

audreyhowinghin · Fantasy
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24 Chs



"Goodbye, Kana. I really hope I can see you again sometime." I heard someone whispering.

Eternal sleep.

The demon said the same thing.

What are they talking about ?

I stood outside Kana's door, eavesdropping.

I turned the doorknob and walked inside.

Her condition hasn't changed since she fainted...

Why couldn't Phyu heal her ?

I put my hand on her forehead.

I'm sorry, Kana.

I know you don't entirely trust me...

I know you don't want me inside your head.

You're going to hate me when you wake up.

But... maybe... I may be able to help you.

I need you to show me what's going on.

Show me...

A bolt of lightning erupted from my hand, forcing me to jolt backwards.


In that brief moment, I could fell something wrong in her body.

It was like a dark pool of emotion expanding in her head, sapping her energy.

Draining her will to live.

Hell, just by touching he, it exhausted me.

It made me flash back to the horrifying memories of my family's death.

The traumatising memory of my father standing over me, his deep, raspy voice telling me over and over that I should've listened to him.

It made me feel weak. Made me feel powerless.

No wonder Phyu couldn't fully heal her.

No wonder Kana couldn't wake up from her coma.

It couldn't be healed.

Even Phyu, a powerful supernatural specialised in healing, couldn't cure it.

Don't give up, love.

4 days ago...


"N -no !" Kana screamed.

"No ! Stop !"

"What the hell are you talking about ?" Ava snapped while beating the crap out of Kana.

Kana suddenly stood up, her back facing the crowd.

"Ava Williams." she uttered, her voice sending chills down my spine.

"Me ? Weak ? I would take some time to rethink, if I were you."

She started laughing hysterically, as if she was possessed by a demon.

With a giant blast, a silver flame rapidly grew around Kana and exploded into a roaring fire that covered the majority of the stadium.

People screamed and shielded themselves from the blaze. A split second later, the flames vanished and Kana turned around.

"Finally." she smiled, her eyes now silver.

Her voice was not as soft as usual. It was raspy and low, with no warmth inside.

She screamed and clapped her hands, lightning appeared and thunder rolled. The sky turned into a pitch black that gave me an unsettling feeling.

"You want a challenge, Ava ?" Kana's hair was now charcoal, and an enormous pair of demon wings flapped behind her.

Oh my-

She opened her palms and with a bright white flash, Ava and her minions are levitated from the floor.

"Want me to show you all what I can do ?"

"I'll take that as a yes !"

Rain poured down from the sky and an avalanche of hailstones fell from the sky.

She closed her fists and the three hostages were thrown across the stadium.

I could hear bones cracking and the smell of blood.

"What the-" I gasped.

"Want to see more, Ava ?" she giggled.

"W-what the hell is wrong with you ? G-get the hell away from here, you psycho !" Ava whimpered.

"Dear, I'm not a psycho. I'm Voice."

"You and I, we're the same ! A spawn from hell. A demon."

"We are not the same ! I would never do this !" Ava protested.

"Ah. The smell of fear. So refreshing. And you're right. We're not the same."

"For example-" she pointed her finger at Ava and a silver rope tightened around Ava's neck, choking her.

"I'm strong. You're weak."

"Want another example, dear ?" A ball of silver fire crackled in her hands.

"You're gonna die. You're ALL gonna die."

"Run !" I yelled.

"Everyone, run !"

I exhaled silently.

Come on Jackson, be angry.

Think of what your dad did to you.

He killed your family.


I opened my eyes, my orbs and veins turning purple.

Things are starting to get interesting.

"Y-you're gonna regret this... Get out of... here..." Ava choked.

"Dear, dear ! Did I give you permission to talk ?" Voice dropped Ava onto the ground with a loud thump.

"Whazzap ?" she chuckled and gripped Ava's neck.

"'You'll regret this' ? Does it look like I'm gonna regret this ?" She squeezed her neck tightly.

"Can't... breathe..." Ava clawed at Kana's fists.

"That's the whole fucking point ! God, your stupidity is irritating me... I can kill you right now... Just by closing my fists a little bit tighter... All the light would extinguish from your eyes... And you'll be gone. Just like that."

