
Instant Climax: Conquering Reality With My Harem System

A dirty hobo old man was in an alley regretting his life choices and then decided to go for a piss at a nearby river when he was suddenly hit by a truck and reincarnated into another world, that however was just the beginning as the world he ended up in was one of the only men, where women didn't exist, so his fantasies of a harem of beauties were quickly dispelled for a world of femboys and burly men hitting on him. Managing to survive through trials and tribulations in this other world, he got the favor to make a deal with the Gods and got to use the ability of regression to go back in time and fix his mistakes at the cost of all his abilities and power, leaving only vague memories of the otherworld. The regression took him back all the way to the first day of his last year of high school, where everything started to change for him. Unfortunately, there was a mistake made… he looked like his hobo old self despite being 18 years old again. That caused him to be too weak, and as an orphan, he had nobody to fall on… so with that problem, he became a victim of bullying, but after all, he had been through, he refused to surrender without a fight, which led to him being dumped at the ocean to die… however he did not die… for some weird reason, he did not die, only losing consciousness then hearing a voice. [Human, You have been selected among many many candidates as the next Lust Ruler, a vicious and dangerous being in search of conquering all of reality with a harem of beauties at their side. Will you take this position? Knowing that you will not be able to love only one woman or stop your quest for power even if you feel satisfied? A position that will drive you to be Amoral, doing whatever is necessary? If you do not only will you survive today but you will have the chance to be powerful beyond comprehension!] [[Yes] Or [No]] "I will not die without a fight!" He pressed [Yes] without so much as a second thought.

HaremHobo · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 6- New Quest

-Week 2, Day 12/Friday, Mayort city-

The starry night stood above the cold streets once again giving an eerie yet calm tone to the bustling city, the Mayort city, as people all over found their own ways to appreciate this time of the day, from spicing things up to just letting some music play and take the reins.

Among those, Nivril was just meditating on his bed having done what he had to for the day, and waiting for his typically late brother.

*Knock* *Knock*

To his surprise this time it seemed he might actually be on time as his door was knocked.

Getting up from his bed, Nivril first got a knife and then walked up to the door before opening it.

"Holy cr*p! You really did you mad lad!" Dramil smiled widely seeing Nivril in front of him and immediately hugged his brother tightly.

He was a brown-skinned young man with strong deep red eyes and curly black hair with a modern cut. He was wearing a black jacket with red inside, together with a black T-shirt with red patterns and black swag pants, while on his foot, red shoes with black patterns.

(Image Here!)

"It's good to see you too, and you're not late? Just what demon possessed you?" Nivril smiled as he hugged back.

"I'm beyond being possessed, anyway, enough of that! Let's get to the real fun! I got us VIP spots in the best club in Mayort City! You don't have to thank me." Dramil bragged with smug after they separated from the hug.

"Ok then, I won't." Nivril smirked.

"You ungrateful snot! I do all the work and no thank you, that's my life." Dramil pretended to be hurt with extra drama.

"Let's get going before we're late." Nivril shook his head at this behavior.

"Tch! That's not the mentality you take to a club! Remember you're never late since the real party never starts before you're there!" Dramil corrected as he patted Nivril on the back.

"There you go… I'm not like you, I'm not the heart of the party… just do your thing and I'll do mine." Nivril rolled his eyes having to hear this again but inside he was happy about it.

"Hmph! You, who's a boob man have no right to correct me! The truth lies on a pulpy juicy fat ass! You chose the wrong side!" Dramil called Nivril out.

"You fool… I'm no longer the naive child you once knew… I have learned the art of truly appreciating the facets of a woman's body! Ass or boobs, why choose when you can have both!" Nivril looked serious despite what he was saying.

"Hehehe! You think that's the truth?! All that proves is that you have no commitment! I shall live and die an Ass man!" Dramil didn't waver even for a second.

""Hahahaha!"" From then both laughed at their own words before finally moving on to the club, after Nivril got what he needed and locked the door.

As they did so, a door opened to another dorm apartment, and out of it young women with brown hair and eyes with glasses came out. Wearing a white shirt and black skirt her expression was angry. It was Peris, who made her way to Nivril's dork door.

(Image Here!)

"Can you two keep it down?! Some people are actually trying to sleep and study!" She complanied as they had been too loud.

(It's this guy again! The gigolo who pretends to be an exercise addict!… who's the other guy though... He looks much younger... And they were laughing together… maybe they're brothers… whatever, I can't ruin my studies again! For those stupid dumb abs! And those bulging muscles... And… don't get distracted! Stay focused! He's a problem!) Peris thought to herself as she looked at the boys.

"Oh… apologies for that... We're already leaving. Don't be so stiff though, it looks bad on you." Nivril understanding that they were in the wrong just apologized to avoid getting into an argument, since they were leaving.

