
Chapter 12 Sleeping In The Same Bed

Yan Su reacted and asked, "Are you going to sleep here tonight?"

"What else?"

"..." The two strangers, who met each other by chance, slept in the same room. No matter how she thought about it, she felt that things were not quite right... If someone knew about this...

"Don't worry. I'm not interested in you. Besides, I'm injured. I can't touch you."

Yan Su thought about it and felt that it was reasonable, but she still couldn't let go of her vigilance.

"If any cockroach appears, I can help you."

Yan Su liked what he said!

After a whole day of busying, she was already sleepy. Yan Su slowly let go of the guard in her heart, took the blanket, put it in the middle and fell asleep.

Early the next day morning, a rustling sound came from the outside. The whistling wind blew the paper-covered window to flutter. Maybe it was because the wind was too strong, or the house was too old, the tiles on the roof were being lifted a few pieces and fell to the ground with a crash.

As the luxury aircraft flew closer and closer, the tiles fell more and more. In the end, more than half of the roof was gone unknowingly.

The things in the room lost their protection. They were all blown crooked by the wind, and even the windows were broken!

The two elders, who were keeping the fishing net in the courtyard, were frightened and hurriedly hid in the corner to see this magnificent plane.

It wanted to land from the sky several times, but the space was too small. After hovering a few circles in the air, it could only choose to land on the beach not far away.

Many fishermen living around came out to watch the scene. This isolated small fishing village had never been so lively before.

Yan Su was woken up by the noise. When she regained consciousness, she realised that she was actually hugging Gu Yingchen to sleep!!!


Yan Su began to scream uncontrollably.

Before going to bed last night, the blanket she deliberately put in the middle was covering their bodies. Yan Su's first reaction was to see if she had been harassed. Luckily, her clothes were still in place.

She turned to look at Gu Yingchen, who looked at her with a contemptuous look. "Is it me who should be screaming, okay? You treated me as a bad guy and kicked me the whole night. Don't you let me sleep?"

What!! Kicked him for the whole night?

Yan Su recalled last night's nightmare. Dreaming of being caught by a bad guy, she punched and kicked the other party...

"Why don't you wake me up?"

"I'm afraid that if I wake you up, you'll have an even worse temper. At that time, it won't be as simple as a few kicks."

"..." Why did this man speak so rudely! She just kicked him a few times. Why did it seem that she was in the wrong?

"Fortunately, you are not married. If your boyfriend knows that you have this problem, he will not marry you."

"It's none of your business!" Yan Su was furious. "My boyfriend isn't as shallow as you are. He doesn't care about such a small matter!"

"Is this a small matter? He has to suffer your kicks every night when he sleeps. Are you sure that your boyfriend is willing to be a punching bag for his whole life?"

"He doesn't mind! He's been very kind to me!"

Hearing that she was defending her boyfriend all the time, Gu Yingchen's eyes darkened.

Yan Su won the argument, and only then did she ask, "What was that sound outside just now?"

"My men are here to pick us up." Gu Yingchen stood up lazily. "Let's go."

"Now? But I haven't..."

"If you want to brush your teeth and wash your face, I'll take you somewhere else. Or do you want to go to the toilet with cockroaches?"

Hearing the word cockroach, Yan Su immediately shook her head like a rattle drum.

Although she didn't want to leave with him, there seemed to be no other way.

When they walked out of the old house, many fishermen had already gathered outside. There was a magnificent private plane that landed not far away.

The plane was white with a black tail. It was engraved with a private logo, and it looked high-end and classy.

What...what is going on?