
Interstellar Tattered Queen

Crossing to a garbage star in the interstellar age, Ji Yu is so poor that she is about to plow the soil and eat it, but… the soil is poisonous and can’t be eaten… There is no way, she can only lower her body to pick up the garbage, sell it and sell it. of…… For example, no one wants such beautiful grass seeds. Pick up a bead and sell it online. But as soon as I posted it on the Internet, someone made a negative comment: “All the grass seeds and fruits are sold. Are you crazy to think about money?” A few days later, the man slammed the wall in regret: “Kneel and beg you to sell me one grass seed and fruit, only one! One is fine.” Ji You said coldly: “Not for sale!” For another example, these shattered stones on the street are so shiny that nobody wants them. Pick them up, polish them into bracelets, and sell them on the Internet. The crowd made nasty words: “Broken rocks are all sold, haven’t you seen the money?” A few days later, everyone wept bitterly and said, “I have no eyes, I am clumsy, such a beautiful and beautiful stone, please beg me for one.” Ji You said, “It’s gone.”

Line_Huang · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

Chapter 22 Killing the Jackrabbit

Leah screamed.

Most of the star beasts have rough skin and rough flesh, and are very resistant to being beaten, and the destructive power of the star beasts is very terrifying, but humans are different. Compared with the star beasts, humans are particularly fragile. The jackrabbit kicked Leah. Her whole body hit Tielimu. Fortunately, the protective clothing she wore was thick enough, so her head was not broken on the spot. However, this fall also made her unable to move for a while...

The long-eared rabbit seemed very angry when it saw that it only attacked one person. It turned around suddenly and attacked Xie Chuanxiong and Xie Lingzhi who were nearby. The two reacted quickly. When Lia was attacked, Xie Chuanxiong had already He took out the energy sword in his hand and slashed at the long-eared rabbit. The long-eared rabbit flicked its head, and its long ears directly deflected Xie Chuanxiong's energy sword attack. Here it was about to be proud...


 Xie Lingzhi's dagger arrived. The long-eared rabbit was unprepared and was hit in the neck. In an instant, blood flowed freely -


 The jackrabbit let out a painful cry and rolled its whole body.

Although the star beasts are powerful in terms of force, they are not as cunning as humans. In fact, Xie Chuanxiong's attack just now was just a feint attack. The purpose was to attract the attention of the jackrabbit and create opportunities for Xie Lingzhi's attack.

Here, after Xie Lingzhi succeeded in striking, he quickly took a step back, but Xie Chuanxiong stepped forward and stabbed the jackrabbit's injured area at an extremely fast speed.

 The jackrabbit twitched in pain.

Xie Chuanxiong tensed up his nerves, not daring to be careless, and thrust out the second sword at an extremely fast speed!

 The third sword!

 The fourth sword!


It wasn't until the jackrabbit could no longer move that Xie Chuanxiong stopped and put away the sword in his hand. Due to the close range attack, his thin face was splattered with the blood of the jackrabbit, but he didn't care about himself at all. , but turned to look at Leah and asked with concern: "Lia, are you okay?"

By the end of the battle, Leah had calmed down a bit. She rubbed her belly, stood up, faced everyone's caring gazes, and reassured: "I'm fine, don't worry."


Xie Chuanxiong felt a little relieved and said: "Clean up the scene and we will leave here immediately." After the previous battle, the body of the long-eared rabbit and blood stains were left on the scene. These blood stains will attract other star beasts to come over. Therefore, basically no one can stay within ten miles nearby.

 After the battle was over and the danger was lifted, Ji You and Grandma Jenny ran over after confirming that there were no other abnormalities nearby. Jenny took a closer look at her granddaughter's body and breathed a sigh of relief after finding that there was indeed no major problem.

Leah chuckled and said, "Fortunately, this jackrabbit is only level 1. I was only kicked and no other injuries were caused."

Ji You said: "Sister Lia, you were too careless just now. You can't do this next time."

Leah nodded and said, "Yes, I understand."

Xie Lingzhi saw that these people were still writing ink, frowned, and said, "Can't you help clean up the scene and chat again?"

With Ryan not present, how could Xie Lingzhi still be cute and cute? Her sharp teeth and claws were exposed at once, and she had a bad temper to begin with. She was not willing to team up with Ji You and Grandma Jenny, two useless people with extremely poor talents. Even Lia, an outsider She thought her talent was pretty good, but in Xie Lingzhi's opinion, her talent was just that. Didn't Liya suffer a loss in the actual battle just now?


These weak scum.

  It's all a hindrance.

Hearing this, Xie Chuanxiong frowned and said, "Lingzhi, please stop saying a few words. Besides, everyone just worked together and cooperated to kill the jackrabbit. Do you think we can kill it so quickly just by ourselves?" ?"

After hearing what his brother said, Xie Lingzhi curled his lips and said no more.

Ji You and Jenny were silent and silently stepped forward to help clean up the scene. First, they had to bury the blood stains with soil. Otherwise, if the blood stains were allowed to be exposed to the air, sooner or later other star beasts would be attracted.

The second is to pull out the long-eared rabbit's teeth and claws. The long-eared rabbit's teeth and claws are a common mecha material and can be sold for a good price. This is why a few people are willing to risk it. The reason why he killed this jackrabbit was dangerous.

The person responsible for collecting the teeth and claws of the long-eared rabbit was Xie Chuanxiong. He took a short dagger and very carefully peeled off the teeth and claws of the long-eared rabbit bit by bit. Then, he smiled. He said: "The quality of this long-eared rabbit is good, and the teeth and claws are very tough. It should be sold at a good price."

Several people were very happy after hearing this.

Here, Ji You, Grandma Jenny, and Lia have already cleaned up all the blood stains nearby. Everyone gathered around to check the materials collected by Xie Chuanxiong. The teeth of this long-eared rabbit are very white, especially the two front teeth. It's as sharp as a knife, with a silvery sheen, and it's scary to look at...

While others were responsible for cleaning the battlefield, Xie Lingzhi had already taken the lead and grabbed the energy weapon that the Jackrabbit had chewed before. When she picked it up and saw it was an energy machete, she immediately curled her lips.

This energy machete is modeled after the machete used by butchers to kill pigs in ancient times. The blade is very large, about the size of two adult heads. The length of the blade makes it look very clumsy. It does not fit Xie Lingzhi's aesthetics at all, so She threw it to her brother without hesitation and said, "Brother, take it."

 Xie Lingzhi was very disdainful of this energy weapon, but Ji You was very greedy.

 Even though it looks ugly, it is still an energy weapon!

However, Ji You knew that although she was the discoverer, she did not make any effort during the fight with the jackrabbit, so she was embarrassed to directly ask for the energy machete.

Xie Chuanxiong took the knife, looked at it carefully, and said: "This knife is a level 2 energy weapon, but unfortunately it is damaged. Look at its energy loading port. The damage is very large, so it The energy in the battery leaked out, attracting long-eared beasts that like to lick energy. If you want to repair it, you may need to spend 2-300 credits."

Xie Lingzhi frowned and said nonchalantly: "Then don't repair it, just take it to a second-hand store and sell it."

Leah slightly disagreed and said: "This is a level 2 energy weapon!"

Level 2 energy weapons are basically sold for more than 1,500 credits, which is very expensive for everyone. Except for Ji You, there are no energy weapons here. Xie Chuanxiong, brother and sister, and Liya's grandson and grandson all have one, but everyone's is only level 1.

 As long as you don't go into too dangerous places, level 1 energy weapons are enough for daily use.