
Interstellar Tattered Queen

Crossing to a garbage star in the interstellar age, Ji Yu is so poor that she is about to plow the soil and eat it, but… the soil is poisonous and can’t be eaten… There is no way, she can only lower her body to pick up the garbage, sell it and sell it. of…… For example, no one wants such beautiful grass seeds. Pick up a bead and sell it online. But as soon as I posted it on the Internet, someone made a negative comment: “All the grass seeds and fruits are sold. Are you crazy to think about money?” A few days later, the man slammed the wall in regret: “Kneel and beg you to sell me one grass seed and fruit, only one! One is fine.” Ji You said coldly: “Not for sale!” For another example, these shattered stones on the street are so shiny that nobody wants them. Pick them up, polish them into bracelets, and sell them on the Internet. The crowd made nasty words: “Broken rocks are all sold, haven’t you seen the money?” A few days later, everyone wept bitterly and said, “I have no eyes, I am clumsy, such a beautiful and beautiful stone, please beg me for one.” Ji You said, “It’s gone.”

Line_Huang · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 21 Anomaly found

Jiyou only paused for a few seconds before picking up the ax and continuing to chop down the tree.



 Three times.


 Finally, it broke, and the tree roots fell to the ground.

Ji You stepped forward happily, took out the short knife in his hand, and began to peel the skin. After cutting off the iron pear wood, it is much easier to peel off the skin. Insert the knife edge along the gaps in the skin fiber tissue, and then cut slowly...

After the bark and stump are completely separated, then the fibers inside are divided. These fibrous tissues are like silk. After removing the debris and leftover materials, a complete silk can be extracted. Once these silks meet the air, they will Quickly materializes and becomes very tough.

 Ten minutes later, Ji You got about three taels of silk thread.

She blinked happily and put it into the basket she carried with her. Then she raised her head and looked at Grandma Jenny and Leah next to her. She saw that they were working together, faster than herself, and had collected two pieces. tree.

Noticing Ji You's gaze, Lia turned around and smiled at her: "Ah You, have you finished picking one? Not bad."

Ji You scratched his head and smiled: "Well, after all, I am already proficient in collecting."

 "Come on."

Lea made a gesture and continued working.

When Ji You took back his hand, he realized that the skin on his palm was scratched. It was caused by using too much force when cutting with the knife. This was a common thing and she was used to it, so she continued collecting without changing her expression.

 When you are busy working, you can hardly feel the passage of time.

Sweat broke out on her forehead. She raised her hand to wipe it. She accidentally glanced at the time on the computer and suddenly realized: two hours had passed.

Ji You looked around and found that Grandma Lia and Jenny were about 15 meters away from her, which was not too far away. The quality of the iron pear tree at her feet was really good. Ji You was a little reluctant to give up, so she I thought I would finish collecting quickly and join them.

 Bent down and was about to take action.


Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of something not far away. There seemed to be something shining next to a huge boulder. Jiyou concentrated and quickly cheered up. She clenched the ax in her hand and stared at the shining place.

 One second.

 Two seconds.

 Three seconds.


 No movement.

 Is it possible?

 Not a star beast?

Ji You didn't dare to be careless, so she took the opportunity to send a message to both Lia and Xie Chuanxiong.

 Then, she stared over there and found the flash of light, which suddenly flashed again. It seemed that it was not coming from the star beast, but—

 The light of energy weapons!

Ji You's eyes suddenly lit up. If he could see an energy weapon, he would make a lot of money.

However, she did not dare to act rashly, and still stared quietly, always paying attention to the movements around her. Just a few seconds later, Liya's voice came from her brain: "Ayou, what's going on?"

Ji You said softly: "I saw an abnormal light and thought there was danger, but it seemed to be the flash of an energy weapon."

Leah said: "Don't move yet, wait for me to come over."

Jiyou: "Yeah."

 Subsequently, Xie Chuanxiong also sent an inquiry.

Ji You answered him as usual, and received the answer that he and Xie Lingzhi would rush over immediately.

