
Cultural Differences

While Erich and S'aleth were at dinner, discussing their pasts, and getting to know one another. The Deputy Leader of the Germanic Star-Empire was meeting with S'varin and a few other politicians from the Dvrakian Consortium. 

S'varin was inclined to believe the severity of the situation at hand regarding the Naraku Splinter Fleet known as Terminus. But at the same time, he remained skeptical until Karl could provide some solid evidence of his claim.

But it would take some time before this evidence could arrive, and thus at the moment he was entertaining the Deputy Leader of the Germanic Star-Empire at a nice dinner which was simply a cover for a diplomatic meeting. 

The other politicians by S'varin's side were also skeptical of the Germanic Star-Empire's claims. Or their motives for approaching the Dvrakian Consortium. Yet despite this skepticism, they all treated Karl as if he were a distinguished guest.