
Intertwined Perfection

"No matter what happened to you back then Rufi, there ain't no thing dark about you. You are an Angel. My angel" his words.... She was raped in her thirteenth year of life, she was banished from her home. Rufina Brown loses her luxury life in a moment. She now has to survive on her own in a strange land. He was trained to mingle with the rich, never with the poor, yet this young damsel makes him feel things he had never felt before. She needs him......... He needs her........... They are intertwined.

Daniella_Alli · Urban
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24 Chs



   "You know I never got to know why you were crying the first time we met" 

I was eating a strange looking meal with a weird name but with an amazing taste which Rufi convinced me to eat for lunch with her.

Bernice had come into my office twenty minutes before break and told  me so formally I laughed.

"Mr Ivan William Martinez Its twenty minutes to your next appointment which is at Henry's bar with one Miss Brown eyes and I'll advise you head out now so as not to keep her waiting" and she left.

As if to prove her words true, Rufi had called out to me as soon as I entered Hen's

"I knew you'd come"

"Who would miss a time with comedienne Rufi" I'd teased

"There's this meal I want you to try out" she'd said excitedly. "Its the days special, just ignore the look and eat ok?"

As if I could tell her no "what is it called?"

"Ikokore "

The name so scared me

"iko--- what?" I'd asked wide eyed.

"i-ko-ko-re" she'd said pronouncing each syllable as a whole word

"i-ko-ko-re" I'd repeated.

The stuff looked like child's poo, trust me it took all my will power and the hopeful look in Rufi's eyes to get me to taste it.

But man! It tastes really awesome.

"I went for a job interview"  she answered the question I asked her before my mind had started its rewind.

"And it didn't go well?" Who had the nerve to tell her no?

"The interviewer was very cold, she asked if I saw a sign outside that said 'underage needed' " she let out a sad sigh

"What!" That's rude "Some people just need lessons on etiquette"

"I really tried looking matured that day, I borrowed my sister's suit, I made myself up and that's what I got " she really looked down

"Why do you want a new job, you don't like Hen's" I voiced my though cus she does the cooking here most times and they taste amazing.

"Ivan!" She gave me her dumb-ass look "I have to make more money, I need to go to school and I can't be a cook forever you know" she raised her eyebrow.

She need to go to school? I don't get this. Since when did it become a child's responsibility to fend for herself?

I thought something's only existed in Nollywood but this is reality "what class are you in?" I needed to access some things here.

She shot me a dirty look but still answered me "Just finished secondary"

"OK! Which uni do you plan on going to?"

"For now, I don't know " she shrugged.

"You'll have to forgive me Rufi, but aren't your parent suppose to pay your fees?"

She went pale and I immediately asked myself why I have a hole in my face.

"Scratch that" I apologized and she nodded. "How many years do you plan to work before going to school"

"I've been working since I was in SS2 plus I need to get into school fast, for goodness sake I'll be eighteen next month!"

My ears buzzed and the caveman in me beat his chest "eighteen?" I dropped my spoon loosing interest in the food "perfecto!" I grinned.



  Did I just agree to go on a date?

No no! It can't be happening, I'm really scared of guys on that level, I do well with them as friends but  date?

I'm in serious trouble and I need help "Henry? I need to go home" I panicked.

"Sure! Go ahead, is Ana-Blaire alright?"

"She's perfect, this isn't about her" or is it?

'Fine! Hurry and attend to whatever it is but know you can always talk to me Ok?"

"Of course, thanks" I said before racing out. I caught a bike and paid a ridiculous price home.

"Maria!" I called out then I remembered she wasn't around. I can't do this without you I almost cried out

"Hello" I choked out when she answered the phone

Giggling "Hey how are you...Victor stop!"She giggled again.

Her laughter only made it worse 'cus I broke down "Maria, I-I- need y-y-you" I stuttered.

"Are you OK?, Is something wrong with Ana-Blaire?" Maria sounded scared.

