
Chapter 70 Please Spare Me

"One car can only carry one person. This is the rule of Sunbright Industries. Yu Sheng's car is at the back. You can ride his car." After saying that, Gu Yingchen did not give her a chance to speak but stepped on the accelerator and left.

Lin Mu'an looked at the back of the car and could not help but feel happy. Wasn't it because of her that Gu Yingchen had sent Yan Su home?

She didn't expect that Gu Yingchen's feelings for her had reached such a deep level!

If Gu Yingchen were to confess to her in front of everyone one day, how should she respond?

Thinking of this, a car suddenly stopped in front of her with two honks. Lin Mu'an looked up and saw that it was Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng was coming to pick her up!

The staff standing at the gate opened the car door for her. "Miss, please."