

Henry is an orphaned boy from a "royal" family who hasn't seen the world with his own eyes, he finally gets the chance to gain experience and shape himself to be a good person but elnot all experience is good in this world where chaos could let loose anytime he must find a way to survive Arthur's not (I couldn't for the life of me find a cover that would be click ait for the man of culture out there but this is a good novel please give it a read and let me know what you think) Disclaimer I don't own the cover picture and I have no rights for it

The_Sad_one · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Henry dropped to his knees as he held his head, his felt a stinging pain coming from every inch of his head. He wanted to let out a howling pain but held himself back, his body would shiver uncontrollably.

If you were an onlooker, looking at the group from the side, you'd see a boy playing chess with a homeless man and a group of people stood behind the boy. Nothing seemed out of place.

"Are you feeling any better"

After the ringing in his head stopped, Henry slowly got up. His body was covered in sweat. Henry who was sat up against the wall looked at his uncle.

"kinda, what happened"

"Well let's just say I gotta go somewhere" Uncle Hue said with a solemn expression

Sigh! Henry knew what his uncle meant. At the beginning of his training, Henry had asked about where their journey would lead to and his uncle told him that it was a road he'll face alone.

"Will we ever meet again?" Henry asked, his expression had a slightly discomforted look.

"Umm.. If fate allows it. Also if I'm lucky and survive and if your strong enough to help me than we can meet again" Uncle Hue answered after some thought.

Kento and the other group watched the interaction from the side with mixed emotions. Most of them were confused and felt like they were watching a story without context, they were too engrossed.

"It's time"

Standing not fare from them was the homeless guy that Henry had played chess with. Not just his demeanor but his aura had changed, he looked imposing and unstoppable. He had on a rugged black cloak that was filled with holes here and there, the cloak moved covered his shoulders and moved all the way down to his toes.

"Here, remember what's important"

Uncle Hue gave Henry the ring that they took from the Dikta family at that time. He gave Henry a hug before turning around to leave.

"I'll leave him to you..." Uncle Hue and kento hugged aggressively like this was the last time they'd meet each other.

"Don't worry he's in good hands" Kento said reassuringly, this was his bestfriend and one of the only people he trusted with his life and his family. They had gone through a lot in the past.

"Hera, I hope you remember promise" Uncle Hue walked up to Hera and gave her hug, her armor flickerd for a bit before it disappeared.

"I will" Although she didn't understand what was going on, she read the situation and could sort of guess what was happening. Due to her nature she didn't trust easily but Uncle Hue was an exception, he was practically her father.

"Let's go"

After he was done uncle Hue walked towards the homeless man. The man looked at Henry and nodded, he opened his mouth and mouthed something but Henry couldn't hear him, before he turned around and left. The man extanded his arm and closed his palm, when his palm closed, the surrounding seemed to twist. The man moved his arm diagonally and reality seemed to be tworn apart like a piece of paper and what was left was a white curtain or surface. He did this in one swift movement with no pause or delay.

Gasp! Hera gasped in shock, he had seen this before, this was the same portal that opened at the end of each war, the final boss/battle would be fought once a large portal like this appeared.

Scientists had done research and found out that, space itself was tworn in between two places, creating a wormhole like effect or in laymans terms it was a portal. Scientist discovered that to do such a thing, a tremendous amount of power, would be required to even touch space, let alone tear it apart. Another problem was that, doing so would create a vacume that needed to be filled.

The difference between a dungeon and a portal, was that a dungeon seemed more like a different dimension that can't be reached by normal means and a portal was like going to another place that can be reached by is usually quite fare away.

The two man walked into the portal and disappeared in it, the surrounding space, like a video that was rewinded, slowly patched itself up, until there were no traces left that proofed the portals existence.

"Let's call it a day"

Hera said after a long silence, she walked to Henry and helped him up, she didn't know what to make of the situation but she did what she felt like was right.

"Yeah let's go, we'll do this next weekend" Kento said as he placed his hand on Henry's shoulder to comfort him. Although he was also sad, he was an adult and he could handle his emotions. He suddenly felt a huge hole in his chest.


"You sure your gonna be fine" Hera asked Henry from the car window.

"Yeah I just need to sleep it off" Henry responded as he waved his hand. He was the last to be dropped off. The car drove off into the sky until it wasn't visible anymore. The rain had been raining non-stop.

Sigh! What now? It's just me huh! Why do I feel like this? Henry stood under the rain and and got lost in his thoughts, he strangely found comfort in the rain.

A few minutes went on by, Henry stood still without moving. The whistling winds seemed to quite down, his skin was carrased by the cold winds. He kept rubbing the purple gem on top of the ring, he didn't know what or how it worked. He was questioning the purpose of the ring.

"Out of soap huh, been there" the rain that was falling on his skin suddenly stopped as a familiar voice rang besides him.

Henry opened his eyes and turned to the person besides him. "Luther" Henry said with a plain expression.

"Somethings wrong huh. Yeah that sucks" Luther stood besides Henry, holding an umbrella. He said so in a sad tone.

Henry looked at him for a while before looked at the raining skies. They stood still for a while, neither one of them said anything.

"If you stay in those clothes, you might get a cold. Here, the other guys are waiting for me in the cafeteria, it would be really nice if you could join us" Luther said as he gave Henry the umbrella.

Although humans could evolve and grow stronger so to were the viruses so it balanced out and nothing changed much.

"I won't need it, and thanks but I think I'll just take a bath and than go to bed." Henry said rejecting the umbrella.

"No, it's yours. I got four, one for each of us, besides I've got mine, right here." Luther said as he pulled out a small foldable umbrella, he moved forward and opened it.

"You know, my aunt used to be sad all the time. Sadness can get addictive if you let it. My advice would be to get sad once and move on" Luther stood still for a sec and said. After a while he left.

Henry watched the boy leave before he turned around and walked into the dorm building. "Shit" he cursed out because he was completely drenched. He shook himself for a bit and walked back to his room.

He grabbed some new clothes and went for to the bathroom. He was the only one in the bathroom so it was quiet, he quickly took a shower and relaxed in a hot bath. He layed there and thought about the events of the day, he thought about it untold he decided it was enough.

He changed clothes and left the bathroom, he got a mop and whiped his dirty trail of footsteps that stood out on the plain tiles.

He went to the room and quickly jumped in to bed, not long after he fell asleep peacefully.


Henry was woken up by distant singing he heard from somewhere downstairs, judging by the time he estimated that the others were taking a bath. He looked towards the table towards the table in the middle of the table and saw a takeaway paper with a note on it that had his name.

"Thanks" Henry said as he smiled a bit. "So this is friendship huh" He thought as he opened the takeaway. The food wasn't anything fancy and in fact was just cafeteria food but Henry enjoyed it.

After eating Henry cleaned up and walked towards the balcony, their dorm room was positioned in a way that they could see every sunset, infect most dorms had balconies so the students could enjoy the view.

The balcony had a roof that prevented the rain from entering so Henry brought a chair and sat down and cultivated.

Uncle Hue told Henry that he should cultivate as much as possible, whenever he was bored or had nothing better to do, he should cultivate. Whenever he was feeling depressed and sad he should cultivate. Basically it didn't matter as long as he moved forward.