So... This is death, Huh... After all those years of pointless suffering, I finally managed to rest in peace...
... Or not.
"Rest in Piece" My ass! I got hit by a fucking car and my death was anything but peaceful! What about bleeding to death is peaceful??! What about seeing your fucking insides and feeling endless pain IS PEACEFUL HUH??!!
Wait a minute, Was I supposed to be dead? Then why I can still think and feel? Oh no- Wait, OH YES! I GOT FUCKING REINCARNATED IN ANOTHER WORLD JUST LIKE THOSE ISEKAI NOVELS!! YEA--
Wait, Why do I have 6 eyes??! And why my body feels so weird?! Maybe... Maybe I should check It out, If I'm Lucky It Will probaly be Just a misunderstanding...
After calming my thoughs, I nervously put my six eyes to use, then I start checking my New body. After checking It, I reached the conclusion that I'm not a human anymore, neither some type of humanoid creature like a Demon, neither a badass Monster like a dragon.
I... I... I Reincarnated as a bug, or to be more specific, some sort of alien spider Monster. Just using my eyes and senses, I could see that I have a white exoskeleton with cyan markings around It. And why I Said alien spider monster instead of spider? Well, It is because spiders have eight eyes and legs, while I have 6 eyes and my body is shaped differently from a normal spider.
My six eyes are located in a weird way, four eyes at the front, and two at the back of my head. I Had eight members Just like a normal spider would, But differently from a spider, I was Bipedal and I had two front-arms that were shaped Just like the blades from a praying Mantis, And the rest of my members were used as legs for movement. And, tilting my head to the side, I could see that I have a Huge abdomen that was almost completely cyan colored.
After noticing what I become, I got quite disappointed at my reincarnation, I was expecting to be Reincarnated as a hero from those fantasy like worlds, or at least a dragon. But then, I remembered that manga where a Girl got Reincarnated as an Op magical spider that could evolve into more powerful forms, probaly that is the Case for me... Maybe...
But Man... I really did reincarnate, It... It feels so unreal! I thought this would Be the end for me, but I got this New Life! Father, Mother, I swear that I Will live this New Life of mine to the fullest! I Will not regret it and I Will not be disappointed either!
This Time! Michael Will live his life to the fullest!!! As I yelled this at my mind, I also lift my two razor-arms to the sky, that was probaly quite the comical sight. Fortunaly there was no one to See this hehe...
Then, after All this motivational speech to myself, I start organizing my thoughts. First thing first, I need to get the hang out of this New alien body of mine and get the hell out of this place, for some reason I have a really bad feeling about this scenario.
Now, It is experimenting time! The First thing that I do is checking the surroundings, The thing that caught my attention was a weird Gigantic Black spear that was stuck in the ground, for some reason I have a familiar feeling about it. I ankwardly approach the Black spear thing.
Now, looking at It more closely, It actually looked like a weird shaped Skull instead of a Black spear. But the thing that surprised me the most was my feelings towards this Black Skull. It was like... An Emperor looking down at his servant? What a weird sensation. It felt like I was disappointed at this Black Skull. This is Odd, Why would I feel disdain and disappointement at a thing that I never even Heard of?
After observing this thing a couple more times, I also start to check the surroundings, I could see that I was stuck in some sort of space that looked Just like those crash sites from asteroids, But It was oddly flat and It didn't look that hard to climb out of It. The thing that was bugging my mind was the fact that there wasn't any asteroid fragments, only that weird Black Skull.
Well, Fuck It. I should Just get out of this place, It was really creeping me out. After some rounds of trial and fail, I can finally use my six legs to walk towards the end of the crash site. Now that I'm looking at It quite closely, It was actually really tall, If I was a human, It would be Impossible for me to climb It, But Hey! I am a spider now!
I take look at my two razor-arms and my six legs, and then I do a confident nod towards the Green sky... Eh? Green sky? Ah fuck It, I don't have time to spend looking at the sky.
I prepare my Right razor-arm and then I target the Earth wall at my front. It felt surprisingly natural, My Blade pierced the wall easily like It was made of paper. Whoah, Maybe I Am quite the powerful spider hehe. After my Right arm pierced the Earth wall, I use my Left Arm. Just like before, It easily pierced the wall.
After testing to See If It was stable, I put my weight at my Razor arms and I Start climbing the Earth wall. One thing that I noticed is that My six legs could glue themselves at the Surface of the Earth wall Just like normal spiders, while my Razor arms don't.
After some minutes of "intense" climbing, I finally managed to escape the crash site. And what appeared at my vision was a scene that I could never forget...