Ji You is a very steady person and not very curious. She adheres to the principle of putting life safety first in everything and is determined not to run over to check in advance. There are too many hidden dangers in this deserted place.

Let's not talk about the crisis from the star beasts. Let's just talk about the human beings themselves. If they are not familiar with each other, or not in the same team, robbery, theft, plunder...but it happens from time to time in this unsupervised wilderness.

 Energy weapons suddenly appeared…

In case it is not left behind by others, or left behind by the previous deceased, it is likely to be a living person -

 While waiting, the light flashed several times and then suddenly stopped.


 For about ten seconds, there was no movement at all.

Jiyou looked tense.

 Suddenly there was a sound of slight footsteps in his ears. When Jiyou turned around, he heard Lia's familiar voice: "It's me -"

After Liya arrived, Jiyou's nerves calmed down a bit, and she whispered: "Over there..."

Lea took a look in the direction Jiyou pointed, her expression suddenly tightened, and she lowered her voice and said, "It's a long-eared rabbit."

Jiyou opened her eyes wide: "!!"

Lia's mental strength and physique were much higher than Ji You's, and her senses were much sharper than Ji You's. She just took a brief look there and understood the situation thoroughly, and came to a conclusion with certainty. Looking at Ji You Yuzu's eyes widened in shock, and Lia pressed her index finger to her mouth and whispered, "Quietly, don't talk."

 "Wait until Ah Xiong comes over and then deal with it."

 The two girls leaned together, not daring to speak loudly for fear of disturbing the jackrabbit next to the stone.

The long-eared rabbit's hair is very similar to the dead branches around it. If it weren't for Lia's confirmation, Jiyou wouldn't be sure that it was really a long-eared rabbit. The long-eared rabbit was lying next to the stone with its entire body, its ears slightly turning...

 As for the shiny thing, it is really an energy weapon.

Leah said: "It is an energy machete, but there is not much energy left, so the light it emits will flicker for a while and then stop for a while."

Ji You's eyes lit up when he heard this.

After the energy of these energy weapons in the interstellar is exhausted, you can buy a new energy battery and continue to use it. The price of this energy battery is much cheaper than the energy box used by mechas, and the price is 50 credits per unit. , one session can be used non-stop for about 200 hours. Of course, these energy weapons are very convenient. If you don't use them, their energy will automatically stop consuming.

If it were really an energy machete—

Ji You wished she could rush over and check immediately, but she still had the patience to wait for Xie Chuanxiong to come over and check together.

 Two minutes later, Xie Chuanxiong and Xie Lingzhi rushed over together.

Noticing the movement around them, the jackrabbit suddenly flicked its ears. Several people quickly held their breath and focused. The jackrabbit looked around and found nothing unusual. Then, it continued to chew the energy machete at its feet with its mouth.

 "Level 1 Jackrabbit."

  "Can be dealt with."

If it were a level 3 jackrabbit, those people wouldn't say anything and would run away quickly, but now it's a level 1 jackrabbit. According to the force value of these people, they can definitely kill it. So after making the judgment, Xie Chuanxiong said: " Ayou keeps an eye on the left, and Grandma Jenny keeps an eye on the right. You stay where you are and guard the surrounding area." The two of them with lower force values ​​will not participate in the battle, and they will only be placed on guard.

"Ganoderma lucidum, go to the right and get closer to it."

 "Leah, you approach it from the left."

 "Me, move closer to the middle. Everyone—"

 Xie Chuanxiong raised his hand, making a gesture of action.

Although the team does not often move together, we are neighbors after all and are familiar with each other. Everyone quickly took their places and moved forward one by one according to Xie Chuanxiong's arrangement—

 The jackrabbit flicks its ears again—

By the time it sensed the danger, Xie Chuanxiong's attack had already reached the top of its head. The jackrabbit instantly flung out its ears and struck back. At that moment, it jumped to the left, but immediately, Leah's attack also arrived.

The jackrabbit was caught off guard and was stabbed with a sword.

It was startled, suddenly pulled out its long legs, and swept around randomly. Leah was suddenly swept aside without warning, and his whole body smashed against the branches of the ironwood tree...