
Inspired Enchanter [Danmachi]

Corwyn Hallows wandered Limbo for eons. In his journey, he'd found a strange object. Eons later, he came back to that object, and it offered him an accord. To live again, with a gift. He accepts this offer, and finds himself in an unfamiliar world of Gods and Adventurers. This is Corwyn's journey through Orario, the Dungeon City. Join him as he becomes a smith, an Adventurer, a warrior, an enchanter, and more. Updates: Whenever I feel like writing Inspired Enchanter Kronosday and Setsday - Now you have to translate that in normal days.

LordDylz · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter Ten: Hojo and Corwyn Have Bonding Time

Frey's Day, One Day Later. (4)

Corwyn eased off the grind wheel and inspected the blade of his halberd. He smiled down at the axe blade and then inspected the rear spike and forward blade. 'All good, no folds or cracks, a perfect edge.' Corwyn noted.

He took the blade of his halberd and stood up, reaching over to a pole of dark-wood that was to be used for his haft. The wood was reinforced with studded metal throughout its length and thick rough leather was used for its grips. He affixed the cone of the halberd blade onto the end of the length and rested the apoxy on the haft.

Letting go he turned to the remainder of his equipment. Laying against his anvil were two thick greaves that were attached to a pair of sabatons. The shining steel was darkened using acid taken from the stomachs of surface monsters. After that would be a pair of thick and baggy leather and wool pants resting on the anvil, and next to them would be a dark red studded brigandine vest of salamander wool.

'I didn't have enough time to work out my Gauntlets, sadly. So I'm just going to use my work gloves until I can get them ready. Then I need a gorget, pauldrons, some actual leg armor, a helmet, and plenty of quality padding as I'm going for a heavy-armor build.'

Corwyn went to the inventory for the smithery and picked out a cheap norman-helm that never sold. It was a trash-grade item, but it'd be better than nothing. Added to that would be a padded coif that would protect his head from the helmet itself.

He felt four charges of Enchanting burn inside him and focused down onto the 'Common - Steel Halberd'. He pulled on charge and burned an enchantment into it.

'Common - Steel Halberd of Durability'

Durability: Functioning like a weaker 'Durandal' enchantment, this halberd will face little wear and tear and would take tried and true punishment to even roll the edge, let alone chip the blade.

A good starting weapon, in Corwyn's opinion.

Next he grabbed his greaves. 'Common - Steel Greaves'. He burned another charge and inspected the final result.

'Common - Steel Greaves of Poise'.

Poise: Your stance is firm and steady. You will not break in the face of a charge or strong attack.

Next, he took his 'Uncommon - Salamander Wool Studded Brigandine'.

'Uncommon - Salamander Wool Studded Brigandine of Extreme Stamina'

Extreme Stamina: Your Stamina is enhanced to an extreme degree. You could fight for a straight hour at full tilt and be nothing but winded.

Stamina was a critical and crucial aspect of battle. He'd need to keep fighting and stay sharp while in battle and out of it to stay alive. To assist in his ventures, he also took a few items from other sets.

His Work-Out Gear was his highest rarity items, however, the enchantments were too specific for his needs. The 'Rare - Alf Forest Sweat Band of Focus and Extreme Will' while powerful, the Focus aspect would be a detriment as tunnel vision would get him killed in battle. The only item from here he took was the 'Uncommon - Lava Wool Footwraps of Balance and Sure Foot', which he wore as socks under his greaves. For his hands he took out his 'Uncommon - Lava Wool Handwraps of Grip and Handling'. He'd much rather have some real gauntlets, but these would have to do for now.

He took from his Smithing Set the 'Common - Black Bandana of the Sharp Minded' which will keep his mind sharp and focused from mental stress. This was important as he could be fighting for hours on end and while his body may be willing and strong, his mind might fail him and check out of the fight if it was dull and tired.

Equipping his equipment, Corwyn went through some practice sets with it on to test how it fit. He nodded to himself and felt he could have done some better weight distribution, but otherwise it fit him well.

Dressing down, Corwyn went to bed ready and willing to face the Dungeon for the first time.


Corwyn breathed deeply as he stared down the dark abyss of stairs leading down the Dungeon. Adventurers and party members chattered or went down in solemn silence as they readied themselves to bare the dangers of the Dungeon.

"Nervous?" Hojo asked as he rested his glaive on his shoulder.

Corwyn nodded, "In a sense. I feel like I'm staring at my grave."

Hojo snorted and stared down into the dungeon as well, "Yes. I feel that as well."

