
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Trial Business

One night, only a couple came into the shop and bought two fish balls.

"Ten yuan!"

On the first night of the trial business, despite the short duration of only a couple of hours, why were only two fish balls sold?

The feeling at that time, Li Zhi still remembered even after ten years, but the Li Zhi at that time had already experienced to the point of being calm in the face of favor or disgrace.

Xiao Qing was at a loss, looking at Li Zhi, wanting to comfort her boss but unsure of where to begin.

Dong Xiaorou didn't say anything, she just patted Li Zhi's shoulder and calmly said, "There were few people tonight, let's see tomorrow!"

Was it because there were few people?

Li Zhi's smile seemed somewhat forced as he nodded, and at this moment, for some reason, the voice of that woman, Zhao Xueying, appeared in his mind again.

Will you sell it for 80 million?

What did I say at that time? It seems like I won't sell, right? And then I added her phone number to the blacklist.

Was that a mistake?

Li Zhi took a deep breath, clenched his fist, and suddenly smiled again. So what if he lost? When he had no money, didn't he still manage to get through it? Even if this shop doesn't succeed, he still has the factory, and... what's there to be afraid of!

"Let's go, close the shop, and go home to sleep!"

Because Huang Pangzi came again to process 500 catties of large yellow croaker fish balls, the processing fee was 250,000. Additionally, there were still over 100 catties of large yellow croaker fish balls left. This time, he didn't sell them to the Star Moon Bay Hotel. Li Zhi kept them for himself to eat, sell later, or give them away. All good choices.

It's not a big deal to run back and forth to the village factory to process fish heads, and a place to stay is also needed here. Li Zhi rented a three-bedroom apartment near the university town to prepare it for future employee dormitories.

Li Zhi had his own room, while Dong Xiaorou and Xiao Qing shared a room. Dong Xiaorou and Xiao Qing were from the same village, not only familiar with each other but also had a good relationship.

Lying on the bed, Xiao Qing turned over and looked at Dong Xiaorou eagerly, asking, "Sister Xiaorou, what kind of person do you think the big boss is?"

"Dà lǎobǎn" is how Li Zhi is addressed, but he actually wanted her to call him Li Ge. However, she refused, stating that the boss is the boss and rules cannot be broken. Li Zhi was at a loss, not knowing who made this rule.

"What kind of person?" Dong Xiaorou paused for a moment, a smile gracing the corner of her mouth. She shook her head and remarked, "I don't know, but I suspect he's not a good person!"

"Hehe, Sister Xiaorou, you always tell white lies." If the big boss were not a good person, would you still stand by his side? "I think the boss is a good person," Blackie also told me the same. Xiao Qing said playfully.

She was six years younger than Dong Xiaorou and three years younger than Blackie, at a very lively age.

Dong Xiaorou smiled but didn't say anything. She was by Li Zhi's side to make money, not for him as a person. Whether others believed it or not, she believed it.

"Do you think this shop, opened by the boss, can make money?" Xiao Qing asked with some concern.

"It should be able to. Isn't it selling well at the beach near the village entrance?" Dong Xiaorou said.

"Then why did we only sell two fish balls last night?" Xiao Qing said worriedly.

Dong Xiaorou smiled and said, "Word of mouth spreads quickly; perhaps the shop will be busy tomorrow." Business is like people; some individuals can make money, while others cannot. Some people live their whole lives as individuals, while others are not individuals at all!

"I don't understand, hehe, but I know you're cursing the people in our village!" Xiao Qing said playfully.

Dong Xiaorou jokingly scolded, "You little troublemaker, you understand everything, stop pretending." "Alright, go to sleep quickly; we have to get up early tomorrow!"

The next morning, Li Zhi was the last one to wake up.

After leaving the community, he took both of them to eat wontons before heading to the shop. These days, Li Zhi was responsible for opening the shop.

"Are you coming back today?" Li Zhi asked with a smile after dropping Dong Xiaorou and Xiao Qing off at the shop.

Opening the door, a business trial begins!

"Aren't you going to stay here and watch?" Dong Xiaorou looked at Li Zhi and asked in confusion.

Li Zhi thought for a moment, shook his head, and said with a smile, "I'd better go back." It's more important over there. Whether the business here is good or not doesn't depend on whether I stay here or not. People who like it will naturally come to buy. Once the shop is open, the next step is to build a customer base.

Li Zhi's thoughts mirrored Dong Xiaorou's. If Happy Fish Ball could sell well in the village, why couldn't it sell well here?

In terms of the taste and texture of the fish balls, Li Zhi was 200% confident.

So he thought, even if the initial business wasn't good, it would eventually become popular. He just didn't know how long it would take.

Li Zhi had considered promoting at the university gate, but later decided to wait and see how things unfold. Happy Fish Ball Shop was located right in front of the entrance to Sea City University. When students exited the campus, they were greeted by the eye-catching sign. Whether they chose to come in and eat or not was not something he could control.

"Well, you go back, I'll stay here with Xiao Qing." Dong Xiaorou thought for a moment and shook her head. She also didn't feel at ease leaving Xiao Qing alone here.

"Alright, then I'll come back to pick you up tonight!" Li Zhi turned and walked out.

As soon as Li Zhi drove away, someone arrived at the shop.

"It's this shop." When I came back to buy last night, the shop was already closed. "The fish balls in this shop are especially delicious!"

Four girls came in, and the one who spoke was the girl from the couple who bought the two fish balls last night.

"Is it really that delicious?"

"I am absolutely not lying to you. If it's not good, you can bite me." "Miss, please give me two fish balls!"

"Get two for us, too!"

Dong Xiaorou smiled and asked, "What flavor would you like?"

"I want the clear soup!"


The four people had different tastes, but each of them bought two fish balls. They didn't rush to leave but took the paper cups from Dong Xiaorou and started eating in the shop.

After the first bite, the bouncy and smooth texture made their eyes light up. The unique freshness then melted in their mouths, offering a chewy texture and great taste.

"Is it really delicious?" "The girl who initially praised the fish balls asked playfully."

"Yes, it's delicious!"

The other three girls nodded simultaneously.

"Please get me two more!"

"I want two too, no, get me five!"

Dong Xiaorou nodded with a smile, and Xiao Qing excitedly helped. In a short amount of time, the four girls bought a total of twenty fish balls.

On average, each person bought at least five items, with an average spending of 25 yuan per person.

"Xiaoli, there's a fish ball shop that opened at the school gate." The taste is really good. "Do you want to come and try it?"

After leaving the shop, the four girls started calling their friends to come and taste the fish balls.

In addition, they also posted on WeChat Moments, praising the fish balls at the 'Happy Fish Ball Shop'!