
Instantaneous Revenge System

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 18: Ou family

Jahdiel as the sole inheritor of a Dao Alchemist was able to get all treasures left into the test. The spirit gave him several space poses where a large number of treasures were kept.

"Originally I planned to keep the test going until my spirit dissipated, but as no one has ever passed this test before you after so long, and I ..." Li De said and thought. 'Basically bullied a junior like a little child.' He continued soon after:

"I think I will let the whole of my remaining wealth to you."

"I will gladly accept, senior" Jahdiel said.

"You may go."

After finally leaving the testing grounds, Jahdiel heard a shout soon after:

"How dare trash like you make us wait for so long!" shouted the random mob in unison.

"Such a warm reception" Jahdiel said, stretching his arms and waiting for his enemies to attack.

"Cripple him." Ou Hui shouted.

'It was annoying keeping a barricade to ensure this asshole would not run away, after sensing danger, but it was good, I can see the person that got rid of my trash of a brother personally. I am glad he got rid of that trash. Father wanted to punish him, but as a token of gratitude, I will limit it to crippling him.

Or better let's see if he was better than the trash of my brother, if he is decent and can beg enough I may take him as a subordinate, I only need to convince Father. I may cripple him later when he lost his use or his cultivation became close to being a treat to me, jokes aside there is no way a no-name can reach the tip of my toes. He did not need to know how disposable he is.' Ou Hui thought.

"Yes, young master!" the man subordinates.

Jahdiel seemed to be being spanked, as several fists were thrown at him if you ignored the sound of bones being broken by his attackers. Some even got their hands turned into gelatine. Jahdiel's body had become too strong even for a fifth-stage cultivator, for sure it was related to a large amount of law it was tempered with.

"So you already reached the demigod realm what a surprise, but you are still too weak for a peak-stage demigod like me."Ou Hui said.

"What is the meaning of this?"A woman shouted."I said nothing when you all like weirdos formed a barricade in front of the inheritance test exit, but to think you did all this and took half of the sect youngsters to bully a new disciple. Can you be more shameless Ou Hui?"

"My dear, this person has deeply offended my elder father, please give him some face and let this matter go." Ou Hui said.

'I am the perfect man for you, I am talented, handsome, and the son of the strongest elder. Why are you defending this random man? Your dirty whore, you think too highly of yourself. I only have eyes for you because you are the disciple of the ancestress and it's important to establish connections. But when my grandfather, break through the Dao Ancestor, trash like you and your bitchy matriarch would no longer be needed. 'Ou Hui thought.

"So this was all the doing of the elder. When my master returned from her close of seclusion, I will have a talk about your unhonorable behavior." the woman said.

'Oh, I have forgotten her master is in close doors meditation. This makes things easier. I can dispose of this annoying woman, and will only need to create a story to explain the situation

Ou Hui moved to try to lift the woman by the throat, but she took his hand and dislocated his arm.

"You bitch!"Ou Hui shouted while the woman face-slapped him."Sister, help me get rid of this weight." Ou Mèng Yáo, which was next to Ou Hui started to try attacking, the woman from behind. The situation soon changed, the woman was now slapping Ou Mèng Yáo and Ou Hui. Her left hand slapped Ou Hui, while her right slapped Ou Mèng Yáo. Both the proud young master and young miss had lost all their teeth.

The woman's small and delicate hand started to leave some purple marks on both faces. They will surely need to soak their faces in a bow of healing herbs to avoid permanent marks as the slaps seemed to have led to a small level of inner hemorrhage, as well as broken jaws.

"Papa!"Ou Mèng Yáo shouted.

"How dare your low-life whore hurt my dear princess! "Ou Fu shouted. Why did he take so long to come to save his dear princess's daughter? He was going to verify again to make sure the ancestress was truly still meditating, she did not give a date for when her meditation should stop so he should go make sure he was not unlucky.

How could his children be so reckless, this was not in his plans, was what was going in Ou Fu's head. If she was he would get rid of her disciple together with every evidence of it, otherwise, he could only send his son and daughter to the wolves to lessen the problem. He could have more children anyway.

Ou Fu took the woman by the throat.

"Now you whore is not that strong right."Ou Fu said. The result was obvious the woman was a demigod, while the elder was at the Earth Tribulation Stage 1. After the demigod realm comes to the god realm, and after the god realm comes the Earth Tribulation Realm.

Jahdiel sneaked and attacked Ou Fu, hitting him, and making the man temporarily release the woman.

"Senior, run away and call for the ancestress. It is the only way for both of us to survive. I will stall for time with this asshole."Jahdiel said.

"But, you are no match for him." The woman said worriedly.

"I know" Jahdiel said.

