
Internecivus Raptus

2180, Chaeyoung was thrilled when his father asked him to accompany him on The Amhul, the space station his company has been working on. Chayoung instantly agreed to join his father and his journey to outer space, however after the first day on The Amhul, Chaeyoung discovers that his father has gone missing and that all the passengers on the Amhul have gone completely out of their minds. Chaeyoung must find his father by searching the entire space station while dodging bullets from savage passengers, avoiding lethal androids and hiding from a carnivorous and extremely lethal creature that wants him...dead...

Booh_bear · Movies
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36 Chs

Twenty-eight: Murder

"Is this really worth it, dad!?" I cried, my eyes locked on the facehuggers inside the tubes.

How did he even get a hold of them without being impregnated!? "Is money really worth taking these lifes!?"

"So many lives have been taken today son, will two more really make a difference?"

"IT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE!" I scream. "That is two more lives!! That is murder father! Not science! You will kill Sunghoon and Chelsea if you proceed with these experiments! Do you understand!?"

Everyone's eyes were on me now.

"I understand completely, Chaeyoung." My dad responds. "Just think of how rich we will become, once the company sees we've brought such perfect organisms back to earth!"

"I don't want the money!" I cried. "I want us all of us to get out of this alive! And destroy these things!"

David and dad shared a laugh and only shook their heads.

"My boy, you know what the xenomorphs are capable of. There is no way we can destroy them." David replies.

"And that is why they're so wonderful!" Dad announced, "We could breed and use these xenomorphs to help the colonial marines in war! We could protect the world!"

"Hey dummy!" Sunghoon growled. "Obviously you don't know what the xenomorphs are capable of! And using them to protect others!? These things are developed from us!! You would be killing humans to protect others!? What is the point of that!?"

"I've had enough of this one." Dad said, rolling his eyes at Sunghoon.

"Tell me about it." David muttered. "I want to see him die slowly and painfully! I WANT TO SEE IT NOW!"

"Don't worry, David. You will…." My dad paused to look at Pastora. "Tell me, my girl. How long does it take for these….chestbursters to develop into an adult sized Xeno?"

"I'm not telling you anything…" Pastora growled, stepping closer to me. "I WILL NOT LET YOU KILL MY BOYFRIEND!" she screamed before tearing the flamethrower off my shoulder and aiming it straight at my father. He looked alarmed but also amused from her action.

"You don't have the guts!" He replied with a laugh.

Pastora narrowed her eyes and turned to the research table, she released the nozzle and torched it with a body of fire. David and my father cried out as they watched their work and equipment burn.

She turned back to face them and aimed the head of the flamethrower at them once more.

"You wanna bet!!?"

"Dang Pooch!" Sunghoon smirked. "I've got to say this is pretty hot." He looked over at the table that was burning to crisp. "No pun intended."

"You think this is a joke!?" My father screamed, glaring at Pastora. "You know why I wanted you to get back in that nest!?"

Pastora held up the flamethrower right to his chest. "Another word and you're going to end up just like your table."

I felt my stomach churn. This was a completely new side of my father, never have I've seen him so heartless and inconsiderate. From what I've seen today, fear can bring out the worst in people, completely change them and their faith in humanity but what if there has always been this side to my father?

He's always been so reserved and secretive of his work, I thought it was minatory for the company. Has the company known about the xenomorphs and has ordered my father to bring one back to earth?

"Alright, David. Let her out!" Dad said, faster than the blink of an eye he knocked the flamethrower out of Pastora's chest and pushed her violently to the ground. I watched her as she cried out and hit her head.

"Sunghoon…" She whispered before her eyes rolled to the back of her head. "Don't go…"

"It will be okay, Pooch." Sunghoon reassured her, as she lost consciousness.

Dad walked up to me and grabbed me roughly by the shoulders and slammed my head into the counter. I grunted and fell to my knees feeling my conciousnes slowly start to slip away from me.

My father stood above me, I watched in slow motion as he pulled out a ring of keys from his pocket.

"I'm sorry son, but this is the way it has to be."

"No…." I rasp, my eyes shifted to Sunghoon and Chelsea who are lead away by David.

That was the last thing I saw before I passed out.

"How fascinating!" I woke to the sound of my father.

Pastora was sobbing violently besides me.

Slowly I opened my eyes, and I wish that I hadn't.

Pastora and I were lead into another room. Some sort of observation room. There were two cages in front of us. Chelsea was in one of them, laying limply against the wall and on her face was a facehugger. It was latched on tightly, it's spiny tail coiled around her neck like a snake.

My stomach turned and my eyes burned with tears. I turned to face my father who has a wide smirk on his face.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? HOW COULD YOU!" I screamed, feeling my heart break. "HOW DARE YOU! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO THIS POOR GIRL!!" I got up to my feet and charged after him.

"CHAEYOUNG! STOP!" Pastora cried.

I ignored her, and wrapped my hands around my father's throat and slammed his body against the wall.

"MURDER!!!" I screamed. "YOU ARE A MURDER!!!"

I squeezed at his throat. I wanted him to die. I wanted him to suffer and die as slowly as possible. I watched as my father gasped and swatted at my face. I dodged his attacks and grabbed a fistful of his hair and smashed his head against the wall.


My father gasped for air as I strangled him harder.

"Die…." I growled. "You deserve it."

"CHAEYOUNG!!! STOP!!!" Pastora cried.

I slammed my father into the wall again before I let him go. I whirled around and looked at her. "WHAT!?"

"David is gone! A-and….and so is Sunghoon…" Pastora whimpered, pointing a shaking finger towards the cage next to Chelsea's.

My eyes darted to the second cage where I found a Xenomorph finishing off what was left of Sunghoon. Which was just a heap of flesh and blood.

You all hate me now right? Please keep reading! The story isn't over yet!!

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