
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Long Time No Drink

"What are you doing?" I must tell you, don't mess around. Xiaomeimei, hurry up and keep an eye on him! Zhao Yafang said anxiously, with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

Li Zhi rolled his eyes. He didn't even move a finger. The woman deliberately called out to impress Mu Xiaomei.

Fear himself? Li Zhi was not afraid of her!

Intentionally leaning over, he stared at her with a half-smile, half-serious expression and teased, "Little girl, I don't think I've ever provoked you before." So, no matter what you have in mind, please don't provoke me. I'm a bit unpredictable. "I won't take responsibility for the consequences!"

"Are you trying to scare me?" Zhao Yafang glared at him. She was not easily frightened.

"Absolutely not!" Li Zhi sat back, shaking his head with a smile. After all, Mu Xiaomei was a good friend of his. He didn't want to cause any trouble with her.

Zhao Yafang looked at Mu Xiaomei, waiting to hear her response. Mu Xiaomei was looking out the window, seemingly not hearing Zhao Yafang's voice or meeting her gaze.

"Why did you consider going to Xingyue Bay for dinner?" Li Zhi asked with a smile.

Only then did Mu Xiaomei turn her head and look at Li Zhi, smiling as she said, "The people in the dormitory suggested it, and everyone wanted to go." If I said no, it would seem like I didn't fit in.

When Mu Xiaomei first met Li Zhi, she was introduced by a matchmaker named Ren Lulu. Li Zhi didn't know how she had met Ren Lulu. But this woman, Ren Lulu, not only knew Mu Xiaomei but also had an extraordinary relationship with Zhao Mingyue.

In short, the relationships were very complicated. Initially, Li Zhi had an affair with a woman named Ren Lulu.

Zhao Mingyue was introduced to Li Zhi by her, and Mu Xiaomei was directly pushed onto Li Zhi by her. But Li Zhi would never thank her. She was enslaved by money, willing to do anything for it, even betraying her own mother.

It was impossible to be friends with such a money-minded woman. It was all about self-interest. Once she had drained you of your money, she would leave on her own.

Similarly, she was a very intimidating woman, adept at understanding people's emotions and motives, and skilled at accurately manipulating others' feelings.

After more than a year of no contact, Li Zhi didn't know if that woman was still in Haicheng.

Ren Lulu could move among men, exchanging anything for money and benefits. With her "skills," she mingled with the wealthy young men, having a great time.

Li Zhi wouldn't curse her as dirty. She was naturally a woman who lived for money. With money, she could do anything. It was her freedom, and others had no right to question it. Life and death were her own business, and you could only take care of yourself.

Li Zhi shrugged and smiled, choosing not to say anything. He didn't know if Mu Xiaomei knew Zhao Mingyue or what her relationship was with Ren Lulu, and he didn't want to ask in the future. The past was the past. In the end, Li Zhi had spent money and enjoyed himself. It wasn't as if she had cheated him.

People strive for better things, and those who are only with you for wealth and status will abandon you when you are facing difficulties.

Not everyone can stand by you when you are down and out, and not everyone can lend you a helping hand when you are helpless. Otherwise, where would the phrase "a timely help is better than gold" originate from? Those who want to help you have you in their hearts.

The taxi stopped at the entrance of Xingyue Bay Hotel.

Zhao Yafang had been teasing Li Zhi all the way, but Li Zhi, who was fearless, naturally wasn't afraid of her!

"Have you been here for dinner before?" After getting out of the car, Zhao Yafang looked at Li Zhi with a half-smile.

Li Zhi shook his head and said, "Why?" "Are you not a match for me in words and seeking to restore your confidence from your benefactor?" "I'm a man who earns his living with his own hands now!"

After that, he ignored her and followed Zhao Yafang into the hotel. The room had already been booked in advance!

Zhao Yafang stood still for a moment, pondering why she needed to regain her confidence from her sugar daddy. When did she ever have a sugar daddy? And to say that she didn't earn her living with her own hands…

"You little bastard!" Zhao Yafang stomped her foot in anger. The man implied that she needed to rely on a wealthy man to visit a place like this.

"If I don't mix up your and Xiaomeimei's affairs, I won't be called Sister Fang!" Zhao Yafang muttered to herself before hurrying to catch up.

Inside the room, Mu Xiaomei's four roommates were already waiting, and there was also a young man with them.

When Mu Xiaomei and Li Zhi entered, Zhao Yafang pushed the door open and saw a young man sitting inside, chatting and laughing with the other girls. She was quite surprised.

Mu Xiaomei frowned and asked in confusion, "Zhaokang, what are you doing here?"