'Your sacrifice will be remembered.'The woman thought with gratitude.

'Does these two idiots think I can not kill this disciple and avoid this woman running away at the same time? I am only doing this to have some fun toying with them a bit. Grandfather will capture her anyway.'

'The man is toying with both of us. There is surely someone to take this woman down if she runs away. I hope she can avoid them, if not only my system can solve this problem. Although she troubled me with obtaining revenge from the young master chain, she did not know about this and did not seem to have some bad intentions.

She seems to be a nice person, which is rare among cultivators. Although she seems a bit arrogant and not much smart...' Jahdiel thought.

Jahdiel started to be beaten up by Ou Fu. The law of endurance and vitality are the sole reason he even survived the 'fight'. The fighting did not seem to be much use to him, however, as he was unable to learn a new law.

Jahdiel felt real pain as his legs, arms, and internal organs were broken. He was also pushed by his hair and his jaw was broken as it strongly collided with the floor, together with his face. His cranium was not broken to slow down his death.

So Jadhiel clicked on the instantaneous revenge button. Ou Fu's body was basically dismantled by the system with his arms, legs, and organs being taken out of his body as well as his jaw and face, in the end only his cranium was left out. Jadhiel broke through the God Realm Stage III and his body cultivation broke through Stage I of the Sixth Realm. He also got enlightenment in the Earth Law.

"I should prepare one more Red Homunculus Pill later... First, I need to go see if that woman is fine."Jadhiel said to himself.

'How can I locate her though? No idea. Hope the law of luck helps.' Jadhiel thought.

Jadhiel started to walk randomly around the sect, and soon after he located her. She was now a corpse. A man was stepping into her corpse making blood spill everywhere as he slowly smashed the corpse.

"Insolent youth girl who did not know the immensity of heaven and earth." The elderly man said. He was pissed that this woman dared to show arrogance in front of him, so even after her death he did not leave the corpse in peace.

'Someone was able to reach here. To hide this incident I left trustworthy men encircling this area, so no disciple or elder would reach here in time to see my actions. How he passed all this? Well, I just need to kill him. I guess this clueless youth has heavenly misfortune or something.' The old man, the supreme elder of the Liushangong Sect, named Ou Zimo thought.

Ou Zimo was at the Heavenly Tribulation Realm Stage IX, Jadhiel was surely not his opponent. The man only needs to pass one more tribulation to reach enlightenment before the Dao Realm. However, before the man could even attack Jahdiel clicked on the instantaneous revenge button.

It is interesting to note that this man is the uncle of the ancestress of the sect, someone who has clinked to his talented and hardworking nice for resources that were the sole reason he could reach his present cultivation realm.

As he and his descendants were the last living relatives of the ancestress, she surely treat them very well showering them with resources, which probably was the sole reason why this old man have the hope of awakening a stronger Dao than his niece.

Soon after this arrogant and conspiratorial man, which planned to usurp the sect from his niece, slowly died as all his cultivation was being taken from him and his body was being torn apart. Meanwhile, the woman was slowly being revived.

As the elder has destroyed her soul to avoid any risk of evidence of his evil deeds being found out by his niece. His soul was destroyed in other to rebuild her soul. Soon the woman was revived. Jadhiel's cultivation increased to the God Realm Stage VIII, and his body cultivation reached the Sixth Realm Stage VI. His understanding of the Earth law increased to the peak and he got nearly complete enlightenment in the heaven law.

"Should I deal with these two plagues?"Jahdiel asked himself, referring to the elder's son and daughter. 'Why bother if they do something it would be the perfect opportunity for me to obtain revenge awards. But what I should do about her she had not awakened yet.' he thought.

Jahdiel carried her into the inner disciple quarters.

"I found senior sister passed out in the middle of the sect. Could you please take her inside her quarters?"Jahdiel said to the first woman he found there.

"Sure." Jadhiel was glad he did not have to deal with any more young master or miss' drama as the woman, did not waste her time pushing her power around.

'I find two decent people today. It must be the luck law effect.' Jahdiel thought. In fact, the woman was just too worried about the well-being of the ancestress disciple to bother with Jahdiel, she need to take her back to her quarter immediately and verify, if everything was fine with her. If something happened to the woman, she, who administered the inner disciples quarter, knew she would be fucked.

She believed what Jahdiel said because she doubted a disciple she never heard about could harm the ancestress disciple, much less being her concubine or something... In the end, she did not even bother looking at Jadhiel's cultivation realm.

'Now that I broke through two realms since I started that inheritance test, I think I could take the inner disciple exams. But should I? If my status increased there will not be many people who would dare to bully me. No, I should not think like that. Sure some envious young master would bully me if I reach higher heights... So it's decided, I will take the promotion exam.'