
Chapter 15 This Was The Fee Of Sleeping With Me

After taking a shower, Gu Yingchen was already eating at the dining table. Yan Su noticed that he had also taken a shower and had a good smell on his body.

After changing into a clean white shirt, Gu Yingchen had a brand new look. His aura was even stronger than before. His action of cutting steak was also elegant. He was not an ordinary rich man!

As soon as Yan Su sat down, she heard him say, "Last night, you saved my life... out of gratitude, I will give you ten million yuan as a reward."

"..." Yan Su stopped moving. Why did these words sound so harsh?

Hearing this, Yu Sheng immediately wrote a check for ten million yuan and respectfully handed it to Yan Su. "Miss, please accept Mr. Gu's goodwill."

Yan Su coldly rejected, "No need. What happened last night was nothing more than a lift of a finger."

"Then just take it as the fee that you've slept with me."

Gu Yingchen's words had stunned Yu Sheng!