
Instant Climax: Conquering Reality With My Harem System

A dirty hobo old man was in an alley regretting his life choices and then decided to go for a piss at a nearby river when he was suddenly hit by a truck and reincarnated into another world, that however was just the beginning as the world he ended up in was one of the only men, where women didn't exist, so his fantasies of a harem of beauties were quickly dispelled for a world of femboys and burly men hitting on him. Managing to survive through trials and tribulations in this other world, he got the favor to make a deal with the Gods and got to use the ability of regression to go back in time and fix his mistakes at the cost of all his abilities and power, leaving only vague memories of the otherworld. The regression took him back all the way to the first day of his last year of high school, where everything started to change for him. Unfortunately, there was a mistake made… he looked like his hobo old self despite being 18 years old again. That caused him to be too weak, and as an orphan, he had nobody to fall on… so with that problem, he became a victim of bullying, but after all, he had been through, he refused to surrender without a fight, which led to him being dumped at the ocean to die… however he did not die… for some weird reason, he did not die, only losing consciousness then hearing a voice. [Human, You have been selected among many many candidates as the next Lust Ruler, a vicious and dangerous being in search of conquering all of reality with a harem of beauties at their side. Will you take this position? Knowing that you will not be able to love only one woman or stop your quest for power even if you feel satisfied? A position that will drive you to be Amoral, doing whatever is necessary? If you do not only will you survive today but you will have the chance to be powerful beyond comprehension!] [[Yes] Or [No]] "I will not die without a fight!" He pressed [Yes] without so much as a second thought.

HaremHobo · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 5- Failed Plan

-Day 8/Monday; 3 P.M.-

After he left the school, Nivril made his way home as usual and this time he wasn't even careful to go through a different route as it seemed the ruffians would find him either way.

As soon as he reached the area where it all started the same trash cans filled alleyway, where he almost died burned, the ruffians were already there, and once again flanked him from both sides.

Three of them had knives, Raylid, Big Sin, and Rufus all held one in their gloved hand, Snaptrap however was empty-handed and wearing a long coat. Big Sin and Snaptrap stood back, as Raylid and Rufus walked up to him.

"You know, sometimes I wonder, just how lucky are you, that things keep working out for you? I mean, you're supposed to be an orphan kid who's all alone and has nothing to his name, someone who started at an even lower level of life than me.

"Then you messed with me, the wrong guy for someone like you to annoy, however somehow someway you survived a situation that would have for sure killed most people and came back with modern superpowers… Just who the hell do you think you are?!

"Some protagonist in your story where everything works out in the end? Think twice, 'cause today no matter how lucky you get, you're going down and we're taking that inheritance." Raylid went on a rant as he walked to Nivril.

"I don't know, from what I've been told, I have pretty terrible luck, after all, I don't think I would be in this situation if my luck was as good as you're selling it out to be." Nivril shook his head and just stood there ready.

First was Raylid who attacked him with a slash, and it was dodged fairly easily, however as he was trying to go for a Parry in order to counter the very next move, Big Sin attacked which forced him to dodge so the ruffian leader hacked at him.

This passed the clothes and left a small cut near his abdomen.

[Warning! The user has been afflicted with the status condition 'poisoned', which will slowly reduce the user's hp until death. Time left until death: 6:59]

(Poison… So they poisoned the knives? These bastards…) Nivril didn't have time to dwell on it.

It didn't stop there, as they both continued to pressure him with very well-timed or coordinated attacks, and that left him no time to attack himself otherwise he might instead get hit.

(When did they become such a well-oiled machine of a team? Something is going on here. Even so, I think I got their pattern down.) Nivril was confused considering that last time, they were acting like movie goons, but now they know what they are doing?

In the midst of this, they backed him into a wall, so as Rufus attacked him, Nivril caught his wrist and pulled him in front of Raylid who was coming in to cut his chance to attack.

The two clashed but didn't harm each other. Right after they got their focus rather quickly, and came at Nivril.

Nivril did his best to dodge and avoid getting hit, unfortunately, the onslaught of this 2 v 1 was not something he could fully keep up with mostly due to the knives.

(I need to do something about the attacks from these two, I can't keep this up for too long… then how about a replay of our first encounter?) Nivril thought to himself as he took in his surroundings and came to a conclusion.

The cut began building up, from his torso to even a few on his cheeks, however, that was not without retribution as he was now familiar with their patterns and managed to get a few good punches to their faces.

"Give up! It's over, if you don't, it's going to be a waste of your life, and we'll eventually find the inheritance either way." Raylid continued.

"Really man, I'm tired of this! Just give that damn thing up and you'll be fine!" Rufus added just as tired of this charade as anyone else.

