

On a mission to do what...? I actually don't care, this is getting me nowhere, I died after trying to get my soulmate back from the clutches of her father. Fucker was trying to sell her off to the highest bidder, I've known her for 17 years of my 20-year-old life, I ain't letting her go that easily. But I don't know whether she will forgive me for killing her... Meh... but first I have to get strong enough to find her and maybe gift her some powerful maids that we can fuck together. Ahhh... I forgot to kill the three other girlfriends that we both shared, fuck that old bastard will probably have them R@ped and tortured. Well, this is my story, hope you find it interesting. P.S. I'm not evil, I'm just really really not good.

CrimsonThunder · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Start... or not?

"I wish I was strong!", says a 20-year-old boy while lying on the floor.

"Okay, wish granted!", comes an ethereal voice from the sky.

"Arhhhh!", starts screaming the boy.


(Boy POV:)

So, I died after killing the love of my life, and right now I am floating in outer space? Well, I don't give a shit about what happened at least now no one else besides me could have her. MUAHAHAHA>> *cough**cough*

[⅃IVƎ System activating]

*10 minutes later*

Okay, so basically I received a system that allows me to change reality however I want, granting I provide enough souls? And to top it all off, the system's name perfectly matches my personality, I really do have a lively personality after all.

[Host has accumulated a kill count of 1200 in his previous life, granting him enough RAP(Reality Alteration Power) to reincarnate into a low-level world with a good enough background. The currently available choices are:

■ At the Mountains of madness(H.P. Lovecraft)

■The Sphinx(E.A. Poe)

■Harry PotterXGame of Thrones

■Game of ThronesXWitcher

■Dracula(Netflix series)

■Game of Thrones(Original)

■Blue Monkeys??? (Avatar)

Depending on the Low-leveled world that the host chooses, customization to the background will be allowed.]

Okay, first of all, that kill count is way too high, for a well-respected member of society, I mean...

System choose the world of Game of Thrones for me and for the background customization, make me Jahaerys Targaryen aka John Snow, and for my RAP usage, I want a ten times boost in all the aspects of my being, I think I should have enough?

[Yes Host, and to top it all off a new goal has been added, if you kill the Night King, your state of being will be increased from a 3d being to a 4d being and you will be granted MFTL(Massivly Faster than Light speed)]

Okay, okay, now send me in time when John starts his journey to go to the wall.


And shiiiit...

Now I'm in the body of John Snow, or let's just say I am John Snow, ten times better, ten times more handsome, and lemme check my dick, 10 inches? was his dick or chinpo only 1 inch long?

And fuck, let's see, Let's reroute, currently, I have 3 Gold Dragons to my name and I sure as hell ain't going to the wall, and the nearest Brothel is 20kms away and the nearest village is 3 km away, I will reach there in 2 hours.

*2 hours later*

John's POV:

Well, I messed up I decided to fuck some village women without asking for their consent, it all would have gone well, but the little bitch of the group started screaming and a crowd of almost 100 men and women gathered with pitchforks and shit.

Now, that is not the part where I messed up, I messed up when I uh... beheaded all of them in 1 minute, I mean I got a ten times boost,

*Taps on head cutely*

UWU, I messed up. Fuck!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!

Well, two cute bitches are still alive, so...