
Innocent Villain

"An innocent villain? That's highly... Contradictory." ...

Lu_Grace · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Rena thought she hadn't heard right.

She gazed at Sandra expectantly, waiting for her to laugh it off.

"How do you think I was able to travel in and out of hell?" Sandra asked rhetorically.

Rena hadn't thought about that at all... And if it had crossed her mind, she'd completely dismissed that fact.

Rena thought for a minute, then asked,

"So why didn't you just bring us here yourself? Why ask me to?"

"I just wanted to make sure Xander's little gadget works." She pointed to the bracelet.

"Since when did you know about this?" Rena turned to look at a guilty-faced Diamond.

"A little while after arriving here..." Diamond admitted.

"You can already guess who enlightened me."

Rena's face dropped at the thought of Xander, but she willed herself not to think about him again. Though it was clear that he'd gotten quite close to Diamond and Eve.

"I really thought you knew about it."

Though it wasn't her fault, Diamond couldn't help feeling guilty. She also couldn't imagine how arduous things must've been for Rena at the moment.

Rena frowned. She had a lot of questions.

"But... How is it... I mean we grew up together and... Is Alessandra even your real name?"

"First, I can do what you humans call shape-shifting, and second, no that is not my real name." Sandra clarified.

"And don't bother asking because I won't tell you. You wouldn't be able to pronounce it anyway."

Rena noticed how different Sandra seemed now. She wasn't as lighthearted and bright as before. Was this her real personality after all?

Rena was quiet, still in a shocked stupor. "But why—"

"Dinner's ready girls." Angel interrupted.

After dinner, Rena returned to Darien's room. She couldn't imagine sleeping anywhere else now, especially with all the recent happenings.

She glanced at the balcony, faintly recalling the events that had transpired.

Shaking her head, she shrugged the thoughts away, finding comfort on the large soft bed. Darien's scent filled her senses, giving her comfort in the night.

The sound of running water made her open her eyes.

"Darien?" She called out, heart racing in anticipation.

Rena stood, intending to walk to the bathroom, but stopped in her tracks when she saw him.

"I'm glad you're back." The warm smile she'd missed shone on his complexion.

A towel was wrapped around his waist whilst another hang from his shoulders.

She walked toward him.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You needed the rest." He answered simply.

A thought crossed her mind and before she could stop herself, she'd already touched him.

Her heart lept with joy as she felt his chest under her trembling fingers. The pain was gone... She felt nothing but a rush of nervousness and excitement all at once now.

She suddenly looked up at him guilty, subtly jerking her hand away.

"Sorry. I just—"

Darien silently took her hand, placing it back on his bicep.

Her cheeks turned red and she didn't dare look up at him, but slightly moved away the towel around his neck, and bravely continued to explore him.

Using both hands, she felt him up, moving from his hard chest, down to his perfectly sculpted abdomen.

A feeling of longing building up inside her, whilst her delicate hand traveled up to his collarbone.

Small drops of water from his wet hair dripped onto his chest, but her hands instinctively wiped them away.

She could feel his intense gaze on her, as both hands wrapped around his neck caressingly, her breath revving involuntarily.

Their eyes met.

Emotions she'd never seen flared up in his gorgeous eyes. Emotions of joy, love, and deep longing that reflected in her gaze as well, though he seemed reticent to touch her.

Rena didn't speak, but took his hand, holding it up against her cheek, letting him caress her.

She closed her eyes at the touch of his gentle hand on her skin.

Rena drew in a breath when she felt his other hand on her waist, pulling her ever so close.

From their proximity, she could feel his slow breathing, and hear his hectic heart.

Rena held his gaze, not willing to end the moment. She bravely reached out and ran her thumb over his surprisingly soft, lower lip, a clear indication of what she wanted.

She felt him freeze for a second, his gaze instantaneously changing.

A quiet breath escaped her lips at the feel of his fingers in her hair, as he pulled her in. She held her breath.

Her lips met his in an earth-shattering kiss.

The kiss was soft, warm, and comforting at first, but soon turned passionate and lustful.

She sighed in pure ecstasy as his hold around her waist tightened, pulling her as close as possible. Her fingers dug into his soft hair, she felt his hand gentle yet firm around her neck.

A minute later, however, he pulled away. She gazed up at him, breathless, and a little exasperated.

On seeing her frowning face, Darien smiled teasingly as he stroked her hair lovingly.

"Patience dearest." He cooed in her ear.


"I know, trust me." He leaned over planting small pecks on her face and lips.

"But we need to talk first."

Rena's eyes involuntarily closed in the sweet bliss of the feel of his lips.

Eventually, she nodded, having only heard half of what he'd said.

"Fine." She looked up at him.


Darien's brow raised curiously after reading the mischievous glint in her eyes. 

Rena reluctantly pulled away from him, walking to the entrance of the bathroom, whilst making sure to be in his line of sight.

Before he could fathom what was going on, her trench coat was off, and so was the black dress, leaving only her dark red underwear.

"I also need a shower first."

She turned her back to him, and took off her bra, letting fall to the floor, before she disappeared into the bathroom.

Darien breathed. It seemed as though his oxygen supply had been cut off the moment she... Her actions had caught him so off guard he'd actually stopped breathing.

Irene had really turned into a temptress right before him!