Things didn't look good, though as he found himself losing blood, even so, Nivril didn't waver, and did what he could when the got tough.

Using whatever you got, after the environment is a big part of the fight.

As Nivril got corned again, it seemed this was the end.

"It's over for you, I guess since you lived a stubborn old man, this is a fitting death." Raylid added as he went in for the strike.

Having let himself get to this corner, Nivril pulled the trash can lid and used it as a shield before kicking Rufus off as he tried to attack. Using this window, Nivril bashed Raylid's face with the trash can lid, then threw it at a coming back Rufus.

From there, he began pummeling Raylid's face, and he the knife way off his hand. Only for Rufus to come at him again, however this time, since it was only one, Nivril parried his attack and headbutted him before performing and throwing him onto the ground, before also kicking his knife off.

Even though he got a bit ruffled up especially because of the cuts, which were happily not deep.

"If I were you I would listen to us as things aren't going to go well for if you don-" Snaptrap began talking to him, but was cut off in the middle.

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

"Poison? Is that it? Not a terrible idea, but you have the wrong target for this." Nivril declared, breathing heavily and much more tired than he expected, as he walked passed Snaptrap.

"Are you crazy?! If you know you're poisoned you better listen! You'll die hours from now if you don't. Even hospitals won't be able to help you!" Snaptrap yelled at him.

"Say one more thing, and your time on this earth is up." Nivril had plans he refused to scrap, but if he spent any more time with these fools after they had poisoned him, none of that would matter.

[A Ruler candidate's will has stirred up. A release of 0.000... 00001% of Lust Ruler's Aura has been authorized.]

His aura and expression said everything one needed to know about the words he just said, he was dead serious.


Snaptrap's legs weakened and soon as ass was met with the ground as it was far from the expected response.

(What is up with this guy?… when did he become so… God… this is dangerous, but we don't have a choice, he's not more dangerous than that guy…

(No, not even close… even so, we can't deal with this… We're dead… We're so dead… Unless… Damnit… It has to be that b*tch, we don't have a choice, I'm not messing with this guy again and I'm definitely not going back to that guy.) Snaptrap went silent just watching him leave.

After that, he got home.

"What a pain… those guys… they just went ahead and poisoned me… I'll destroy every bit of their lives… nothing will remain of their will when I'm done with them." Nivril dropped his basically destroyed bag on the floor and undressed before going to the bathroom, then he sat on the floor and began meditating.

Using his technique meditation, he was able to heal himself as the poison tried to undo him, however, no matter how long he meditated, all it did was restart the timer on how long he had until it killed him. In order words he could only delay it.

"System… is there anything I can get to rid myself of this poison?" Nivril asked seeing as he didn't have much more of an option. Not wanting to deal with a hospital unless absolutely necessary.

[The cheapest option available that would work on the poison inside you, is the technique Detoxifying Fingers at 5,500 OLP. Another option is to simply grow stronger as higher vitality makes it harder for poisons, diseases, viruses, and such to affect the user.] The system responded.

"So, I'm stuck with the poison for now… Just great, as if it wasn't enough trouble already." Nivril sighed as he got back to meditation since normal sleep would definitely end up with him dead.

-Day 9/Tuesday; 3 A.M.-

Another day and things happened as usual. The quest was there after he opened his eyes due to the alarm going off, so he got up and went there to turn it off.

[A quest has been generated.]

[Quest 8: Rise Up To The Occasion 4(Daily)]

[Description: You have experienced what it is to be weak for the first 18 years of your life in this world, and though you were lucky before, that is now over. You have to prove that you are worthy of the powers you have gained by becoming stronger than all else, one step at a time starting from now.

Objective- Complete The Daily Training Routine(Nightmare mode)


-0/600 push-ups

-0/600 sit-ups

-0/600 squats

-0/600 jump jacks

-0/2000 Punches on the training dummy

-0/2000 kicks on the training dummy

-0/40 minutes of flexibility training

-0/40 minutes of plank

-0/40 minutes of Evasion training

-0/40 minutes of Reflex training

-0/60 km run

Failure conditions: Unable to complete the training within the same day.


-80 OLP

-Body Fortification Burger(extra protein!)

-Lineage Solidification Protein Powder Bag(extra protein!)

-Cup with water(No extra protein)

Time Left: 23:59]

The usual happened and he completed the quest. Even though he got much more tired and felt bad because of the poison, so was forced to stop and meditate for a bit every so often.

[The Quest 8: Rise Up To The Occasion 4(Daily) has been completed within the time frame limit. The rewards can now be collected, would you like to have them now?]

[[Yes] Or [No]]

He took the reward.

[Report. You have acquired 80 OLP, Body Fortification Burger(extra protein!), Lineage Solidification Protein Powder Bag(extra protein!), and Cup with water(No extra protein).

