
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

The Nine-Tailed Demon Queen

"Xiaomei, where are you going?"

After class, Mu Xiaomei put her books in the dormitory, changed her clothes, and was about to leave when she was stopped by her dormmate, Fang Yuanyuan.

Mu Xiaomei smiled and said, "I'm going out to play." Is there something wrong?

"Where are you going to play?" Fang Yuanyuan blinked and asked. If taken alone, she wouldn't be considered ugly, but compared to Mu Xiaomei, it was like comparing a leaf to a flower. Everyone would go to see the flower, but few would pay attention to the leaf.

"I made plans with a friend," Mu Xiaomei said without elaborating. Their relationship in the dormitory was average, neither good nor bad.

"Oh, I wanted to invite you to go swimming this afternoon," Fang Yuanyuan muttered. She didn't actually want to invite Mu Xiaomei, but she was asked to do so, and they planned to arrange another 'coincidental meeting'.

A girl like Mu Xiaomei couldn't go unnoticed!

"Next time," Mu Xiaomei smiled and left the dormitory.

Fang Yuanyuan watched Mu Xiaomei's figure and muttered under her breath, "What a pretense!"

'Happy Fish Ball' No. 1 store.

It was only 10 o'clock when Mu Xiaomei finished class. As she walked out of the school gate, she noticed two long lines on the opposite side of the commercial street, with more people than there were yesterday.


The voice on the phone was loud, and Mu Xiaomei helplessly said, "I'm outside your store, but it's too crowded to get in!"

If she tried to enter, others might think she was cutting in line. Boys might not say anything, but girls might. The title of campus beauty wasn't always beneficial!

"Alright, I'll come out to meet you!" Li Zhi said and hung up the phone.

Mu Xiaomei stood outside the store, waiting for Li Zhi to come out.

"Excuse me, let me through, please!" After Li Zhi came out, he immediately spotted Mu Xiaomei. A beauty like her would stand out anywhere. He smiled and gestured for her to follow him.

Because Li Zhi was wearing the store's uniform, everyone knew he worked at the Happy Fish Ball store, so they made way for him.

"So many people!" Mu Xiaomei murmured to herself after following Li Zhi into the store.

Li Zhi handed her a new store uniform and said with a smile, "It's not too bad." There will be even more people later. Put this on!

Mu Xiaomei didn't say anything; she simply put on the uniform. Then she looked at Li Zhi with wide eyes and asked, "What do you want me to do next?"

"Help with collecting money!" Li Zhi smiled and assigned her a seemingly leisurely task. He pointed to Dong Xiaorou and Xiao Qing and said, "She's Dong Xiaorou, you can call her Sister Xiaorou, and that's Xiao Qing!"

Dong Xiaorou and Xiao Qing both turned to greet Mu Xiaomei, wondering where Li Zhi had found such a beautiful girl.

"She's Mu Xiaomei, my good friend!"

Mu Xiaomei felt a mix of happiness and sadness upon being introduced in this manner. A woman's heart is always in turmoil.

"Wow, big news!"

"What's the big news?"

"Look, is the 'Fish Ball Girl' assisting Mu Xiaomei, the campus beauty from the Art and Design Department?"

"I can't believe it!"

"Why would Mu Xiaomei come here to sell fish balls?"

"I heard Mu Xiaomei's family isn't very well-off." "She probably came here to work a temporary job!"

"Is the campus beauty working as a temporary worker?" Unbelievable!

"Boss, are you still hiring temporary workers at your fish ball store?" "I'll come to help you, no need for payment, just give me plenty of fish balls!"

Mu Xiaomei's arrival caused a stir, and some people even volunteered to work as temporary employees at the fish ball store. Li Zhi laughed and refused. Enough fish balls? That's a joke. Eating dozens of fish balls a day would cost more than their wages.

The news of Mu Xiaomei working as a 'temporary worker' at the Happy Fish Ball store somehow found its way onto the campus forum of Hai Cheng University. The already crowded store became even more lively.

Many people not only came to buy fish balls but also took photos as a part-time job.

More people posted the photos online, with Mu Xiaomei as the main focus. But in one photo, Dong Xiaorou suddenly became the center of attention!

The caption below reads, "Have you noticed that this mature woman is very beautiful, and her figure and appearance are no less than Mu Xiaomei's?" "And if you look closely, do you notice anything special about her?"


