
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

The School Flower Wants to Invest

Dong Xiaorou pondered for a moment before speaking, "I think Xiaomei is right." A day or two doesn't matter. There are too many businesses that have just started to thrive. Now is the time for publicity and building reputation. "It's not wise to cause trouble."

Three votes were against, one was in favor; the proposal did not pass.

"We still need more manpower!"

Relying solely on Li Zhi, Dong Xiaorou, Xiao Qing, and Mu Xiaomei, if they persist for a month, it would be exhausting. Furthermore, Mu Xiaomei was here to help out as a friendly gesture. If she were to be in the shop every day, it wouldn't be fair.

Li Zhi looked at Mu Xiaomei and asked, "Do you have any close friends at school?" Willing to work part-time for a wage of 20 yuan per hour, if not 30.

For part-time students, 30 yuan per hour was already a high price. As long as Li Zhi wanted to find someone, there would be plenty of candidates. However, he couldn't trust people he didn't know, as evidenced by the money scattered on the ground.

Mu Xiaomei considered and said, "I'll go back and ask for help!"

The Happy Fish Ball Shop conducted a trial operation for two days, generating a total turnover of 158,695 yuan, surpassing everyone's expectations.

The hard work everyone put in has paid off.

"Actually, if we continue in this manner, even with time-limited sales, it is not a fundamental solution." "We can't watch over this shop every day in the future!" Dong Xiaorou said.

Li Zhi looked at her and asked with a smile, "Do you have any good ideas?"

Dong Xiaorou shook her head, about to say something when there was a knock on the door, interrupting her.

"Who is it?" Li Zhi frowned and called out. The shop was already closed, so why was someone knocking on the door?

Sophie was outside the door, hesitated for a moment, and replied, "Mr. Li, I'm Sophie." We met this morning!


When Mu Xiaomei heard this name, she was slightly stunned, then turned to look at Li Zhi with a wary and puzzled expression.

Li Zhi thought for a moment and remembered the girl he had met in the morning. She was fair and beautiful, with expressive eyes, but there was a hint of coquettishness. This type of girl was more suitable as a lover than as a girlfriend.

He was also puzzled as to why she had come to find him.

"Do you know her?" Li Zhi looked into Mu Xiaomei's eyes and couldn't resist asking.

Mu Xiaomei rolled her eyes and said with a snort, "Sophie, the campus beauty, is a renowned figure at Hai University." "Who doesn't know her!" She felt a bit suspicious, thinking that Li Zhi's inclination to be drawn to beautiful women was resurfacing.

"Is Sophie the school's popular girl?" Li Zhi scratched his head and went to open the door.

"Do you have something to discuss?" Li Zhi didn't pull up the security door completely; only halfway. He leaned in to look at the beautiful girl outside, smiling.

"Hello!" Sophie was a bit embarrassed, but her eyes quickly became determined. With her hands behind her back, she smiled and said, "Can I come in and talk?"

Li Zhi was slightly taken aback and nodded with a smile, "Of course, Miss Sophie, please come in!"

Sophie didn't beat around the bush; she walked directly into the shop after Li Zhi put down the security door.

After looking around, she realized that the shop was not very big, and there wasn't much to see. She nodded at Dong Xiaorou, Mu Xiaomei, and Xiao Qing behind the counter. She had heard about Mu Xiaomei working as a "temporary worker" at this place from the university forum, so seeing her here didn't surprise her.

After Li Zhi closed the security door and entered, Sophie turned around and extended her hand with a smile, saying, "Nice to formally meet you." My name is Sophie, a third-year student at Hai University, majoring in Business Administration, and I'm 21 years old!


Li Zhi shook her hand, which was cold and soft, and it felt comfortable to hold. He couldn't discern her intentions from her actions.

"Miss Sophie, I'm quite straightforward." "What is the purpose of your visit today?" Li Zhi looked at her directly and asked.

Sophie said, "Because of the popularity and taste of the fish balls in your shop, I've been observing for the past two days." Your shop is very popular, but there are also several issues. I can help you solve these problems. I'm willing to invest 2 million and only ask for 50% of the shares. "What do you think?"

2 million? 50% of the shares?

Li Zhi touched his nose and said with a smile, "Miss Sophie, are you suggesting an investment in my fish ball shop?"

Sophie looked at Li Zhi seriously and said, "I can not only invest but also help rapidly expand the 'Happy Fish Ball' brand!"

"Where does your confidence come from?" Li Zhi couldn't help but ask.

Sophie's visit today was indeed with the intention of investing. She was not only the campus beauty of Hai University but also a gifted student in the Business Administration department at Hai University. Born into a family of businessmen, she was confident and saw great business opportunities in the success of the Happy Fish Ball shop.

