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_inkheart_13 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 13-Meeting Nai

Previously:"Don't worry,he isn't a prince he is the son of some concubine's sister who seduced my father while he was drunk hoping to be added to my father's harem,Oliver is just an overrated womanizer."Aaron finished with a disgusted tone.

"Oh thank goodness I thought I was in some serious trouble."I said sighing in relief.

"Yes you're safe but we need to get you something more comfortable for you to fight in so you can move freely."Aaron said.

I changed back into a dress not wanting people to give me weird looks cause of what I'm wearing while Jasper silently perched on my shoulder while we walked through a busy street when the most delicious smell filled my nose.

"What is that delicious smell?"I asked sniffing the air.

"Yeah you're right it does smell,I go there often want me to go grab us something?"Aaron asked.

"Cora please say yes."Jasper whispered in my ear.

"How could I say no to that,it smells delicious."I said smiling.

"Great,better go before the line gets longer."Aaron said walking away joining a line leaving Quinn and me behind.

"What? A prince has to join the line too."Jasper whispered loud enough for Quinn to hear.

"Prince Aaron is quite different,he prefers to be treated like he isn't royalty,I'm meant to be the one in line for him but he doesn't like that."Quinn said with a hint of pride in his prince.

"Yeah he is different,his girlfriend must be very happy."I said.

Quinn seemed to be thinking about what I said before he spoke.

"Prince Aaron has no lover or harem."Quinn said in a matter of fact voice.

"Seriously he doesn't wow that's something but I've noticed he's a really nice guy and the girl he decideds to spend his life is really lucky."I said with a soft longing tone wanting to happy too.

"Aah I see do you fancy the prince."Quinn asked with a polite voice in his eyes there was just I tiny bit of hurt almost unnoticeably.

"Wow that funny Aaron is nice and all and any girl would happy to have a guy like him," I paused seeing the hurt deepen in Quinn eyes though he retained his polite smile.

"And do like him but only as a friend sure Aaron cool and handsome but the only way I could ever see of me and Aaron in the future is friends and it will forever stay that way."I said plainly and watch Quinn's eyes lose the hurt it held.

"Oh ok."Quinn said with usual smile.

"Yeah I'm just wishing him well like I would want you happy if you had a girlfriend,do you though? I'm just asking cause I don't want to assume you had one like I did with you know Aaron."I asked Quinn.

"No he doesn't Quinn has no single girl in his life that isn't a blood relative but he has one heck of fan club,sometimes I wonder if Quinn is just some monk with a sword."Aaron said laughing from behind us.

"Nice one Aaron and dang you're sneaky I don't think neither of them noticed you were there."Jasper whispered to Aaron.

"Yeah,here you go."Aaron said handing Quinn and I something wrapped in paper.

When I opened it was something baked in strange shapes,I looked left and right and saw Aaron stuffing his mouth while Quinn put it in his pocket.

'Maybe I should ask what in this I do have allergies.'

"Um,Aaron what's in this?"I asked.

"I don't know flour,eggs stuff for baking and meat I guess."Aaron said with his mouthful.

"Prince Aaron it isn't very princely like to speak with your mouthful or while walking,it's just bad manners."Quinn said.

"Whatever."Aaron replied and continued eating.

"Yeah I kinda agree with Quinn walking while eating isn't that bad but talking with your mouthful is,it isn't safe you could choke."I said.

"Okay but I haven't so leave me be."Aaron said.

"Be careful though and don't say things like that cause my world you could jinx it."I said laughing putting the wrapped food in my dress pocket.

We soon got to a street full of merchants selling clothes but there was so much color and music it was beautiful.

"Wow it has so much color and music this place is incredible."I said.

"You know if you like we could take you on a tour of the city if you want?"Aaron asked me with a smile swallowing the last bite of whatever that was.

"I would love that,this city has so many beauties and wonders,I can't to explore them."I said with a broad smile.

He smiled back at me then turned to look at Quinn who was looking ahead but when I turned to face he looked at me and smiled.

"Let's go."Jasper whispered to the three of us.

We nodded and started walking,we stopped at the first store Quinn and Aaron were looking through the clothes but when I went to inspect them I knew we shouldn't buy any of these so I grabbed Aaron and Quinn's hands and pulled them away from the store.

"Is there a problem?"Aaron asked puzzled.

"Did something happened?"Quinn also asked.

"Yes there is we can't buy those the material looks good but will it be comfortable for fighting and plus it's too expensive."I said coming to understand there currency.

"She's right."Quinn said.

"Yeah it's to light and won't be the best thing too,I know a place where could get better things for her."Aaron added

"See that's better now let's go then."I said.

We walked for a while till we got to a stall which had different color and exotic looking things but the most exotic looking thing was the merchant she was a anthrobeast a tiger and she was beautiful.

"If it isn't my favorite people and you brought a friend with."Exclaimed the tiger anthrobeast.

"Hey Nai this is Cora."Aaron said he said gesturing to me.

"Hi."I said.

"Cora hmmm pretty name and pretty girl too so tell me which one of you is lucky enough to have won this girls heart."She said with a wink.

"She's just a friend Naomi."Aaron said with a laugh.

"Oh so Aaron outta the race for her heart but Quinn is still in it,hey I'm Naomi and I happen to know where to get a wedding dress or a real hot lingerie don't forget it."She said wiggling her eyebrows.

Quinn was about say something but I cut in.

"If I ever need it that is but sure and dang you are hilarious though I don't think everyone agrees with your sense of humor."I said laughing.

"Who cares what a bunch of bastards say about me,I ain't gonna change so they can shove their opinions up their ass."She said with a little growl.

"Yeah you go girl live your life on your own don't give shit about what others say about cause they're hating cause they are jealous of you,be different and be you."I said to with a wink.

"You know what I like her you two should bring her here more I like her and the cute beast on her shoulder,now what can I get you."She said with a smile.

"Oh yeah we need something for Cora training something comfortable and elastic do you have something like that?"Aaron asked/said.

"I have that and everything else she is gonna need for training so how about you boys step aside and let me handle this."She said.

"Is that necessary?"Aaron said.

"I think we should let them be seems like the best idea."Quinn said.

"Aaron see you should be more like Quinn it would help you."Naomi commented laughing before taking into her store.