
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators)

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 86


Hell broke loose as the news of Storm Dragon Veldora being released was spread. People are starting to get worried as they know about the things that the willful dragon did when he was still roaming free in the land. They wondered if the time of chaos is going to return again, they could only kneel and pray for God Luminous to drive the unholy dragon again. That worry became worse when they heard of a new demon lord being born, and its not just a demon lord seed, its a legit True Demon Lord.


Rimuru woke up after 2 days of slumber as Noir experienced Despair first time, he wished to never experience that thing again as he swore to do his best and not fail any of Rimuru's expectations. He was also named Diablo making him a certified Demon Peer, a rank that could only be compared to a True Demon Lord. Rimuru was contented with his evolution as he gained 2 Ultimate skill in the process.

Rimuru is now currently walking to the cave where Veldora was sealed, he was planning to unleashed the old dragon right now. Xander somehow heard of the information as he went with Rimuru who could only sigh as he can't really refuse them especially when they haven't done anything wrong. They went inside the cave as Luminous was already smiling in anticipation, she also wanted to make that dragon pay for invading her land many centuries ago.

Call her petty but she didn't care as she wouldn't be a Demon Lord otherwise if they don't have their willfulness to do things. She was calculating how many moves she would release upon that dragon's revival, Xander can somehow feel her thoughts as he shook his head in resignation. Rimuru started his work as Xander, Sona, Carrera, and Luminous just watched in interest. "Boss, do you want to teach that lizard a lesson again? And it just happens that I am quite free right now" Carrera said while cracking her fist.

"Eh, no. Its Luminous's turn today, just let her be, and you already had your fun destroying Blanc and Violet's army just a few days ago right?" Xander said as Carrera nodded her head, she loved the desperate look on the two's face when she saw playing with them at that time. Sona didn't say anything and just ignored their conversation, she can't comprehend what is so fun about destroying things. Xander already knew about her thoughts as he just snorted, "Destruction is a man's romance you know?" Sona looked at him with dull eyes as she pointed at Carrera.

Rimuru made a clone before he took Veldora's soul and made it inhabit the clone. "Uwah, that's gross" Carrera said as the clone's body convulsed before getting bigger and turning tan. "Kuhahaha, I, Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest, have returned! Anyone who opposes me will di-" Veldora's dramatic return was cut off as someone touched his body. "Drain Touch.." Luminous muttered as Veldora began screaming in pain and discomfort.

"W-What?! Milis? Why are you here?! Ouch!" Veldora asked while flinching in pain, his overwhelming aura was tamed by Luminous absorbing it, the show continued for a few more minutes before Luminous was satisfied with the punishment. Her hatred to Veldora is not so strong since she didn't completely destroyed her land. She was still angry about him beating her many centuries ago so she did her punishment until she was satisfied.

Veldora is now hiding behind Rimuru who just smiled wryly. "You lizard even forgot my name? You're really good at irritating someone" Luminous said as she snorted at Veldora who muttered, "It's not Milis..? Then maybe, Smith? Hmm.. probably Ilis.." Rimuru slapped Veldora's head to stop him from making his own grave. "Its Luminous!" Rimuru said in Veldora's ear. Rimuru then heard Raphael talking about evolving some skills so he just waited for it.

Veldora stopped thinking before he looked at the other guest only to see the three figures that traumatized him all his life after his sisters. "Kih! Rimuru! Why are they here? Are they here to kill me?! I am already a changed dragon! I won't destroy needlessly anymore!" Veldora said desperately as he really felt pain in every one of their blows back then not like the stinging pain that Luminous gave just a while ago. Xander shook his head while smiling wryly as he thought that they really broke Veldora to make him act like this.

Though Veldora feared Carrera the most as she was the one who really beat him to the ground before blasting him away from this forest. "Don't worry, we are not here to punish you. And we know you're already an changed dragon" Sona said as Veldora relaxed for a moment before raising his guard again. He needed to be alert incase the three somehow changed their minds, if that really happen then he wouldn't hesitate to escape and run to other side of the world.

Rimuru stood up as he already gained another 2 Ultimate skill. Right now he could already destroy Hinata if he wanted as he relaxed a bit of his pressures. He was always thinking how to get stronger as he don't want that thing to happen again, especially when his subjects almost died because of his foolish rule. "Let's get out of here, I am going to introduce Veldora to my friends" Rimuru said while smiling at them who was satisfied by the show they witnessed.

Flashback end.


Sona POV*

Luminous entering our family didn't really changed anything, only a new person to feed and love. The events so far have been amusing to watch making me wonder if this is the climax of this world, I asked Xander if Rimuru was the child of fate as he just smiled confirming my question. So in short, all we need to do is to wait in this forest since trouble would always come itself to the man favored by fate. Fate.. I don't really like that word as the thought of someone manipulating my life is irritating for me.

Xander mentioned once that he wanted to kill the fate on our world since he said that it didn't make me the protagonist of it. I already knew who the protagonist of our world as they were always in the middle of trouble before my peerage bested them on their game. Somehow the fate changed that day as it turned its attention to me, Xander said that he didn't kill the fate as it would be more fun to have trouble running at our back as that would make my team more stronger.