Note: It is recommended that you consume the items near the bathroom or even inside it, naked.]

Then he went through the whole process and once it was done, he looked at his status screen.

[Status Screen]

[Name: Nivril Armondis Mortalis

Species: Human | Sub-Species: Earth Human

Age: 18 years old

Sex: Male

Class: Lust Ruler Candidate

Sub-Class: None

Physique: None

Bloodline: None

Affinities: Void, Neutral(Null), Lust

Lv: 0

Cultivation Level: None

Exp: 0/5

Titles: Reincarnated Otherwolder, The Hero Of All Men


Hp: 60% | EP: -/- | Stm: 5/55

Strength: 9 -> 10

Dexterity: 12 -> 13

Vitality: 10 -> 11

Intelligence: 0

Endurance: 12 -> 13

Wisdom: 0

Agility: 9 -> 10

Will: 20

Charisma: 36(On Hold: 0/10) -> 37(On Hold: 0/10)

Luck: 1(On Hold: 0/100)

Free Attribute Points: 0


Diplomacy: I-

Influence: I-

EP Core: I-

EP Circuit: I-

Divine Power: 0

Profane Power: 0

Spiritual power: I-

Racial Talent: Adaptability,

Abilities: <Instant Climax.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Pleasure Multiplier.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Child Selection.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Ecstatic Ram.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Lustful Hands.Lv-1(Rank I)>,

Techniques: <Meditation.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Ejaculation.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Ejaculation Resistance.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <100% Fertility.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <100% Infertility.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Cum inflation.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Increased Sperm Load.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Decreased Sperm Load.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Sexual Touch.Lv-1(Rank I)>,

Magic: None

Extras: Lust Ruler's Omni-Records System,

Inventory: Locked(100,000,000 points)

OLP: 300 points]

"Ok, let's meditate, and then go to school." Nivril nodded at his stats and then began meditating.

The day went normally and while at school Raylid still gave him looks, the rest of the ruffians seemed to avoid him altogether.

Things went normally and he went back home, where he mediated.

-Day 12/Friday; 3 A.M.-

After a few more days of this cycle, Nivril woke up from meditation once again, only to see another notification.

[A quest has been generated.]

[Quest 11: Rise Up To The Occasion 5(Daily)]

[Description: You have experienced what it is to be weak for the first 18 years of your life in this world, and though you were lucky before, that is now over. You have to prove that you are worthy of the powers you have gained by becoming stronger than all else, one step at a time starting from now.

Objective- Complete The Daily Training Routine(Hell mode)


-0/900 push-ups

-0/900 sit-ups

-0/900 squats

-0/900 jump jacks

-0/2500 Punches on the training dummy

-0/2500 kicks on the training dummy

-0/45 minutes of flexibility training

-0/45 minutes of plank

-0/45 minutes of Evasion training

-0/45 minutes of Reflex training

-0/90 km run

Failure conditions: Unable to complete the training within the same day.


-160 OLP

-Body Fortification Burger(extra protein!)

-Lineage Solidification Protein Powder Bag(extra protein!)

-Cup with water(No extra protein)

Time Left: 23:59]

"Holy… please tell me this is the last mode…" Nivril looked at the unrealistic metas which got more absurd than before.

Casting those doubts aside, Nivril went ahead and did it.

[The Quest 11: Rise Up To The Occasion 5(Daily) has been completed within the time frame limit. The rewards can now be collected, would you like to have them now?]

[[Yes] Or [No]]

Then he got the rewards.

[Report. You have acquired 160 OLP, Body Fortification Burger(extra protein!), Lineage Solidification Protein Powder Bag(extra protein!), and Cup with water(No extra protein).

Note: It is recommended that you consume the items near the bathroom or even inside it, naked.]

Once that was done, he went ahead and got through the process.

[Status Screen]

[Name: Nivril Armondis Mortalis

Species: Human | Sub-Species: Earth Human

Age: 18 years old

Sex: Male

Class: Lust Ruler Candidate

Sub-Class: None

Physique: None

Bloodline: None

Affinities: Void, Neutral(Null), Lust

Lv: 0

Cultivation Level: None

Exp: 0/5

Titles: Reincarnated Otherwolder, The Hero Of All Men


Hp: 85% | EP: -/- | Stm: 20/70

Strength: 12 -> 13

Dexterity: 15 -> 16

Vitality: 13 -> 14

Intelligence: 0

Endurance: 15 -> 16

Wisdom: 0

Agility: 12 -> 13

Will: 20

Charisma: 39(On Hold: 0/10) -> 40(On Hold: 0/10)

Luck: 1(On Hold: 0/100)

