
The Necessity of Sacrifice

Life in the Dvrakian Consortium was more peaceful than most civilizations within the galaxy. They were not only in Alfheim Space that was, for the most part less dangerous than other sectors due to the strict system of vassalage that kept a sense of law and order in the region.

But they were also next-door neighbors with the Germanic Star-Empire. The GSE had a reputation of being an incredibly warlike nation, whose soldiers were brutally efficient in battle, and were prone to disregard life in pursuit of victory, both their own, and especially that of the enemy. In the entire galaxy, perhaps only Germanic space was free from organized crime and interstellar piracy. 

The benefits of being the neighbor of a such a frightening civilization was that nobody in their right mind would start shit on the borders of such a violent nation. The downside was one never really knew when the GSE wished to expand its borders, and at whose expense that would be.