"But you won't feel pain. So... where's the fun in that ?" Voice released her hands around Ava's throat.

"'Why are you so weak' ? That's what you said, right ?" She dragged Ava by her hair, walking to the centre of the stadium slowly.

"Look at you right now ! I'm weak ? I think it's the opposite... Don't ya think ?"

"I-is this your true form ? You just told me you're a demon... w-what are you really ?"

"That's a bit personal, don't you think ?" Voice threw her on the ground.

" I think it's time for you to die." she laughed, her silver eyes flashing dangerously.

"You know, it's nothing personal. Just having a little fun. Mmkay, time to die."

Her hair flowed above her hair, her silver orbs glowing, and she held a ball of fire in her palms.

"Any last words ? No ?"

"What do you prefer; getting burned alive, or being vaporised ?"

"Ignoring me, huh ? Guess I'll do both. Hm... I think I'll start from your hair. Don't worry, it should be a slow and painful death. It'll be fun. You ready ?"

I clapped my hands and a thunderbolt was hurled towards Voice, making her drop.

"Jackson Scott. A bad choice, to mess with me." she wiped the blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.

"You dare to fight me ? Then let's fight." she flapped her wings as she rose up from the ground.

"Couldn't bare to see your girlfriend get hurt, hm ?"

"Go. I'll take care of this." I ushered Ava.

"She isn't my girlfriend." I faced Voice, scowling.

"HAHAHAHAHA. And even after breaking your heart, you still help her ? Poor boy. Your life is full of heartache and grief !" she mocked.

"Now I don't know who made you like this, but you remind me so much of Kana ! So much sorrow and pain !"

"You. Are. So. Dead." I clenched my hands into fists, the veins in my body turning purple. I could feel an enormous amount of energy flowing inside of me.

"Using your father's powers ? Won't be long before his side takes completely control over you. Just like what I did to Kana !" She roared in laughter.

"What did you do to her ?"

"Let's just say... I'm taking over now ! She won't be here for a while. Probably forever." Voice grinned.

"No. Not forever. She's stronger than that."

"Well, I'm stronger than her." She winked.

"I know you're in there, Kana." I walked towards Voice, ignoring the fact that I'm putting my life at risk. "I'll get you out. I promise."

"Good luck, dearie." She yawned.

I punched her in the face, but she caught my throwing wrist and pushed me back.

"That's the best you can do ?" she snorted.

I wrapped my arms around her neck, "Come on, Kana. Wake up !"

She chuckled softly, "You're a persistent one, aren't you ? Paralysis."

She appeared behind me and kicked my back, making me kneel.

I can't move...

"It really is a shame for you to be the first one to die. But ya know, a demon has to have some fun, right ?"

She snapped her fingers and a blade appeared on her hand.

"Where should I stab you first ? Your limbs ? Your stomach ? Your face ? No... Even I wouldn't want to ruin a handsome face like yours. I'll settle for your heart." she murmured to herself.

"Hope you had a good life, fox." she grinned at me.

"HI !" I heard a familiar voice yelled across the stadium.

"Did someone just say-" Voice started but was blasted by a huge fire ball.

"***SON OF A-***"

"I have a fireball that I'm not afraid to use !"


Thank goodness...

"How the fuck are you summoning fireballs in the rain ?" I groaned.

"I'm a special fire spirit," Alex smirked.

"What the- Who are you ?" Voice snarled.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHO I AM ?" Alex exclaimed.

"Chica, you probably heard of me. I'm Alex ! Son of the Lord of fire spirits ! And all da ladies love a smoking hot guy like me." He ruffled his hair and winked. "Surely you've heard of me."

"Nope. Didn't even know fire spirits existed."

"What ? How are you ? Now I'm mad !" Alex gasped dramatically.

"Lopez. Shut up and throw the stupid fireball." I uttered.

"Well if you're so great, why don't you strike lightnings at her ?" Alex shot back.

"She put a paralysis spell on me, dumbass. I can't move."

"AH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA ! Mischief's son, unable to fight because of a paralysis spell ! AH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA ! " Alex snickered.

"Shut the fuck up. Just throw the damn fireball."