"Have you heard of the Su Group?" "My father is Su Qiancheng, the chairman of the Su Group," Sophie said calmly.

Li Zhi had heard of the Su Group, and Su Qiancheng was a well-known tycoon in the country. He was surprised to learn that Sophie was Su Qiancheng's daughter, making her the heir to the Su Group.

Li Zhi's smile remained unchanged as he asked, "So what?" "Miss Sophie, are you trying to leverage the Su Group's reputation and your father's influence, along with a proposal of one million in cash, to acquire 50% of the shares of 'Happy Fish Ball'?"

Sophie was taken aback. Wasn't 2 million enough? His shop was worth at most. She was offering a tenfold premium for a 50% stake in his business. Wasn't that enough?

Before Sophie could speak, Li Zhi continued, "Miss Sophie, do you know the turnover of the Happy Fish Ball No. 1 store at Hai University in the past two days?" It was 70,000 on the first day and 98,000 today. I am confident that I can stabilize the turnover at over 100,000 in the coming days. Based on this, the monthly turnover will be around 3 million, with a minimum net profit of 1 million. Just as you thought, I also plan to turn "Happy Fish Ball" into a chain food brand. Not to mention, I plan to open ten stores in the university town alone. My goal for the city of Hai is to have 30 stores. With 40 fish ball shops, the annual profit will not be less than 400 million. This is just in Hai City. How many first and second-tier cities, such as Hai City, are there in the country? The market is huge. You can think for yourself. "Do you think I would sell you 50% of 'Happy Fish Ball' for just 2 million?"


He was just talking nonsense, and he didn't have to pay taxes.

Indeed, Li Zhi was bluffing Sophie. Anyone can talk big, but truly achieving what Li Zhi said is not easy. Without capital, it was impossible for Happy Fish Ball to expand to that scale in a short time.

In addition, a turnover of 100,000 yuan per day for a single store was not the peak state, but it was not far from it. This turnover could not be sustained in the long run.

However, one thing Li Zhi said was true: the high profit margin. The fish balls sold at the Happy Fish Ball shop were all produced in Li Zhi's own factory, yielding profits much higher than outsiders could imagine.

Li Zhi was bluffing Sophie, and Sophie had come with the intention of bluffing him as well. She believed that with Li Zhi's shortsightedness, her status as the daughter of the Su Group, and 2 million in cash, it wouldn't be challenging to obtain 50% of the shares of the fish ball shop. If 2 million wasn't enough, she could add more. But she didn't want to buy the entire business!

But now, upon hearing Li Zhi's words, it seemed that achieving her goal wouldn't be so easy.

Sophie shook her head and said with a smile, "Mr. Li, business accounts are not that simple." I acknowledge the potential of the 'Happy Fish Ball' brand, but that potential lies in its future, not its present. If any mistakes occur, it won't be able to achieve what you said so perfectly!

"Perfect?" "No, I don't think it's perfect enough!" Li Zhi said with a carefree smile. "Do you know why people line up every day to buy 'Happy Fish Ball'?" It's not because it's fresh or something new that people haven't tried before. It's because it's delicious. "As long as we maintain this characteristic, 'Happy Fish Ball' will continue to attract customers!"

Sophie didn't see the fish balls themselves, but she noticed the shop and the brand "Happy Fish Ball."

Apart from the fish balls themselves, this shop and brand were worthless!

"Let me introduce myself again." All the fish balls sold at the Happy Fish Ball shop are produced in our own factory, giving us complete control over all production processes! Li Zhi said with a smile.

Sophie felt a bit disappointed and reluctantly said, "I'll invest 20 million and take a 40% stake in 'Happy Fish Ball' and your fish ball processing factory." Is that okay?

Li Zhi shook his head and said with a smile, "Do you know the manager of the Star Bay Hotel?" The general manager offered $80 million to buy the technology for producing fish balls, but I didn't sell it!

Sophie didn't know if Li Zhi's words were true, but she could tell that he had no intention of selling the shares of the factory and the fish ball shop.

"Miss Sophie, are you studying business management?" "Hehe, are you interested in becoming the manager of 'Happy Fish Ball'?" Li Zhi suddenly asked with a smile.

"Manager?" Sophie was slightly taken aback.

Li Zhi nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, the manager." I had initially planned to hire a professional manager, but as you can see, "Happy Fish Ball" has just started, and the scale is too small. "I'm afraid that no talented professional manager would be willing to come over."

Sophie hesitated for a moment, then shook her head, saying, "I'm still a student!"

She was only interested in the "Happy Fish Ball" brand. Sophie had come to invest, but she had no intention of working for Li Zhi!