
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators)

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 87

Climax of this arc is starting. Look forward to it guys.


Undisclosed Location.

3rd POV*

The second generation demon lords are already waiting in this place along with the with Leon and Frey. After a few minutes, Guy and Ramiris arrived with an confident smile on their face. They were received by noddeds of acknowledgement, more like it was directed to Guy not to Ramiris but she didn't notice that as she just raised her chin high. Guy sat on his chair while Beretta opened a chair for Ramiris who just sat on their confidently.

A few minutes have passed but the others were still not there making Guy irritated. "Damn.. where are they" he muttered while his eyes were already twitching, his aura was already trying to break his body when a gate appeared. He relaxed as Sona and Luminous arrived along with their attendants that is quite.. huge? Guinness towered everyone in the room easily as his violent aura was wrecking around. Guy twitched his lips at this show of dominance as Xander just smirked at him.

Xander opened the chair for Sona to sit as he just sat on the additional chair. Guy made an additional chair for him as he deemed him worthy enough to sit in this circle even though he is not a demon lord. Guinness was just sitting behind him while revealing his fangs, his drool dropped to the ground making a huge hole on it as Carrion who is hiding behind Frey shivered. This bloodline supression is too strong for him.

There were no objection about Xander sitting in their as he is strong enough to beat all of them even if they all fight him together. Specially those who witnessed Xander's skill when the world made it for him. A new gate appeared as Rimuru entered along with Diablo and Shion, Diablo could enter the Walpurgis as he already finished his work of cleaning up the country of Farmus. Rimuru was stunned by the strength of everyone here, Raphael also reported that he could only fight against Carrion, and Frey in this room.

It didn't take long before Clayman also entered the room along with Milim, he seemed smug about something as he slapped Milim's head while saying "Move faster, Milim!" Rimuru's aura was showing when he witnessed the scene, but the older ones just watch in amusement. Controlling a Ancient Demon Lord is impossible in the first place, Milim must have lowered many of her magic resistance to let something like an effect to happen. "Greetings everyone. Today we are going to talk about this presumptious slime who dared to claim himself as a demon lord!" Clayman said.

He looked at the people in the room and stopped when he saw Xander and Sona, he didn't know any of them but was pissed by their presence. "You two! How dare you sit in that seat! This is the council of demon lords! Some nobody is not allowed to enter this place!" Clayman said while pointing at Xander and Sona, 'Oh no..' that was what all the older demon lords thought while looking at his action. "They are my guest" Guy said diffusing the situation as he knew that the show would be over if the couple get pissed.

Clayman calmed down before Misery and Rain went forward to introduce the participants. They looked at Guy who just closed his eyes, "Daemon, Lord or Darkness. Guy Crimson-sama" then to Sona, "Primordial Devil, Ice Queen. Sona Sitri-sama" Clayman's eyes widened at the declaration. This means that he just offended a Ancient Demon Lord without knowing it, he was starting to get worried but gained his composure after looking at Milim. 'Right, Milim can destroy everyone in this room' he smirked as he continued to listen.

Misery looked at Milim, "Dragonoid, The Destroyer. Milim Nava-sama" there was no particular reaction from Milim. "Pixie, The Labryinth. Ramiris-sama" Ramiris smirked greatly at her introduction but everyone just ignored it. Rein looked at Luminous, "Vampire, Queen of Nightmares. Luminous Valentine-sama" Luminous merely snorted before looking away.

"Giant, Continent's Wrath. Dagruel-sama" Dagruel just keep quiet and didn't say anything. "Fallen, Sleeping Lord. Dino-sama" Dino was just loudly snoring without even listening to his intro. Rein turned to Frey as she smiled gently, "Harpy, Sky Queen. Frey-sama" next is Leon. "Demonoid, Platinum Saber. Leon Cromwell-sama" Leon just nodded his head and lastly she turned to Rimuru. "Slime, Jura Tempest's Leader. Rimuru Tempest-sama" Rimuru nodded his head.

"Now that everyone has been introduced, the Walpurgis is hereby starting!" Guy said as he looked at Clayman who began explaining how Rimuru did many horrible things that don't really interest any of them. Diablo was slowly losing his patience listening to this fool's rambling. Thankfully the worse didn't happen as Rimuru threw a chair to Clayman. "Is the council just a bunch of politics like this? I thought it was for the strongest" He said provoking Clayman. Guy smirked as he saw the opportunity, "Indeed, we don't care about who killed who. What matters here is strength, Demon Lord Clayman can you protect your position by fighting this new guy?" Guy said.