Back to this world, that slime already conquered Farmus by sending that creepy demon to it. It seems like Carrera and that demon named Diablo are acquaintance as spark can be seen in the air the moment they met, he's probably one of Carrera's kind since he could talk to her like that. Diablo was quite good with his work as he conquered it without any problem. (A/N: Seven Luminaries are no more so no schemes would stop Diablo from roaching the country)

They sucked Falmus dried without giving them a time for breathing, they placed Youm in exchange for that greedy king making their influence on the country even stronger. Gazel strengthened his relationship with Rimuru more when he heard about his rise, his investment didn't go wrong at all. He just hoped that Rimuru would be able to repel those pigeons when the time is already near for them to drop at the sky.

Enough talking about Rimuru as it would be boring, I am currently with Luminous and Xander, we are going to Luminous's land as she wanted to brag about how beautiful the place is, and she didn't disappoint us seeing how everything in this place screamed extravagance. I wonder how much money was burned making this, there is so much gold and glass. I know that glass are expensive in this world as only Engrasia has one.

Its not a problem for us to make glass though, demonic power is the strongest alright. "Geh, this is giving me creeps" Xander said as his eyes twitched from how this place literally shine from everywhere, "This is too shiny, vampire" Carrera said as a vein almost popped on Luminous's head, "That is too rude! Just be grateful that I even brought you here!" Luminous said wjile glaring at Carrera who just snorted.

We entered her palace as we were received by her old butler, "Milady, and Guest. Welcome" He's calm even at the presence of the strongest in the world, quite commendable. "Luminous, can we eat? I'm quite hungry" Xander said as my eyebrow couldn't help but move, this guy is getting rather too close that he could ask something like this without any shame. "Yes! Get ready, I'll make you taste heaven in here!" Luminous just replied enthusiastically, I think this girl would do anything as long as Xander ask it.

The food was quite delicious, it really didn't disappoint us as Xander was smiling the whole time. Making a pseudo God of Cooking smile is already an achievement itself. Luminous was also proud of it as she was raising her chest the whole time.. chest huh.. even though I wanted a bigger chest, I don't to since Xander like my chest just how small it was.

I smiled thinking about it as Xander noticed it before he started patting my head infront of everyone, "X-Xander..?" My face is probably turning red right now seeing the amused look on Luminous's face. I slapped his hand while glaring at him, he seemed amuse by my action as he just smiled gently. "How is it? Its nice living here right? Why don't we relocate and just live here? The food is also much better than that maid there" Luminous said while sneering at Carrera who just smirked at her actions.

"It seems you don't know, my cooking skill is just one percent from Boss's real cooking skills" Carrera said as Xander dramatically stood up making me face palmed. This two.. really do connect with each other, they seemed to understood when doing stupid things like this. "Show me the kitchen" Xander said with low voice to make it look cool, I can already feel what his thoughts are right now, he probably wanted to make Luminous open her mouth by how cool he is, this is so dumb..

Luminous was baffled by Xander's changed in mood but still complied, she watched as Xander played with ingredients making the probably best dish in the world. Xander didn't take too long before he placed a plate infront of each of us, "Enjoy your meal.." he said while having a serious look on his face which made me shook my head in amusement. Somehow this trait of Xander never gets old, its still amusing as to how it was before. Luminous stiffened when she saw the meal literally shining as if shouting that 'I taste very good' her hand was drawn to the fork and knife before slicing it.

She was confused to why we are not eating yet but just watching her but just shrugged it. After placing one on her mouth, she passed out on delight. "Aiyaa.. I forgot that she is still not used to my food right?" Xander said while scratching his head, I shook my head before I began eating my portion. Gunther wasn't worried about Luminous as he already checked if there is any poison on the meal that Xander served, he also know that Luminous is immuned to poison.

After Luminous woke up, she stayed in daze for a few minutes before Xander took her and we teleported back to our forest. I raised an eyebrow when I felt Guy trying to call me, I accepted the call and asked, "What's wrong, Guy?" Guy answered immediately, "Did you already forgot? We have a new one in our ranks. Its time for Walpurgis!" I then remembered that Rimuru is indeed an awakened one, "We're just in our house, just send your two maids to bring us" I said as he cut the call.

Right, Milim also did some unusual things like playing with Clayman, I don't know what her intentions though, trying to get involve in a mess like this. As far as I heard, Milim ravaged the whole Eurazania erasing it from the map. Well, we don't really care about the problems of the newborn demon lords. The only one we acknowledge are the ancient, second gen and Leon from the third gen demon lords.

"Xander, its seems like Walpurgis is coming, do you want to come?" I asked as he immediately went to my personal space, well personal space not really matters to us anyway. "Do you even need to ask? Interesting things would happen there right? I can't let a amusing show pass by without watching it" he said as I just sighed. "Luminous, can you bring Carrera as your attendant?" I asked as she tilted her head. "Why? I don't want to be closer to that woman" she said in disdain, I don't really know why she dislike Carrera but the feelings is mutual it seems.

"Well, we are going to bring Guinness this time, we wanted to show our pet to the council too" Xander said as I just nodded my head, Luminous was against it first but eventually gave up since Xander kept insisting. He is really too strong for her. "Then its decided, I'll bring Xander and Guinness. Luminous will bring Carrera and Louis with her" I said deciding everything as everyone got ready. Here we go, Walpurgis~.
