
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Business Booming

The taste is excellent!

Sometimes, just three words can be a "golden" signboard.

The soup base at Happy Fish Ball Shop is not the focus; the key lies in the fish balls themselves. This is different from the typical snack shop model. Whether it's the soup base or the fish balls, they are made with real ingredients, absolutely free of any additives, so you can eat with peace of mind.

"Sophie, I heard that there's a new snack shop at the school gate, and the fish balls there are especially delicious." "Shall I go buy a few for you to try?"

Sophie is a campus beauty, pursued by hundreds of admirers. Coming from a privileged background and blessed with a beautiful appearance, she holds high standards and naturally looks down on ordinary men.

The man speaking is Wang Zheng, the vice president of the student union, a handsome and tall third-year student. It is said that his father is an official in the city, and his mother is a businesswoman. He has quite favorable conditions in all aspects.

Sophie has a mild fondness for Wang Zheng, but she can't say she likes him. At least, she doesn't dislike him.

"Fish balls?" Sophie frowned and asked, "Can you even eat that kind of thing?" "I don't like not knowing what it's made of!"

Not liking it means Miss Su doesn't want to eat it!

Wang Zheng chuckled twice, a hint of coldness flashing in his eyes. "Princess Sophie, do you think it's easy for me to act with you every day?" If it weren't for the fact that you're Miss Su from the Su family and you have a decent appearance, I wouldn't even bother. My own mother also does not allow me to use my methods. Just a woman, once I've won her over, she'll be obedient!

Dong Xiaorou's words are right. Some people are human, while others are merely beasts in human form. It's hard to draw the bones beneath the skin, and it's hard to understand a person's heart.

As the saying goes, life is like a drama, all depending on acting skills. Good people, bad people, it's not written on their faces!

"I heard them say that." "How about I take you to Love Sea for dinner tonight?" Wang Zheng changed the subject with a smile.

"No, I've made plans to go to the gym for yoga with a few sisters from the dorm tonight," Sophie shook her head.

"Then I'll accompany you!"

Sophie frowned. She really dislikes this persistent behavior. Her tone gradually turned unfriendly, "No need." We're both girls, so it's not convenient for you to come. "I have to go." "Call me if you need anything!"

As Sophie's figure walked away, Wang Zheng's smile disappeared. Muttering to himself, he cursed, "Stupid b*tch," but his voice was low. When classmates approached, he quickly resumed his sunny and confident smile.

The girls' dormitory!

Sophie pushed open the door and entered the dormitory.

"Fei'er, you're back." Open your mouth. Her roommate, who had a good relationship with Sophie, handed her a skewer with a white round fish ball on it, teasingly offering it to her.

"What's this?" Sophie asked in confusion.

Her roommate chuckled and said, "Happy Fish Ball." It tastes amazing. Try it quickly.

Sophie initially didn't want to eat it. She was repulsed by these "street snacks" and thought they were not very clean. But the other person had already brought the fish ball to her mouth. If she avoided it, it would be too embarrassing.

Helplessly, Sophie had to open her mouth and take a small bite.

"Hehe, how does it taste?"

Her dorm friend asked with a smile. They had been roommates with Sophie for almost two years and were familiar with her princess-like temperament. If it weren't for the fact that the fish balls from Happy Fish Ball Shop were exceptionally delicious, they wouldn't have fed her directly.

At first, Sophie only took a small bite. After tasting it, she took another bite, savoring the flavor in her mouth.

"I didn't lie to you." "The taste is good, right?"

Her roommate handed her the paper cup. In a long paper cup, there were four fish balls specially brought back for Sophie by them.

Sophie, who was picky about her food, unknowingly finished all four fish balls in the paper cup, feeling a lingering sense of satisfaction.

Delicious, great taste, wonderful texture.

Sophie had grown up eating all kinds of delicacies, but she had never tasted such delicious fish ball snacks before.

"Where did you buy these?" Sophie asked.

"A new Happy Fish Ball shop has opened at the school gate!"

"Happy Fish Ball Shop?" Sophie remembered the name.

The number of returning customers increased dramatically. Word of mouth spread quickly on the university campus. With everyone having friends, if there was something delicious and fun, they naturally wanted to share it with others.