Clayman was lost at first before he began smiling excitedly, he wanted to put this slime on his place. "Simple thing.. let's have a fight slime!" Clayman said as Guy grinned widely. He snap his finger making a barrier that expanded the space inside, Xander was interested in the barrier as he touched it. "Oops.." he muttered as a small hole was placed on where his finger touched. Xander raised an finger before slashing fixing the hole as he sighed in relief when no one saw it. "Guy! Milim is fighting, isn't that unfair?!" Ramiris buzzed infront of Guy.

Guy took Ramiris on the wings, "Stop it runt, its her own choice so we won't stop it" Guy said as Ramiris thought of something, "Then I can also send help right? Let Berreta in! He will shove Clayman's puppet on his ass" Ramiris said as Guy just shook his head, "No he doesn't need any help. Especially when that bastard is there" Guy said as he massaged his head, "Who are you talking about?" Ramiris tilted her head not understanding who Guy is mentioning. "When I was still in Hell, there is only one person who could rival me in strength. That person is that guy" Guy said while pointing at Diablo who just smiled.

Ramiris widened her eyes, someone could take Guy head on? That person must be special. Ramiris looked at Diablo as she asked, "Is he the Black Primordial?" Guy didn't answer but just nodded his head. "That bastard is enough to deal with the likes of Clayman, no need to worry about him" Guy said. Xander yawned while waiting for the battle, they have been looking at each other for some time now, are they gay? Xander thought. "Guy, start the fight already, I'm getting bored" Xander said as Guy looked at him with dull eyes.

"Then start the fight already" Guy simply said as Clayman went to his dialogue, any stepping stone always do before they get wrecked by something. "Enough talking, is that all you can do?" Rimuru provoked him again as his face scrunched in anger, "Milim! Kill him!" Clayman pointed at Rimuru as Milim charged at Rimuru, Diablo was about to interfere when Rimuru ordered him to kept Clayman in check, he also ordered him to not kill him as he would be the one who will do it.

Diablo has no choice but comply as he began playing with Clayman. Clayman used puppets that would regenerate forever but left limp on the ground with just one swing of Diablo. Milim and Rimuru started fighting as Rimuru was getting pressured, each blow of Milim is enough to destroy his whole body, he didn't want to bet on his body still intact after taking it so he just chose to dodge all of it while eating her magicules using Beelzebub. Shion was playing with the pets of Clayman as her broken Unique skill came in play.

Everyone watched the battle with interest, they can rarely find something amusing like this to happen so they just enjoyed the show. The newer Demon Lords couldn't help but stunned when they witnessed Milim's strength, they were also amazed by Rimuru's tenacity for keeping up with the girl even though she is not taking is seriously. Rimuru was trying to find the way to take Clayman's control to Milim so he didn't do any special attack.

Diablo was playing with Clayman as he released his Demon Lord Haki making the watcher widened their eyes, another demon lord? They never thought that demon lord classes could be find just like this, its as if someone was planting them without knowing how it would break the balance. Clayman began trembling without him knowing, "H-Huh...? W-What is this?!" He exclaimed while looking at his feet that is shaking like crazy. He put a hand on his knee to stop it but witnessed that his hand is also doing the same.

"Quite pathetic for a self-proclaimed demon lord. You can't even handle this much" Diablo said while shaking his head in disappointment. Clayman was enraged by that as he screamed. "Don't get too full of yourself greater demon!!" He said while firing a volley of energy blast at Diablo who just slapped everything making it disintegrate into nothing. "Tch! Milim, finish that slime already! Take care of this demon for me!" He shouted but didn't receive any reply.

"Huh?" Clayman muttered as he kneeled on the floor, he didn't see what happened as a secons later his knee was just sliced in half. "Kiieeh!! Milim! Help me!" He shouted but the response was not what he expected. "Why should I? Rimuru is my friend you know?" Milim said while tilting her head. "Huh?" Clayman was confused. "Kufufufu, fool. You really live up to your name as a clown, everyone here know that Milim-sama is just acting, how could you raise your ego like that? What an amateur. Even Rimuru-sama just had to play with Milim-sama's game. Isn't that right, Rimuru-sama?" Diablo said.