"It's not Ana-Blaire, it's me" I told her

"You? Are you feeling sick?"

"No I'm not sick Maria-----"

"Then what's wrong" she cut me.

"I accepted to go on a date without meaning to" I confessed

"Is that it?" Disbelieve evident in her voice.

"Yes" I sounded unsure.

She hissed "listen to me young Lady you're over due for a date, I know you're scared but I've told you a million times don't let your fear rule you or they will ruin you, so go get dressed drop Ana-Blaire with her Nana and go enjoy yourself Rufi " she said in that no-nonsense tone.

"But - "

"No buts Rufina Rose Brown! Call me when you get back and have fun, I love you" And she cut the connection

"Ooo!" Maria could be stern at times, but I really want to go. I looked at my phone screen 1:35pm. He said he will be at Hen's at 7:00pm I had to call him to come here instead.

I can't call him if I do I'll chicken out, l'd better text him.

Me: I had to leave Hen's early i'm at home.

I gave him my address.

Then I went to sort out my cloth now that Maria's words still gave my courage

About two minutes later my phone beeped

Ivan: Alright I'll see you at 7 :-)

1:38pm. I ran over to Mrs Wellington's and explained

"About time" was her reply.

First I had to get Ana-Blaire from school by 2:30 then sort out my hair and cloth and shoe and any other thing that comes handy



Suddenly, all my designer suits seem unattractive, I've been in my closet since 4:00pm and it was almost 6:00pm.

Crazy I know but I was trying to look affordable not expensive.

I finally settled for an aqua silk shirt and a black trouser.

Sprayed a little perfume did a double check to make sure I was presentable. I gave myself a little pep-talk then went out.



"Why don't we just eat something Nigerian" i groaned for the nth time

I seriously don't have appetite for all this Mexican color-riot food. I'm still trying to adjust to the fact that this drop dead gorgeous man was eating dinner with me.

"Come on Brown eyes, we're at a Mexican restaurant" he fake pleaded

"hmm!" I played along "But they look gross"

'Not as gross at the child's pooh you fed me this afternoon" he held his chest pretended to throw up "Now I wanna thrown up"

I laughed so hard my belly ached "Better don't"

"There's only one thing that will stop me"

"What's that?" My cheeks were still smarting from laughing hard

"Eating a Mexican soup" He gave a mischievous grin

Who would say no to this guy when he grins that way. Really no one should have such a charming grin

"Alright!, if I throw up..."

"I got your back" He promised

"Fine! Bring it before I change my mind" I said in a bossy tone and he laughed

"Coming right up ma'am"



If there was one person who could make eating pleasurable it has to be Rufina Brown. The look on her face as she held her spoon looking at the bowl of caldo de res on the table was very hilarious.

"I told you I got your back" I reminded her

"Hmm! I hope this doesn't taste as bad as it looks"

I gave her a blank look.

"Alright! Alright! Ggrrrrr!" She took the spoon tentatively and dipped it into the bowl, after giving me a glare she put the spoon in her mouth.

The world best drama was as her face went from disgust to pure pleasure "hmm!" she took another spoon.

The one who wouldn't be able to eat definitely was me. Those lips of her's could tempt a fella, and that is a temptation i couldn't resist. Didn't want to resist.

"You're not gonna eat" Rufi said as one scoop follows another into her mouth.

I blushed grateful she couldn't read my thought.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you. But is there a law that states 'Mexican guys shouldn't eat when a girl is'? "

I blushed deeper, this isn't fair I could blush for her to see which I've never done in front of a lady before, not even my sister or Bernice, and she couldn't so it made it easier for her to hide her embarrassment or as it were in my case  guilty conscience.

"No, I was just enjoying watching you eat" I picked my spoon just as she lowered her gaze from embarrassment. Fair play!

We eat the remains of over food in companionable silence.

"So Brown eyes, tell me about yourself"

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