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_inkheart_13 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 14-Another friend added to the circle

Previously: "I have that and everything else she is gonna need for training so how about you boys step aside and let me handle this."She said.

"Is that necessary?"Aaron said.

"I think we should let them be seems like the best idea."Quinn said.

"Aaron see you should be more like Quinn it would help you."Naomi commented laughing before taking into her store.

We went through a lot of things packed clothes,daggers,a rope,some magical lantern and other things.

"Hey why don't get something for your furry friend?"She asked.

"He might need it."She added

After thinking over it for a while I said.

"I can't it isn't my money it's Aaron's I can't spend it recklessly,I would love to get him something but it's out of my hands."I said to her.

"You really are strange,when I brought you dresses and make up you instantly said no to them and when I brought heels and shoes you took shoes for fighting and other thing I brought you simply picked the essentials you are different I like you,you say what comes to mind you're real bold and determined."Naomi finished with a smirk.

"Thanks,it's just how I feel things should be done and I like you too."I replied with a large grin.

"Speaking of like has there been any guy to caught your eye like say Aaron or Quinn."Naomi asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Aaron is friendly and I like him but just as a friend."I said with a smile while roling my eyes.

"Okay I see Aaron is out but what about Quinn? Cause I think he likes you."Naomi said teasing.

'It's a good thing Jasper is outside I wouldn't have wanted him around for this or else the teasing would never stop.'

"Quinn is handsome,caring,polite,brave,strong-"I said.

"Ooh,I can see that twinkle in your eyes,you like Quinn."She said.

"No I don't we are um just friends."I said to with a scowl.

"You hesitated o my gosh you like Quinn!"She yelled.

"Shhh they are right outside they'll hear,he'll hear you."I whispered to her smacking her arm.

"Oww that hurt,ok I won't tell them but on one condition."Naomi said.

"And what is your condition?"I asked.

"I already told you I don't wanna overuse Aaron's cause it obvious I could never pay him back,I just wouldn't feel right."I said to her.

"But he still deserves something what if you are in a fight and Jasper helps you wouldn't you want him to have some sort of protection?"Naomi said.

"Yes but what would Aaron say?"I asked.

"I'd say it's good to spend wisely but I think Jasper deserves something too don't you agree Cora."I heard Aaron's voice from behind me.

I jumped then turned to see Aaron leaning against a wall close to the door inside the store.

"How long have you been there?"I asked him.

"Well long enough."He replied with a smirk.

"So Quinn and Jasper heard everything?"I asked a little shaky.

"Nope Quinn went scout the area and Jasper went with so I had to stay in here."He said smirking.

"Don't worry I won't tell them my lips are sealed."He said making a zip gesture with his lips.

"Ok but when will they be back?"I asked wanting to change the subject.

"Right now."Naomi said while her ears twitched.

Quinn and Jasper walked just after she finished,I calmed myself and acted normal so I wouldn't blush or go crazy you know.

"Have you finished?"Quinn asked.

"No not yet um Jasper would like try something?"I asked.

Jasper looked up smiled and flew off Quinn's shoulder looking around until this sort of amour with goggles.

"You look cool."Naomi said making Jasper raise his head in pride which I was tempted to smack.

"Yes he does I think we are done or would either of you like to get something?"I asked facing Aaron and Quinn.

They shook a 'No' movement.

"Then we're done."I said.

"Oh Cora since this is your first time here and I like you,here's a gift."She said handing me a small pouch.

"It's enchanted,you can put whatever you want in it and it won't grow any bigger or heavier."She added.

"Are you sure you want to it seems like a lot I wouldn't want to inconvenience you."I asked her.

"Always so humble and caring but I promise you,you aren't causing me any inconvenience I have loads of it take it I insist."She said pushing it further to me with a smile.

"Okay I'll take it,thank you Naomi."I said with a smile bending to put everything in the pouch.

"Call me Nai and you're welcome come let me help you."She said bending down to help me.

We packed everything into the pouch said our goodbyes and left.