Dong Xiaorou's most extraordinary quality was her innate "demon" charm, which emanated from her very being and was not something acquired later.

"A fox spirit?"

"Get lost!" "How can you use such a derogatory term for such a beautiful lady?" The term "fox spirit" is often used as an insult, especially when referring to women.

"Yes, you're the fox spirit, and your whole family are fox spirits!"

"I think this beautiful lady looks more like a demon beast, the queen of demon beasts, the Nine-tailed Demon Queen!"

"You've been reading too much fantasy." "I'm telling you, this is a sickness that needs to be treated immediately!"

Mu Xiaomei was already the campus beauty at Hai Cheng University and was well-known. However, no one expected that, with Mu Xiaomei's popularity and the gossip of busybodies, Dong Xiaorou would also become famous at Hai Cheng University, earning the title of the 'Nine-tailed Demon Queen'. Of course, more people preferred to call her the 'Nine-tailed Demon Queen'.

She was the only ordinary woman who did not attend Hai Cheng University but still managed to make a name for herself there.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Li Zhi couldn't hold on any longer.

"Close up shop!"

"What, close?" Boss, are you kidding? "We've been waiting in line for half a day!"

"Why are you doing this?"

When the people waiting in line heard about the closing, they were not happy.

Li Zhi looked around helplessly, shrugged, and said with a bitter smile, "We've sold out of fish balls." "There's nothing I can do!"

After the crowd outside dispersed, Li Zhi pulled down the security door from the outside. If they continued like this, he would be exhausted.

They had all relied on fish balls for lunch!

Li Zhi looked at Mu Xiaomei, who was sitting on a pile of money without caring about her appearance, and asked with a smile, "How does it feel to count money?"

Mu Xiaomei rolled her eyes, wiped the sweat from her forehead, took off her coat, and threw it aside, saying, "It's so hot." "Why don't you turn on the air conditioning?"

Would you like to install air conditioning? The door hardly ever closes. What is the purpose of turning on the air conditioning? Can it retain the cool air?

"I'll buy two fans tomorrow!" Li Zhi smiled and didn't bother to explain to her. The fish ball store had only been open for two days, so it was normal to have some shortcomings.

Mu Xiaomei asked curiously, "Are there still fish balls in the refrigerated display case?" "Why aren't we selling them?"

Li Zhi looked at her helplessly and said, "Aren't you tired?"

"Tired!" Mu Xiaomei nodded vigorously.

"Why do you want to sell?" I woke up before five this morning, and now my eyes are filled with stars. "I can't hold on anymore!" After a brief pause, Li Zhi smiled and said a very pretentious line, "This money, you can never earn enough of it!"

Dong Xiaorou and Mu Xiaomei both rolled their eyes at him.

"Xiao Qing, please make some 'Yellow Croaker Fish Balls'; I'm starving!" Li Zhi sat on the floor and didn't want to move.

As soon as Xiao Qing heard the words 'Yellow Croaker Fish Balls', she immediately perked up and went to the refrigerated display case to find them. The taste of Yellow Croaker Fish Balls was much better than that of regular fish balls, leaving a lasting impression.

Dong Xiaorou looked at Li Zhi and said, "Eating fish balls all the time isn't good." "How about I go buy some groceries, and we can go home and cook?"

"Can you cook?" Li Zhi asked with a smile.

Dong Xiaorou didn't respond and got up to organize the loose change scattered on the floor.

"Hehe!" Li Zhi laughed and then got up to help. After all, he was the boss and had to lead by example!

"We can't continue like this." We'll be exhausted if we keep this up every day. Starting tomorrow, we will be open for two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon, and closed for the remainder of the day! Li Zhi suddenly placed the money on the floor and said.

Dong Xiaorou frowned but didn't say anything.

"Boss, can we really do this?" Xiao Qing was a little unwilling. If they only opened for four hours a day, they would earn much less money.

Mu Xiaomei suddenly said, "Scarcity marketing is not a bad idea, but I don't suggest implementing it at this moment." The fish ball store has only been open for two days, and there are already many students from Hai Cheng University visiting. If one-tenth of them have tried your fish balls, that's not bad. Being busy for one or two days is nothing. "If we can stay this busy for half a month, then it's not too late to make a change."