
Innocent Villain

"An innocent villain? That's highly... Contradictory." ...

Lu_Grace · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Little Ritual

Irene walked out of the cemetery feeling as helpless as a newborn.

Part of her knew that Xander's words, though a bit harsh, were true.

Suddenly, she felt someone's hand in hers.

It was Xander.

He didn't say a word to her, but she felt the world around her change again. They were going back.

Rena sat on a large couch, contemplating.

Xander walked in briefly and opened the wall beside her. Though it seemed the wall wasn't a wall at all, but a secret compartment.

Xander took something from it and was about to walk away, but Rena stopped him.

She gazed at him unsurely, hesitating to speak.

"Xander?" She called out almost pleadingly.

"Could I possibly learn to control the darkness?" She asked, not knowing what else to say, but also authentically curious.

A discomfiting silence followed for a minute or two.

Ultimately, Xander turned and faced her.

"Valum." He said.

"Mh?" Rena stared ambiguously at him.

He took a seat beside her, though a bit further than she expected.

"That is what the dark power in you, is referred to in the Underworld."

"May I ask why?" She asked carefully.

"The darkness has a mind of its own Red."

Rena smiled hearing his little nickname for her. That meant he was back to being his lighthearted self with her again.

"It feeds on your deepest fears, or sometimes, just a tinge of your restrained or unrestrained rage is enough."

As much as she wished to, Rena couldn't recall all the times the darkness, or Valum, had taken control of her body. It seemed as though her memories were wiped everytime.

"Don't think that Valum only controls your physical self Red." He warned as if reading her unspoken thoughts.

"So are you saying it could control my thoughts as well?" She asked worriedly.

"If it gains enough control over you then maybe..." He paused.

"This hasn't happened to anyone before Irene. Human or demon. So it's difficult to say anything for sure."

"Just... Always be ready for anything Irene." He gazed at her for some time, as if his gaze had a secret message she was supposed to comprehend.

"But, why can't I remember anything about the events after it takes control?"

"I have no answer to that." He said, but she didn't believe him for some reason. He seemed to be in a hurry and didn't want to explain.

"Darien's waiting for us. We should go now." He avoided her gaze.

Rena frowned.

"You still haven't told me if there's a way I can learn to control—"

"Some things you have to figure out on your own Red." His eyes met hers.

"And... what is that?" Her eyes scanned a blue glowing bracelet in his hand.

"Just a small tool."

She didn't get to speak another word as he took her hand.

The world around her instantly changed.

They appeared in another huge cave, though it was much darker and less homey than the last.

"Uh... Xander?" Rena's confused voice called out.

"Where are we?"

Instantly, she noticed the massive change in Xander's aura. He didn't look at her, nor did he utter a single word.

Instinctively, she tried pulling her hand away from his grasp, but his hold tightened.

He started walking, pulling her along with him.

Rena struggled to free her hand, a bad feeling creeping up on her. "Xander!"

"Be quiet Irene."

Rena almost flinched at the sound of his cold voice.

Who was this?

Suddenly, Xander stopped.

The momentum almost made her fall, but she quickly regained her footing.

The next sight to meet her eyes, however, made her stagger.

A hooded figure appeared, a malevolent aura covering her entire being.

A number of black figures stood behind her, still and ominous.

The figure took off its hoody dramatically. 

"Zeniss..." Rena whispered under her uneven breath.

Her whole body shivered uncomfortably.

"I'm glad you remembered me, child." She smiled, walking toward her.

Rena's feet seemed rooted to the ground. She couldn't move. Fear paralyzed her entire being.

And even if she could move, how and where would she escape?

"I bet you're wondering what's going on." She stopped, an inch away from Rena.

"Remember the little ritual conducted about... I think six years ago in mortal time."

Rena stayed silent, glaring bitterly at her. Having a conversation with that being was the last thing on her mind.

"I'm sure you do." Zeniss laughed.

"Well, not all the dark power entered your soul, Rena." She sneered.

"And well, I'm sure you can guess what's about to happen now. We're going to conduct another small ritual, only this time, your prince charming isn't here to save you... What a shame." She cackled heinously.

Rena's heart constricted in pure dread.

Right then, Xander approached her. He wore a blank face, evading her eyes.

"Why?" She whispered, almost in tears. She still couldn't bring herself to accept what was happening.

Xander silently took her arm, not bothering to look at her, and placed the blue glowing bracelet around her left arm.

She screamed, and fell to her knees in agony as the bracelet itself burned her skin.

Soon enough, however, the pain subsided and became somehow distant.

"Oh honey, did you really think a demon would be on your side?" The woman laughed hysterically.

"You're even dumber than I thought." Her laughter was loud and scornful.

Her laughter soon died down, and she turned he menacing look toward Rena.

"Now, my dear, let's get this over and done with." Zeniss roughly grabbed Rena's chin.

Just then, black smoke rose from an unknown source, and began to spread around all those present.

The smoke seemed to affect Zeniss greatly, as she and all the demons around her, coughed uncontrollably, simultaneously falling to their knees.

A minute later, the smoke cleared and Zeniss' eyes grew wide in unruly rage.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" Zeniss yelled, her normal voice turning impious as it echoed vehemently inside the place.

She gazed around frantically, eyes growing red in pure indigence.

