
Chapter 16 Took Away His Soul

Yan Su smiled coldly, "Mr. Gu, you flatter me. I'm just not as promiscuous as you are."

Promiscuous! She actually dared to say that Gu Yingchen was promiscuous! Yu Sheng was almost out of breath.

Gu Yingchen wasn't angry at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "Eat, then you'll have the energy to argue with me."

"Who wants to quarrel with you!"

Yan Su dived into the sumptuous food in front of her. After saving his life yesterday, she had been pissed over and over again. Was it too much to ask to eat his breakfast? Thinking of this, she began to eat unceremoniously!

Gu Yingchen smiled at her, picked up a piece of steak and placed it on her plate. "Try it. It tastes good."

Yan Su directly used a knife and fork to sweep away the steak. "Who wants to touch your saliva? I can cut it myself!"

Yu Sheng was shocked. This young lady had such a natural disposition that she could do whatever she wanted. She did not treat Gu Yingchen seriously at all...