Free Attribute Points: 0


Diplomacy: I-

Influence: I-

EP Core: I-

EP Circuit: I-

Divine Power: 0

Profane Power: 0

Spiritual power: I-

Racial Talent: Adaptability,

Abilities: <Instant Climax.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Pleasure Multiplier.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Child Selection.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Ecstatic Ram.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Lustful Hands.Lv-1(Rank I)>,

Techniques: <Meditation.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Ejaculation.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Ejaculation Resistance.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <100% Fertility.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <100% Infertility.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Cum inflation.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Increased Sperm Load.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Decreased Sperm Load.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Sexual Touch.Lv-1(Rank I)>,

Magic: None

Extras: Lust Ruler's Omni-Records System,

Inventory: Locked(100,000,000 points)

OLP: 620 points]

"I have accumulated quite a bit of OLP… but I don't really have enough for the poison counter right now, … but… system, is there any other use for OLP?" Nivril questioned curious.

[Report. OLP can also be exchanged for the currency of the country you currently inhabit… in this case, E-credits with an exchange rate of 10:1.]

"… So, I could get 62 E-credits right now?" Nivril asked for confirmation.

[Report. Correct.]

"Oh… if take into account the Hell mode of the daily quest that started today, I'll get 160 OLP every day or 16 E-credits… Which is not the worst, but far from great. I need the Detoxify skill first anyway." Nivril concluded.

Laying on his bed, suddenly his phone began to ring.

"… hum?.. Who could be calling me?" Nivril had no strong relationships at all in this life yet, so he was confused.

"It's Dramil… Dramil… HE'S ALIVE? Sh*t! Why didn't I think of that?! He only dies 5 years from now! How could I forget my brother?!" Nivril facepalmed at this realization.

Dramil was his best friend and brother to him, in his first life they met at a very young age and quickly became friends, but their friendship only became brotherhood when Dramil's love for partying and nothing else got him kicked out of his house at a tender age of 15 after his father found him doing very questionable things with both his sister and mother, and the one to help him find a place was Nivril who convinced the orphanage to take him in by slaving off and doing way more work than any 15 year old ever should.

They lived together for 3 years without major changes, and Nivril would often take the blame for Dramil's mistakes, and eventually, Dramil's partying life got him connections he used to rise in the ranks, pulling Nivril up with him. There was even a time Dramil took a bullet for Nivril. Unfortunately at the peak of their rise, Nivril refused to live that way wanting to do things the "honest way" after being swayed by a woman, and that same night, Dramil overdosed and died without Nivril being able to do a thing.

Not going to that party was to this day one of Nivril's greatest regrets, lost his brother through thick and thin soon proved to be his downfall as the woman tricked him and took everything leaving the naive Nivril back in the dirt where he never escaped.

However this time, Nivril would do things differently!

"Dramil!… is that you?!" Nivril answered the phone.

[Who else would it be, you c*nt?! How's my favorite camper? I got huge news boi! I actually managed to find a surgeon that will help you, and a trustworthy one at that!

[I know you always say you're fine and all that cr*p! But are you really going to say no after I spent so much time, and effort and had to pull so many favors, you can't even imagine getting this! So do me a favor and just tell me when you have time.] Dramil expressed through the phone.

"… it's really you… you little f*ck! You're really there…" Nivril had tears in his eyes as in his mind, this man was long gone to a point he didn't even consider him being alive in this timeline, but to now listen to his voice again, was too much.

[Of course, it's me! Did someone try to impersonate me or something?… I told you to stop telling people stuff about yourself so easily! That will get you in trouble! I know you like helping and being nice, but you got to take care of yourself, man! So I'll ask again, when do you got time?] Dramil insisted while scolding Nivril.

"No need for that, I already took care of my face myself… it's not perfect, but I look much better now." Nivril replied smiling at his behavior which was still the same.

[No way in hell! You bastard! When did you plan to tell me?! I was out here working my ass to get you this!

[Now, I need to see you, and don't you dare send me a picture, this has to be in person… I can be there by tonight, and I even know a great club in that area, where we could get some action!] Dramil was ecstatic at the news.

"Of course, you do, homeless f*ck! If there's a club you don't know, I'll shave my own head! Anyway, you're always welcome at my home, if you need a place to crash, you already. As for the club! Why not? It's tomorrow is the weekend so might as well go all out." Nivril responded with a smirk.

[Good! I'll see your ugly ass there! Bye man.] Dramil said his goodbye for now.

"Don't be late again, you alcoholic Scammer!" Nivril turned off the call.

"To think that little sh*t was still alive… I can't believe it… maybe this will actually be my perfect life… So, I better work hard to keep it." Nivril smiled before getting ready to continue his Friday schedule.


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