Fang Yuanyuan giggled and said, "We met at the hotel entrance just now, and I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence." I heard it's your birthday today, so I wanted to join in the celebration. Zhaoshao has always been deeply in love with you. "Now he can't even leave!"


Li Zhi couldn't help but laugh. Nowadays, whether rich or not, people tend to carry these titles when they go out.

He had frequented such places before, and he had seen everything. As soon as the other person spoke, Li Zhi understood what was going on. Zhaokang was clearly Mu Xiaomei's admirer, while Fang Yuanyuan exploited her and sold her as if she were a commodity.

"Indeed, what a coincidence." Tsk tsk, is Zhaoshao here today to treat us? Zhao Yafang walked in with a smile and found a seat that was neither too close nor too far away.

As soon as Zhaokang entered the room, his eyes shifted to Li Zhi, who was staring at him with a mocking and challenging expression.

"Haha, the way you put it, since I, Zhaokang, am sitting here, can you not treat us?" Today is also Xiaomei's birthday. "If I don't behave well, how can I justify it?" Zhaokang, the young man, spoke loudly, resembling a wealthy individual.

"Who is this?" The question was directed at Li Zhi!

Mu Xiaomei pulled Li Zhi, afraid that he would act impulsively. In the past, anyone who dared to challenge Li Dashao like this would have had a beer bottle thrown at them.

"Me?" "Hehe, isn't it obvious?" Li Zhi pulled out a chair and sat down, looking at the other person with a smile, and asked, "May I join you?" You look unfamiliar. "I don't think we've met before, have we?"

Zhaokang was taken aback and sneered, "What, has this friend also been in the circle before?"

"Things change, people change; let's not dwell on it." Li Zhi shook his head, snapped his fingers, and turned to Mu Xiaomei with a smile, asking, "Is there anyone else?" No?

"No!" Mu Xiaomei replied softly.

Li Zhi nodded. "Go ask the waiter to bring the food and also bring a bottle of Maotai." It's been a long time since I've had a drink. Today, with the assistance of Zhaoshao, let's enjoy ourselves.

The last sentence was meant for Mu Xiaomei to hear.

"Do you know Song Hui?" Zhaokang frowned, feeling somewhat uncertain. He had only recently made contact with Song Hui's family. He used to be a marginal figure in the university town, but in Haicheng, few people would pay attention to him. Of course, this was also related to his father's business improving over the past two years.

Song Hui was a prominent figure in Haicheng's social scene. Although he wasn't at the top, he was still a well-known figure.

If the person in front of him could sit on an equal footing with Song Hui, he really couldn't afford to offend him.

Li Zhi smiled and remained silent.

Zhaokang's eyes shifted, and he smirked as he took out his phone. "Since you're a friend of Song Hui, it's just a misunderstanding today." Song Hui happens to be having dinner at Xingyue Bay Hotel as well. "Why don't I have him come over and keep you company?"

Without waiting for Li Zhi to object, he dialed the number directly. If talking to Li Zhi seemed condescending, then speaking to the other person on the phone would sound like talking to a grandchild.

"Song Hui, it's Xiaokang… Yes, this gentleman here mentioned that he used to have drinks with you at this place." If I didn't dare to drink less, he would get angry… He's right here. Do you want to come over? "Okay, we're on the third floor, room 6060!"

Li Zhi sat there and did not intervene as the other person made the call, nor did he display any signs of panic on his face.

Zhaokang looked at Li Zhi with a smirk and said, "Song Hui said he's coming over." Let's see who's so awesome!

"Great!" It's boring to drink alone with you. Li Zhi replied nonchalantly.

At this point, the hotel's waiter started serving the food. The case of Feitian Maotai that Li Zhi had ordered was also mentioned!

"Why are you frowning?" Happy birthday to you today! Come on, give me a smile. "I'll reward you later!" Li Zhi turned to Mu Xiaomei and joked.

Mu Xiaomei knew that Li Dashao was very concerned about his reputation. When he wanted you to be happy, you'd better be happy, or you wouldn't have a good time.

"Annoying!" She replied in a coquettish voice.

Zhaokang, who was sitting across from them, felt particularly uncomfortable. His "goddess" was sitting across from him, flirting with another man. Whoever it was, they wouldn't be happy.

The waiter quickly served the food!

After the food and drinks were served, Li Zhi smiled and asked, "Are you ladies drinking alcohol or something else?"

"We'll have soft drinks!" Zhao Yafang replied on behalf of the others.

"Soft drinks?" Hehe, that's fine. It saves us from getting drunk and sleeping on the street later! Li Zhi said with a smile.