"Y-Yeah.." Rimuru could only pretend to know when he didn't really know it. "What?! You knew about it, Rimuru?" Milim asked as if shocked that her acting didn't work, she even placed an bell pepper on her mouth just to keep the expressionless look on her face. "O-Of course I know about it" Rimuru said while stuttering, he saw Xander smirking as his face turned red in embarassment. "What..?" Clayman could only say that as he noticed everyone looking at him with amusement.

Clayman's head couldn't form any thoughts for a while before he began cackling like a broken man. "HahahAAhHahaHabahHaha!! You really pushed me to my limit.." Clayman said before taking something, it was a ball that contained 10,000 souls. He absorbed the souls as his body went to a transformation, the Voice of the World also rang announcing his rise to Awakened Demon Lord ranks but just temporary.

Everyone raised an eyebrow at that as Carrion and Frey felt that they might lose immediately to the current Clayman. Diablo just chuckled at this fool as the mere thought of challenging Lord Rimuru is already a sin itself. If Rimuru didn't order then Clayman might have died a thousand times today. Rimuru didn't interfere with his evolution as he wanted to make Clayman know despair, he placed thought acceleration to Clayman before kicking him in the gut.

Clayman flew away as he experienced a thousand days of pain, "Kuah! You shitty slime!" He said before firing some energy balls that has a ability to destroy towns easily. Rimuru raised his hands before all those balls were sucked by his Ultimate skill, "Even after evolving, you're still such a weakling huh.. clayman" Rimuru said making the clown angry, "You dare to insult me?! I'll kill you! Eat my Greatest Secret Technique! Demon Blaster!!" Clayman shouted as the gathered magicules infront of him flew at a supersonic speed towards Rimuru who just raised an hand before eating all of it.

"T-This can't be... Its should be impossible!" Clayman began denying everything as even after the awakening he still couldn't do any damage towards Rimuru. "Kufufu, did you think that a mere gathered energy is enough to graze Lord Rimuru?" Diablo sneered at Clayman as he became even more enraged, sadly he couldn't move his body as his exhaustion caught up to him. Rimuru walked to Clayman before placing his hand at his head, "Goodbye, Clayman.." Rimuru said as everything about Clayman was sucked towards Rimuru.

The room stayed quiet for a few seconds before Guy started clapping, "That was quite a magnificient show you gave us, and since you defeated Clayman, you can have the title for yourself" Guy said as Milim and Ramiris smiled widely, "That's great Rimuru! You are now one of us!" Ramiris said while flying towards Rimuru, "Umu! Umu! That should've been expected, its Rimuru were talking about!" Milim said supporting Ramiris's words.

Guy just smiled at their interaction before he, Sona, Milim, and Xander looked at the above. The alternate dimension broke as the room returned to the Central World, a hole was made in the ceiling as something dropped killing Diablo who was in the middle of it. "..? Diablo..?" Rimuru muttered looking at the pile of blood that is being stomped by a large dragon that somehow looked familiar to Veldora. Rimuru stayed there in daze for a few seconds not understanding what just happened.

Diablo who already revived himself and returned to the Central World was about to inform Rimuru that he is alive when Xander stopped him. "Back away, you're going to stop his evolution" Xander said as Diablo widened his eyes when Rimuru's magicules rampaged all around, Rimuru looked up to Velgrynd with a dead look on his eyes. Velgrynd saw that as she just smirked, "How cute, did I just stomped on your friend?" She provoked him before she fired a blast of magic that destroyed the whole room.

Except that Rimuru still stood there without any damage, Raphael instinctively used Uriel to stop her magic as it can feel that Rimuru's thoughts is currently unstable. Diablo shook Xander away before getting closer to Rimuru, he wanted him to grow in his own way, not by manipulating him. Diablo kneeled infront of Rimuru, "Rimuru-sama, I have returned" Light somehow returned to Rimuru's eyes when Diablo said that as he looked at him. "Diablo..?" He asked.

"Yes, death is something that is vague to me, because I don't die" Diablo said while placing his hand to his chest, "Please calm your mana down Rimuru-sama, its going berserk" he said as Rimuru noticed what is happening. "Huh..? Oh, you're right" Rimuru then reeled his magicules as Diablo sighed in relief. "When are you going to stop chatting, bugs?!" Velgrynd said as Rimuru looked at her, "This is bad.." he muttered while his lips twitched.
