
Chapter 11 Put On Your Clothes First

Gu Yingchen bent down to pick Yan Su up and saw that she was so scared that her face turned pale. He glanced around the bathroom and found no signs of an invasion.

Yan Su's voice was filled with sobs, and even the grip on her hand became more forceful. "Save me..."

"What did you see?" Judging from her reaction, she must have seen something she shouldn't have.

Yan Su trembled in fear as her finger pointed in a direction. "There's... there's cockroach... It can fly..."

What? Cockroach?

Gu Yingchen suddenly felt funny. "Are you afraid of cockroaches?"

"Take me away." Yan Su did not want to stay here any longer. "Please."

When she thought about how her finger had just touched the cockroach, Yan Su's scalp began to go numb. Ever since she was small, the species she feared the most were cockroaches, the one and only!

While they were talking, a cockroach flew from the corner of the wall to the window closest to them and crawled slowly.

Yan Su was scared out of her wits. "Quick, let's go!"

Seeing that the cockroach was about to fly over at any time, Yan Su was so scared that she was on the verge of breaking down. Gu Yingchen had no intention of leaving, and she struggled to jump down.

"Don't move. Do you want to attract the cockroach's attention?" The wound on his chest was already a little cracked as she struggled and struggled.

Yan Su was so scared that she didn't dare to move. She cried and pleaded, "Please take me away."

Gu Yingchen had never expected that Yan Su's fear of cockroaches would be so extreme. When he looked at this dusky bathroom again, apart from cockroaches, there were a few small insects.

This place was really...

"Miss, what's wrong?"

The two elders came in a hurry, but they heard Gu Yingchen's voice. "Nothing."

"This..." They stood outside the door, not knowing whether to go in or leave. "Is the girl... okay?"

"She's fine."

Gu Yingchen came out with Yan Su in his arms. Although the two elders were anxious, they could only suppress the worry in their hearts and retreat to the side.

Gu Yingchen returned to the bedroom with Yan Su in his arms. "Are you that scared?"

Yan Su's body was still trembling, and she was put on the bed by Gu Yingchen. She hadn't come back to her senses completely. Tears came out of her eyes again, thinking of the cockroach that could fly just now.

"Don't be afraid, Yan Su, it's just a cockroach! You're already an adult now, don't be afraid!" She thought.

She kept comforting herself in her heart, and her whole body curled into a corner and held her knees tightly.

She was covered with a cloth, and as she curled up, her shoulders were exposed. Her long hair was draped down, making her look attractive and cute.

D*mn it, why did he feel that she was so attractive now and that she was seducing him to go near to her? Gu Yingchen's throat tightened, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

"You can sleep in the bed tonight."

Gu Yingchen felt that if he didn't leave now, it was very likely that he would be tempted by this woman into something he shouldn't have done. Just as he was about to leave, he heard Yan Su say, "Wait a minute."

She stared at the insect crawling slowly on the wall in fear, not daring to move her eyes away from it.

Everything could be found in this room. Spiders, insects, and butterflies could be seen everywhere...

"Are you afraid of insects as well?"

Yan Su shook her head, wanting to say that when she was young, she wasn't scared of anything. However, ever since she was frightened by the flying cockroach, she was scared to death by all insects.

"Put on your clothes first."

Hearing the man's reminder, Yan Su looked at herself in confusion. Upon looking, she realised that she had revealed quite a bit of her body!

She was already on the verge of a breakdown, but now she was even more devastated. In just a few moves, she had tidied up her clothes. She had the urge to kill herself!

"Go to sleep." Gu Yingchen didn't laugh at her. He blew out the oil lamp and lay down beside her.