
Inside the Multiverse (Marvel and DC)

https://www.patreon.com/FakeLion, You can help me to continue creating this story. This is the story of Jack Shaw, a man from the year 2030 who was sent to the past in the year 2001, but the problem is that he was not sent to the past, but to the marvel universe, At least he gained a system that promises to keep him alive through the major crises that the marvel multiverse will face in the future. Hello everyone, this is Fake Lion the author of this fan-fic, i decided to write this fanfic because i love the marvel universe and the dc universe, i already wrote some books, but i still have a lot of flaws, i'm not an economist and i'm not an expert in comics and movies from marvel and dc, so I will definitely make some mistakes, but if you comment on the paragraphs of the chapters I will definitely correct these mistakes, my english is not very good, so there may be several grammar mistakes, so let me know too that everything will be corrected. I like to write stories where the character is OP, but it won't be that way from the start, but he will have a lot of system benefits that make him OP in a different way.

fake_lion · Anime & Comics
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New Avengers 6

After some time reading Anna and Kitty's memoirs and returning to New York, Wanda noticed that Jack seemed much sadder and upset and realized that he had probably already ended his relationship with Anna.

Even though Jack spent several months off-planet training with Bruce, he left a clone of himself with Anna who thought and acted just like Jack. So Wanda spent several months learning and getting to know Jack better through his clone.

After almost a year of seeing Jack or his clone almost every day, Wanda had grown accustomed to him. But only now, when she saw him trying to win over Natasha, did Wanda realize that she had also started to like him because she was feeling jealous.

Wanda felt jealous of Jack trying to win over Natasha and was even more upset when she saw that this time Natasha seemed to like Jack too. In addition to jealousy, Wanda felt sad because she knew she had missed her chance to be with him after Anna had broken up with him.

Jack, who still had some morals and did not read the minds of those close to him, could not imagine this. Jack thought he was alone and knew how hard it was to win over Natasha, and he did not know that Kitty and Wanda had already fallen in love with him.

Jack had reserved some restaurants in Italy a few days earlier when he found out he would be there, so he took Natasha to the best one, and they had a pleasant meal. Unlike the last time, Jack knew better how to talk to a woman, and Natasha had fun.

On the last day before they returned to the mission, Jack and Natasha finally had their first kiss. Jack was very happy about it, and Natasha also thought it was good for her to have a relationship with someone she liked after living for so many years as a spy, having to pretend her emotions.

The attack on Italy was easier than in Germany, and the Avengers had no difficulty destroying the Hydra base. The common people in these countries didn't even know what the Avengers were doing, and the World Council was happy with their work.

In the following weeks, the Avengers continued to go on missions throughout Europe. They destroyed Hydra bases in Norway, Finland, Serbia, Poland, Austria, Estonia, and Ukraine, destroying a total of 14 bases and cleaning up the entire continent, except for one country: Russia.

In Russia, Hydra had managed to create 15 large bases, mostly in uninhabited areas where governments didn't care. That's why Russia had been so important for Hydra's development in history.

All of the Avengers' members already knew how to work together and knew each other much better, becoming friends after these weeks of missions. Peter, Johnny, Rhodes, Clint, and Tony would stop going on missions against Hydra as they were no longer obligated to.

Just as Jack had thought, Tony had already taken revenge and quelled his anger, and he knew that those who ordered his parents' killing were not in these Hydra bases. Moreover, Tony hadn't revealed that he was Iron Man and couldn't stay with the Avengers for more than a month. During that time, Tony Stark also disappeared.

The other Avengers continued to go on missions. By then, Natasha and Jack were officially dating, and all the Avengers knew it. So, when they arrived in Russia, it would be the Avengers' last day together on this mission.

Jack threw a party for all the Avengers except for Thor, and everyone was happy about it. Jack finally planned to share his discoveries with all the Avengers. He thought about making all of them stronger with the Extremis virus and the Super Soldier Serum he had created.

Jack wouldn't give everyone the nanotechnology and Vibranium armor, and it wasn't yet time to give the Avengers the Elixir of Life. Jack planned to wait a bit longer before giving them the Extremis and the Super Soldier Serum. But he was worried about Natasha's safety and decided to stop waiting.

Jack had developed the Extremis and Super Soldier Serum to not alter the DNA in the Avengers, so the powers that some had like Pietro and Wanda would not change when they received these things.

Avengers like Bruce, Thor, and Jack did not need the Extremis and Super Soldier Serum, and Captain America would only receive the Extremis virus. Even so, to ensure this, Jack would use the Time Stone to see what would happen to each Avenger after taking the Extremis virus and Super Soldier Serum.

Surely Spider-Man, Pietro, and Wanda would become too strong with these power increases, but Jack didn't care because they were good heroes, and if they turned into villains, Jack could still defeat them.

The Avengers had a lot of fun at the party. Jack told them not to make plans to leave for the next few days, and everyone agreed. At the end of the party, they waited for Jack to make a speech about the success of their mission, as they all became closer.

"I wanted to say that part of our mission was a great success. I think now everyone knows the abilities of all the Avengers, and we have learned how to work better as a team and have become good friends," said Jack, laughing.

"The other part of this mission will also be a success. We just need to destroy the Hydra bases, and if they flee, the mission will still be a success as long as we destroy their bases," said Jack.

The Avengers agreed with Jack's words. They were a team now and could do their job well if the aliens attacked Earth again. The people that Jack knew were in the Avengers but didn't come, worked better alone.

Captain Marvel, Thor, and Doctor Strange were powerful but didn't work well in a team. However, they would be useful in battles where the aliens attacked Earth. Captain Marvel and Thor could help Jack bring down the alien ships, and the others would work together.

"I have some good news for all of you. After a lot of work, I managed to recreate and improve the Super Soldier Serum, and I also completed and removed the side effects of the Extremis virus," said Jack.

"This will be a secret of the Avengers, but all members can receive physical improvements, and thus it would be difficult for our team to have any deaths," Jack said, laughing.

Tony and Steve were shocked when they heard Jack say this. Tony was the one who created the beginning of the Extremis virus, and Steve used the Super Soldier Serum and knew that thousands of scientists tried to recreate it but failed.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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