Corwyn grinned, "Well, Death won't wait for us. Best get moving."

Hojo chuckled, "Yes. Lets."

The pair ventured down the steps of the dungeon. "Can't wait to climb these." Corwyn said sarcastically.

"Ha! You and I both." Hojo shook his head. "You fight for your life down there, then you look up at this flight of stairs and know you're not done yet."

"Osu." Corwyn muttered.

"Yes. Push. That is all we can do." Takemura said back as they reached the last step and stared into the maw of the Dungeon. A goblin fell from the ceiling and an arrow from a nearby adventurer party ended its short life.

"Onwards." Corwyn said as he eyed the fresh corpse.

They entered the halls of the Dungeon, Takemura leading the pair as they ventured throughout the empty halls of the Dungeon.

"Hey, Hojo. I never asked, but, why are you doing this?" Corwyn asked.

"Oh? Doing what?"


"Money. Your god offered plenty of Valis for a month of tutoring. It was honest work and would grant me contacts and connections with a powerful familia as well." Hojo answered.

"Understandable." Corwyn mused, before another thought occurred. "What about your new familia? Any new duties?" He asked as his eyes roamed the dim darkness of the tunnels.

"I am the highest leveled Adventurer in my God's family. The Takemikazuchi Familia is relatively new with many level ones in training, doing just as you are."

Corwyn hummed, "Are you doing what you are doing with me with them?" He asked.

"No. Ouka, our familia captain has much to learn, but has accepted the weight of the title of Captain. And the pride of such."

"Ah, big shoes to fill, and he feels the need to prove that he can fill them?" Corwyn asked.


"Why haven't you taken the title of captain? Or do you feel you aren't leader material?" Corwyn asked.

Hojo titled his head and nodded. "Ouka is a talent in leadership. He can make the right calls. He has much to grow, but his potential is great. I can see him reaching level four in a decade at most."

Corwyn hummed at that. "Impressive. I never asked, but how old are you, Hojo?"

The man rose a brow. "I am twenty. On your right."

Corwyn's eyes sharpened and he snapped into a combat stance, halberd pointed towards a goblin that was sneaking to flank them. The goblin froze once it was spotted, before charging with a savage cry.

Corwyn waited before shuffling forward a single half-step and thrusted his blade. The spike of the blade dug deep into the goblin's collar bone, and a quick twist broke it. Corwyn plucked his blade out before with a diagonal slash of his ax blade; he cut the head of the goblin from its shoulders.

Corwyn moved over to the goblin and inspected the corpse, looking at the veins and arteries, the gasping esophagus, and the severed spine.

"Gross." Corwyn noted, but felt little else.

"Oh? No reaction? You'd assumed you would have one." Hojo said as he walked next to Corwyn.

"Hmm. I have cardiophobia. Or had, I guess."

"...I am unsure of what that means."

"Cardiophobia is characterized by repeated complaints of chest and heart pain, heart palpitations, and other sensations accompanied by having a heart attack and fear of dying from it." Corwyn said. "It's confused with Hemophobia, which is the fear of blood. When I was...little," Read, in his last life, "I often had such signs and became afraid of suddenly dropping dead from a heart attack. I never did well with studies of anatomy or health due to it. However, it seems to have faded, or I'm just repressing my reaction right now."

"At times I forget how educated you are, Corwyn. Where did you study if I might ask?"

"Hmm, you won't know of them, but I studied at Union Elementary, West Union Middle School, and Liberty High. A rough... fourteen years of education."

Takemura's eyes went wide. "Fourteen years? You'd have started at...ah, how old are you?"

"Nineteen, but I graduated at eighteen."

"Four years old? What would a four-year old learn?" The man asked.

"Reading? Colors, counting. Many things. It was called Pre-School, a foundation for kids to learn in. Also functioning as a day-care for parents to leave their children while they went to work." Corwyn said as he started carving up the Goblin.

"Hmm, what about your mother? Surely she'd stay and take care of you?"

"She worked. Like most women in my nation. Hell, she was a teacher in that same pre-school."

"Fascinating." Hojo breathed.

"Indeed." Corwyn stood up having taken the small finger sized magic stone from its chest.

"Well, let's continue. I want to get a few kills under my belt."

"Very well. If you don't mind me asking..."

The questions drifted to small talk as they ventured deeper into the Dungeon.