(At least he was polite this time… if he didn't look so much older… maybe it would have been easier for us to get along… he's pretty cute all things considered... Even if his taste in games is questionable at best.) The girl thought to herself after hearing the apology.

"Hmph!.. Just keep it down… you're always making some noise! Plus shouldn't you be studying? Whatever, just be careful." The young woman snorted and then went back inside her room.

"Look at you, living next to a cute one, not bad.. Nerdy girls are freaky so be careful with that one." Dramil advised with a smile.

"I just kinda know that girl, it's just since I exercise now, sometimes I get her knocking on my door because I'm being too loud about it…

"I had enough arguments with her to know it's best we leave if we don't want to stay here for a while. Though the group study that one time wasn't half bad." Nivril shook his head.

"Still a softie I see… just show her your bad side, and she'll fall right over to you, I could see it in her eyes, she saw you doing something that sparked her interest in you. I know about these things." Dramil continued as he acted like he was some relationship or dating guru.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah… say that when you have a girlfriend." Nivril dismissed him.

"I'm not one for that kind of thing, I'm a guy who likes to explore all his options, and all of those options want to have some fun on the side, who am I to deny them that?" Dramil shrugged it off.

"And you say I have bad habits… oh well, let's just go." Nivril rolled his eyes and they left the place.

Making their way to the club, Nivril, and Dramil soon got there.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you… Sasha is in there..." Dramil said as they stood in front of the building lit with neon pink lights, the Mayort pink hub.

"You little!… why didn't just tell me?!" Nivril got mad as his expression and tone showed.

"Because you wouldn't want to come if I told you! Plus things are easy to solve, you just have to apologize for just disappearing on her like that. She was actually there for you when most girls I know would never, especially with the way you looked before... No offense." Dramil responded more honestly.

(It seems things really are just like in my first life… the crazy differences aside… Well, at least this version of me had reason to abandon her… unlike me in my timeline… I was such a fool.

(This time however I'll do things right! I'll achieve my own freedom and happiness through my own power!) Nivril sighed as he began thinking of his first life more.

Having come to his conclusion, Nivril let Dramil guide him inside.

Inside the atmosphere was bouncy as various people were dancing, drinking, and doing some questionable things all over, but they passed all that and went to the VIP area, where there were a bunch of boots, and on theirs, there was a rather big table where a few girls and guys were seated, among them Sasha, who called Nivril and Dramil over as soon as she as saw them.

"Nivril! Dramil! Over here! We're here!" She waved her hand at them with a smile on her face.

She had short red and pink hair with bangs, a fair bosom, and her body was a bit more muscular than Nivril remembered but it was her for sure with her red flowery eyes. Wearing a white shirt and black pants with a red belt. Next to her was a red quarterstaff and on her waist both a pouch and dagger.

(Image Here!)

(The way she's dressed… Did Sasha become a cultivator?) Nivril noticed as soon as he saw her.

Once they got close, one of the guys already at the table said to Dramil.

"Look at you being late again!"

"The night is young and the real fun only starts now that I'm here! But if you insist, I'll get a few cups in as a punishment." Dramil replied as he sat down.

Meanwhile, Nivril and Sasha were just looking at each other, with no words just awkward silence marked by their trance.

Not saying a word Nivril sat next to her.

"Yo! Dramil! Where have you been?!" One of the other men asked.

"You know… taking care of some important stuff. Don't mind it! I'm here now!" Dramil who already had five cups of gin responded.

"Ok, ok, we get it… but who's that guy with you? I have never seen Sasha so comfortable with a stranger, a man no less…" One of the girls asked.

"Stranger?! What are you on about? That's my one brother… you really can't tell? That's Nivril!" Dramil raised his eyebrow as they seemed to not recognize Nivril at all.

"No way!"

"You have to be making this up… he looks nothing like Nivril…"

"That's crazy… what happened to him?"

"It has to have been surgery, there's no other way."

"I mean he could have become a cultivator."

"Hahaha! That's not something you just do, because you want to."

They threw out a bunch of comments upon hearing it was actually Nivril, completely in disbelief at the mere possibility.

"So… it seems you're doing better than before. That's nice, that's real nice." Sasha expressed with a small warm smile.

"In a lot of ways, I am… but in some others quite the opposite." Nivril calmly replied.

"How so?" Sasha questioned intrigued.

"You see… there's this beautiful girl with red and pink hair, I really liked her, but it seems I messed everything up by letting my insecurities get the best of me. She was something else, you wouldn't believe me if I told you." Nivril explained.

"Oh… really? Please tell me more about this unbelievable girl, now you have me curious." Sasha giggled a bit at his attempt but allowed him to continue.

"Well, for starts she was very honest and fun, a bit got headed at times, but very reliable whenever it mattered the most... I couldn't take my eyes off her, but she was too popular for me to monopolize her time the way I would like to. I had many plans and even bought her favorite chocolate brand, but alas I let the pressure get the best of me, and left without saying a word." Nivril sighed in disappointment as he thought back to his spineless decision.

