
Chapter 71 Reward And Punishment

"No! Gu Yingchen, what are you doing? Put me down! I haven't taken a bath yet!"

"I'll help you!"



On the morning of the next day, Yan Su dragged her weak and sore body to work, and even sorting out the documents became a tough job. Thinking about how he had demanded her attention last night until dawn, Yan Su felt a headache. How was she going to lead this kind of life in the future?

"Yan Su, did Mr. Gu send you home safely last night?" Lin Mu'an suddenly popped her head out, giving Yan Su a scare!

"Um..." Yan Su didn't know how to answer, so she could only say, "I drank too much last night, and I'm not very clear about what happened afterward..."

If she said yes, Lin Mu'an might have guessed that they lived together. If she said no, Lin Mu'an had seen her get into the car with her own eyes!

"Didn't you just have one glass last night?"

"The after-effect of the wine is very strong, and one glass is enough to make me dizzy!"