Seventy three. That was how many goblins Corwyn had killed by the time they'd returned to the surface. It was also how many times his satchel could carry, with drop items included. He had thirteen goblin teeth and four goblin claws, which all told made for a rather decent dive. A decent dive for a blooded level one, and not one that just wanted to wet his toes.

"So a tea-ceremony is a practice that cleanses a person's spirit and lets guests take a break? Very Zen." Corwyn noted.

"Zen? You are familiar with the practice."

"To a distant level. More a literal definition than the philosophical level that you are likely familiar with. To me, Zen means peaceful and calm. An informal adjective."

"Ah. Yes, Zen could mean as such, but it is a philosophical school that teaches meditation and intuition. My master was a master of Zen, he'd spend days under our canopy meditating." Hojo's voice was filled with nostalgia.

"You miss him."

"I do."

There was silence, only broken when they reached the stairs leading back to the surface. "Ah, this." Corwyn sighed. "Crap."

Hojo chuckled. "An accurate frame of words. Likely repeated many times by tired and near-death adventurer parties."

Corwyn chuckled. "Let's go."

The two made their way up, being blinded by the strong noon light. "We entered at ten, so two hours round trip for the first floor?" Corwyn guessed as he measured the sun.

"A decent time for a slow jaunt." Hojo nodded. "I am impressed with how many you managed to slay. Goblins on the first floor are stronger than some mortal men due to the power of their Magic Stones. Surface Goblins cannot compare."

Corwyn flexed his arm, "Most men don't have muscles like these."

Hojo laughed, "No, no they don't." The man stretched out his back, "Well, I must go. My God will get worried if I am gone for too long."

"My master will want to know how I am, and before that I must stop by at the Guild to load off these," He slapped his pouch, "And to assuage the worry of a certain werewolf."

Hojo chuckled, "Fannett-san? You have your work cut out for you, Corwyn-san."

Corwyn chuckled, "That I do. Goodbye and see you later, Hojo. I assume we will be sparring tomorrow and the next day as is scheduled?"

"Correct. Unless you wish to delve once more?" The man asked.

Corwyn shook his head. "No, I've gotten my taste for the dungeon and now wish to experience it without the presence of good company. The silence and creeping dread will be good mental training."

"Only you." Hojo said as he walked away.

Corwyn watched the man leave and breathed out. He then shouldered his halberd and made his way towards the Pantheon. His gear and weapon only attract glancing looks, his appearance blending in perfectly with various adventurers.

He opened the doors of the Pantheon and entered to a tide of Adventurers. His eyes scanned the various clerks before he spotted the shock of vibrant red hair and made his way. The line to her was crowded, and he made his way up.

"Hello, how can I-" Rose paused as she took in his grin.

"Made it back." He said a bit smugly.

Rose closed her eyes and let out a breath. "So you did. Did you find anything of value in your dive?" Corwyn frowned. Her voice was colder than it normally was. "I killed a decent haul. Just wanted to let you know I'm back." His own voice was a bit colder, but there was an undercurrent of confusion at the treatment.

'Maybe she's just trying to be professional?' He thought and nodded at the rational. He waved at her and moved out of the line, headed to the exchange booth. Amber eyes followed his back, before they went back to her work.

He exchanged the load of magic crystals, each stone giving him 600 Valis, each tooth 2500, and each claw 4500. It added up to a total of 91,800.

'Damn, for two hours of work, that was fucking amazing.' Corwyn thought. It wasn't much in the grand scheme of things, but he couldn't see money being too big of an issue for him.

'No wonder people are dying to try to get into a good familia. Facilities are free, and as a smith equipment practically levels with me. Without needing to worry about equipment or any bills, I just need to worry about health bills. Which I don't need to worry about save in the case of a missing limb due to The Goblet of Blackstone!'

91,800 Valis might not sound like a lot, but if he went to the Dungeon everyday for 10-12 hours, then he'd be making a rough estimate of 550,800 Valis a day. Which wasn't counting other possible Drop-Items and rare stuff from deeper floors and the higher price of deeper floor monsters.

'All told, I could be raking in a massive amount of wealth as a full-time adventurer! Wealth that I don't really need at the moment.' Corwyn thought.

While as a smith, he would be bleeding money when he stopped using mundane steel and moved onto higher-quality steels and materials like Blood Onyx, Nosteel, Mythril, Adamantium, Orichcalcum, and other such metals.

'I should try and figure out how to make Damascus Steel. It should just be a combination of different steels heated and melted together and given an acid finish.' Corwyn thought as he exited the Guild and hit the streets of Orario.

He shook his head and returned to the smithery.