"And don't forget you never even ever sent her that chocolate! So, what do you have to say in your defense?" Sasha turned to Nivril and looked him in the eyes as she asked.

"I brought more chocolate to make up that part… as for the rest, while I'm very sorry and regret not appropriating her more, no, to you … I don't think I'm the kind of person who can be with you anymore." Nivril expressed.

"I'll take the chocolate, but I have to say you're pretty cruel dumping me a second time immediately after we meet… Can I at least know why?" Sasha inquired her face showing she wasn't fully surprised by this development, and maybe even relieved.

"Because I'm going to pursue a goal beyond the scope of our world… it will probably sound crazy, but I have come to want two things, my own happiness and freedom… And the method I choose to get there is power!

"However much I can get my hands on… not only that but I also plan to have various women by my side… so as I said… I'm no longer the type of person that would interest you…" Nivril was honest.

"As honest as ever… but you know what? I changed as well… I'm actually relieved you said all that... It might mean we can still make this work and I won't have to sever our connection today…

"I also planned to reject you today, the moment Dramil told me about this… don't get me wrong, I still like you very much so… but after I joined Arbella Cultivation Dojo, I saw the cultivator side of things and my perspective on life changed…

"So I thought that my kind and honest Nivril would not be fit to be a part of my life anymore… However what you just said now! If you can promise me that you'll become strong and be able to keep up with me or better surpass me! I will be and stay yours!" Hearing Nivril talk Sasha's eyes lit up and she leaned toward him to the point their faces were mere centimeters away from each other.

"Yes… but I also said I plan to have multiple women... You heard that part, right? Cause I'm not changing my mind on that!" Nivril pointed out trying to make sure she understood that.

"If the only price I have to pay to stay with my cutie is to have to trample on a few other women when they get too comfortable, that's way too cheap. For my, Nivril, I'm willing to pay many many times that!" Sasha insisted looking confident in her words.

(… Did she like me this much in my first life?… I never got to know, since she died in an accident before I met her again. After her, I fell in love 3 more times... And the 4th woman was my downfall… that b*tch! If I meet her this time around… But now's not the time to be thinking about this… I'll have her by my side this time around.) Nivril thought to himself as he looked at her and then.

"I promise that by my side you shall be great among my other future wives." Nivril took the deal.

[A Quest has been completed.]

[Quest 12: Take The Deal(Hidden)]

[Description: As a Lust Ruler it is unacceptable that your first wife finds a micro Rod inside your pants, as such you must resolve this issue as soon as possible!

Objective- Accept Sasha.

Failure conditions: Rejecting Sasha.


-Almighty Rod Ascension technique(Yang Type)

Time Left: -]

[The Quest 12: Take The Deal(Hidden) has been completed. The rewards can now be collected, would you like to have them now?]

[[Yes] Or [No]]

Immediately after, Sasha hugged him, pressing her chest against his body then said. "Good! You better not slack off or I'll be disappointed if you don't keep your word. Plus, I still want my chocolate."

(This girl…) Nivril chuckled at her cheekiness.

[A Quest has been generated.]

[Quest 13: The First Wife (Domination)]

[Description: In a harem, it is important that the ranks are established early on to avoid unnecessary conflict among the girls, and a big part of that is to have a good first wife who will keep her sisters in line for the Lust Ruler during his absence. So take the opportunity and make Sasha into one.

Objective- Conquer Sasha.


-Raise her submission to 100

-Raise her interest to at least 90

-Raise her Sexual Love to at least 60

-Raise her Platonic Love to at least 90(complete)

-Raise her Romantic Love to at least 50(Complete)

-Raise her Sluttyness to at least 30

-Raise her Exhibitionism to at least 30

Failure conditions: Sasha loses interest, Sasha finds another partner, Time ends, or Sasha dies.


-Harem Wife ring

-Blazing Demonic Scorpion Body Sutra(Yin Type)

-Sun Phoenix Bloodline(Yang Type)

-Sea Dragon King Quarterstaff

-Stone Monkey Body(Yin Type)

Punishment: Losing Sasha Forever, -10 Intrest The Handsome Monkey King, -10 Interest The Lust King, -10 Interest The Scorpion Demoness, -10 Interest Tripitaka

Time Left: 2 months]

[[Accept] Or [Reject]]

Looking at this quest, Nivril knew it was more serious than the ones up until now, and that made him stop before pressing anything.

(The rewards look interesting, but this whole punishment thing… who are all those people that would lose interest in me?… even the Lust King? But I thought there was no Lust Ruler right now... What is going on?… Should I take this quest?) Nivril found himself thinking seriously if this was something he should do or not.

Keep it push in.

HaremHobocreators' thoughts