One person's recommendation might not be taken seriously, but what about three, five, or ten friends? It would flood the social media feeds.

Foodies are everywhere!

"Call Li Zhi and ask her to come back immediately!" Dong Xiaorou told Xiaoqing. The number of customers in the shop was increasing, and both employees were getting busier.

"Okay!" Xiaoqing took off her gloves, entered the room, and dialed Li Zhi's number using Dong Xiaorou's phone.

"Xiaorou, what's up?" Li Zhi answered the phone as she had just arrived at the Fish Head Village factory.

"Boss, it's me, Xiaoqing." Sister Xiaorou is busy attending to customers. "Hurry back, the shop is too crowded, and both Sister Xiaorou and I are overwhelmed!" Xiaoqing said excitedly.

Feeling overwhelmed by the crowd? How long had he been away? It had only been a morning, and the fish ball shop was already booming!

"Also, ask her to bring back another batch of fish balls from the factory, so we don't run out," Dong Xiaorou instructed Xiaoqing.

"Sister Xiaorou wants you to bring back another batch of fish balls." That's it. "Hurry back, the shop is packed!" After saying this, Xiaoqing hung up and went back to help Dong Xiaorou. She handled money, gave change, skewered fish balls, and boiled them in the soup pot.

The fish balls in the pot were not cooked yet, but the ones that were cooked had already been sold out.

In the area outside the partition, which covered about twenty square meters, it was already crowded with people, and there were still many individuals waiting in line outside.

It was too bustling!

From being ignored to struggling to keep up with the demand for fish balls, it had only taken one night and one morning.

"Boss, is something wrong?" Hei Zi asked as he saw Li Zhi, who had finished the call and seemed lost in thought.

Li Zhi smiled and shook his head. "Nothing, Xiaoqing called me." She said, "The shop is full, and they need my help."

When he left, Li Zhi also took away over a thousand pounds of fish meatballs from the factory. After some thought, he also took a few dozen pounds of "yellow croaker fish" to make "yellow croaker fish balls." He instructed Hei Zi to guard the factory and produce at full capacity.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when he returned to the city!

Parking the car in front of the shop, Li Zhi looked at the long line of people outside and couldn't help but be amazed.

So many people?

"What are you doing?"

"It's you." Can't you see so many people are queuing up? "Get in line at the back!"

"Yeah, where are your manners?" Where are your manners? No cutting in line. "Get in line at the back!"

Li Zhi looked at the girl in front of him, smiled wryly, and touched his nose. It was a good thing that there were so many people here; otherwise, it would be easy to be misunderstood.

"Sorry, sorry." I'm an employee of this shop. I'm here to deliver goods!" Li Zhi said loudly with a smile.

With over a thousand pounds of fish balls packed in several large insulated boxes, Li Zhi couldn't carry them all by himself. He had to ask Dong Xiaorou to come out and help him carry them in.

Dong Xiaorou was even stronger than Li Zhi.

"What's going on?"""

After they entered the shop, Li Zhi asked Dong Xiaorou, who was busy.

"What's going on? Business is booming. "Aren't you happy?" Dong Xiaorou replied calmly.

Business was booming, and Li Zhi was naturally happy. He just wanted to know how the fish ball shop suddenly became so popular.

"I'm not sure about the details," Dong Xiaorou shook her head. At first, there weren't many people coming, but later, more and more arrived, and the shop couldn't accommodate them all.

After the afternoon classes, the number of customers decreased slightly, but the flow of customers in the shop never stopped.

Five yuan, ten yuan, and twenty yuan bills. The cash register was full, and in the end, they had to throw the money on the floor. After all, there was a counter inside the shop, and people couldn't just come in as they pleased.

If it weren't for the time needed to cook the fish balls, today's turnover would have at least doubled, if not more.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that the shop finally quieted down.

"Close the door!"

Li Zhi went out and immediately pulled down the security door of the fish ball shop. There weren't many students coming to buy fish balls after ten o'clock.

Sitting inside the shop, Li Zhi and Xiaoqing were too tired to move, but Dong Xiaorou was still doing fine!