"Don't worry, Scott. I'm just distracting her."

"What ?" Voice scoffed.

"Oops." Alex muttered.

"Enough games ! I am so-"

Voice suddenly went silent and I looked up to see Phyu murmuring a spell beside her ear.

"Alex. You almost blew my damn cover !" Phyu glared at him. "You suck."

The rain stopped, and the sky turned clear.

"What happened ?" Kana asked tiredly.

Thank god she's back.

"Your supernatural side took over you. No biggie, it's gone for now." Phyu explained.

"W-what ?" Kana gasped.

"I-it happened again ?"

"What do you mean 'again' ?" Phyu arched her brow.

"N-no... S-she... She's coming back..." Kana sobbed, her legs giving way.

"Kana !" I rushed and engulfed her into my arms. "Are... are you okay ?"

She pressed her hands on my chest, her tears drenching my shirt.

"I... Oh God..." Her hands fell away from my chest, and her head lolled back.

"Tell me you know how to fix this." I turned to Phyu.

"Honestly... I... I think she just drained a lot of energy... But I sensed something... different." Phyu stammered.

"What the hell ?" I murmured as I stared behind Phyu.

"What ?" Phyu tilted her head, confused.


Half... demon ?


"You were obviously wrong about letting her stay. Get rid of her now." Angelica spat in my face.

"No ! Don't ! You can't kick her out !" An old lady wearing a white dress appeared.

Ah. The prophet.

"She's related to one of the most powerful creatures in this world. You must keep an close eye on her; she will be the key to awakening all the evil spirits the good have buried." She disappeared in a emerald sheet of light.

"For fuck's sake..." Angelica snapped her fingers and also disappeared.

"I'm just gonna... carry her. To your room." I turned to Phyu.

"Yeah. You go do that..."



Why am I here ?

If I'm here...

I must be dreaming.

Surrounding me was only darkness.

But that also means-


"Yes, Kana ! It means that I'm here !" I cackled. "You happy to see me ?"

Kana glared at me, unamused.

"Why do you look so angry ?"


"You knew. All this time, you knew !"


"Knew what, sweetie ?"


"Who I am. And... what you are. After all these years, WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TELL ME ? Why didn't you tell me who you are ? That- that you're not just a voice...That... That you're just a part of me ? Why didn't you tell me I'm a half-"

I exhaled forcefully, my voice becoming hoarse, "A half demon ?"


"Oh ! So you remember what that fairy said before you passed out completely- In that handsome boy's muscular, strong arms-"




"Ugh. You're no fun. Well... I couldn't just pop inside your head when you were six and say, 'Guess what, little witty Kana ! I'm your other half ! A teeny tiny psychotic demon inside of you who hates having stupid conversations like this one ! And one day, I will take over you and you will be gone forever ! Mua-hahaha !' Now, that sounds stupid, doesn't it ?"


"Can I just... have my body back ?"


"AH. HA. HA. HA. HA. HA. No. In fact..." I pulled back my arm clenching my fists, and I threw it with such force that Kana flew backwards at the impact.

Yes. Flew.

"This is so fun !" I giggled as I watched Kana struggled to get up.


"Y-you've never been able to touch me. You faded every time you tried to. W-why am I fading..."

My whole body shimmered faintly, my skin turning transparent.

Voice gleamed with triumph, her figure shining brightly with a harsh silver light.

"W-what are you going to-"

Voice squeezed me neck, "Hush dearie. You're too loud."

"V-voice ! What... are you ...?"

"You wanna know why you're fading, Kana ?" She smirked.

"Because I'm taking over ! Because when I wakeup, you're going to be nothing more than just a nagging voice in the back my head."

"Let... go... You're not... going to-" I choked, gasping for air.

"Get away from this ? Expect I am, Kana ! You know what's happening in the real world now ? That girl... Phyu Sein... ? She tried healing you, but even she couldn't do much. She could only delay it. The first thing I'm gonna do when I wake up is kill that stupid healer. Those people out there are hoping I won't come out again. Ugh... Hope. Pathetic, isn't it ? And guess what, Kana ? You'll stay here, in this darkness. Forever."


"You will never to wake up to see the sun again."