have this kind of relationship. It won't be awkward for me to give him orders as subordinate too in the future. I plan to ask Zhang Yong for his employment contract for now, since I am not at legal age yet. It's not good if there is no black and white agreement between us.' Bai Yi Yang said.

'That is also okay, you take Zhang Yong company employment contract, change the conditions and benefit, but still using Zhang Yong name. I think that's quite good. Wait until you turn 18.' TongTong said.

'Okay.' Bai Yi Yang nod.

After that, Bai Yi Yang clean up and bring TongTong to come with her. Since she is free now, she can walk around with TongTong on her shoulder.

Bai Yi Yang came out at 5.30 pm and went to meet Zhou Zhu Yao friends. There are 4 people who are standing there with Zhou Zhu Yao, 3 woman and 1 man. No matter how Bai Yi Yang see it, one of them look so familiar but she cannot remember clearly where she had seen her before.

"Yao Yao jie." Bai Yi Yang came to Zhou Zhu Yao.

"Yo, Zhu Yao. I heard this girl call your father as grandpa, your brother as uncle, but you are a jiejie? That's interesting." The only man in the circle said teasingly, making the rest smile.

"Yan Jun, you shut your mouth for me!" Zhou Zhu Yao said glaring at him.

"You must be Yi Yang, the one who have me the gift last time? I am Han Dong, we are all the same age as Zhu Yao, since you call her jiejie, call me jiejie too." Han Dong said. Han Dong is the car owner that they borrowed from last time, she has short hair and wear a glasses, her dressing style is a bit boyish.

"Hello Han Dong jie." Bai Yi Yang nod at her.

"This is Yan Jun and his wife Ding Yulan and this is Hong Min. You can call them jie or ge." Zhou Zhu Yao introduced them to each other.

"Hello jiejie and gege." Bai Yi Yang smile at them.

"Oh right, Hong Min, you teach at QiYing high school right, Yang Yang is also going there." Zhou Zhu Yao suddenly dropped the bomb. Bai Yi Yang was unprepared, so she just greet her teacher as jiejie? She finally remember where she had seen her, it was the school assembly. At school, Hong Min is really different than now, now she is wearing a skinny jeans with boots, hair is free whereas at school she dress more conservatively and a glasses.

"Zhu Yao, you really spoiled the mood. Outside don't call me teacher, call me jiejie." Hong Min said with a smile and pat Bai Yi Yang head.

"Understand." Bai Yi Yang nod.

After that, they all chat lightly. Bai Yi Yang is very mature, even though she may still be younger than them even in her previous life, it wasn't much difference, they all can converse smoothly. The only difference between them is that Zhou Zhu Yao and her friends has started drinking wine like other adults group but Bai Yi Yang only drink juice with TongTong laying on her shoulder.

"She is 16, she can have a little taste." Han Dong said when they stopped her from filling Bai Yi Yang glass with wine.

"You crazy?! There is a teacher here watching." Zhou Zhu Yao would have agree if Hong Min wasn't there. She also think Bai Yi Yang have similar mental age as them, so there is no problem. Just let her drink. But, Hong Min is still undoubtedly a teacher in QiYing, this is not a good idea.

"Hey, hey. I am not narrow minded. I can close one eye today." Hong Min giggle. She is also a bit drunk by now.

"No, all of you are bad influence. Yi Yang, you drink orange juice." Yan Jun ends up saving the day, out if them now, he is the only one sober because he cannot drink. He is the driver today, even his wife is drunk now.

"Yan Jun ah Yan Jun. You wait, when you have a child, I will bring her to party too." Han Dong said as she hit his shoulder.

Zhou Zhu Yao circle consist of herself, Han Dong, Hong Min and Yan Jun. Yan Jun wife Ding Yulan just recently start joining them after she married Yan Jun. Since they get along well, they become a 5 people group now.

Bai Yi Yang stay with them until 6.35 pm. She need to return now because the road will be very dark soon, even now it is already dark a bit. They need to use the mountain road, so they need to leave early. After saying goodbye to Zhou Zhu Yao and her friends and also the Old Zhou family, she leave with her siblings and TongTong.