

Hello there, Before you dive into reading this novel, I would like to mention that it is not a story written for entertainment purposes. I am writing this as a way to improve my English skills. I work at an IT firm, which means I will only be able to upload 2-3 chapters per week. Please keep in mind that I am not an experienced writer, so expect a mid to low-level novel. However, my colleagues are supporting me, so I hope you can give it a try. Please note that there will be no harem in this novel. There will be a romantic aspect to it, but it will be slowly revealed. The main character is overpowered but likes to be in the spotlight.

The_Zephyrous · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

CH 023

Dean Howard and I walked for a few minutes before stopping at a bank vault. "the security seems too tight at this part of the school, why is that ?" I said looking at the guards stationed near the vault door. He didn't reply but instead, he kept his hand in the scanning spot and waited for it to scan. "remember a few things, what you will be seeing here is taken from Egypt without their knowledge. So you understand my implication right.". I accepted "I guess you stole it then," I said bluntly, Howard smiled nervously "When you put it that way it feels terrible."

We both entered the room, it was completely sealed from the inside. In the centre of it was a highly polished green rock with a blood-like liquid spilling from the crevice. while I was admiring the rock my mind stone set a small spec of energy into my mind. "Aah," I touched my mind stone, pushing it hard. "Is there a problem? " asked Mr. Stark, I slowly shook my head and looked at the rock more seriously. There are only two reasons in the entire universe which can make a mind stone act on its own, one is if it finds someone threatening enough and the second one is when it's near an infinity stone. "Kid are you okay, you are sweating buckets." Asked Mr. Stark. I nodded and activated my mind stone, I scanned the whole rock. even after the whole search, I wasn't able to figure out what was at the centre of it.

I slowly went near to touch the emerald and red mixture when Howard caught my hands. "don't even think about it, many of my great scientists touched the red part of the rock has become stones or dissipated into thin air like they never existed." He said. "I think I know what it is, " I said my eyes focused on the rock. "what is it? Some spiritual rock which has some unknown power." He said looking at the rock. I shook my head, I know what this is; this is a fragment of the reality stone. But still, I can't accept the fact that this is a reality stone. for some reason, it felt different than the real thing. I activated my space stone and created a space tear on the rock, Howard just looked at sighed "You are planning to break it. But you should ask permission.", I smiled and continued to break the rock.

 To my surprise, I found a small gold container which was a thumb-sized. It wasn't the reality stone but it was the Dust liquid which could hold the reality stone in place. I went again to touch the liquid this time though Howard didn't stop me. The liquid slowly dripped in my hands creating a cold sensation in my hand. I slowly slid my fingers through the now broken rock to get my hands on the thumb size container. "careful" Howard said, as I slowly controlled the droplet to form a red droplet. "this is not the real thing" I whispered without knowing "what real thing?" Howard said to my whisper. the blob of red liquid slowly gravitated towards me as I controlled the movement.

"Sir Howard when you found this, was there a red stone with it," I asked looking at him. He thought for a second "I don't think so, but there was a casket of a mummy with it. Maybe it had one, why would you ask?" he replied looking at the red liquid, "where is the mummy casket?" I said. He shrugged "Who knows kid, we only took the Emerald since it had special powers. At that time we were researching the sudden emergence of supper powers. We weren't mummy hunting", I then contained the liquid in the container and gave it to him. "that red stone can make or break this world". He gaped "Are you serious?" he said doubting yours truly. I just stood there without giving him the answer to his question. "ok let us just say that I agree with your statement. If it can really break this world someone must have already used it right." He questioned. I sighed "Don't worry as long as the stone exists in this world I can get it. " I know that finding that stone will be difficult but not impossible all I have to do is go to Egypt.

I said my goodbyes to Mr. Stark who was lost in thoughts and went to my dorm since it was already late. I noticed that there were two email notifications on my PC. "Midoriya and Betty". I first went through the email Midoriya sent me. it wasn't anything unusual, he was letting me know about the villain's attack. I predicted the villain attack to take place in the next week but hey what do you know? He also told me about his classmate's brave deeds and to my surprise the one that replaced Momo from cannon was Setsuna Tokage. The girl who can split herself into small pieces like a lizard. There were also some casualties, Meena the pink acid girl got injured on her hand while fighting Nomu. At least she is not dead, I mean fighting a Nomu is not an easy task especially not for Meena. After reading through his email I went to the next email.

The email Betty sent was more professional and more engaging. It seems that the president wants to have an award ceremony for saving Star and Stripe and Bubble Man. She also mentioned that Bubble Man is in a coma. They also want to discuss the new threat, which is the madman who tortured Star and Stripe. I personally think that he used the power stone in this set of Universe to induce pain in her. which will explain her fear towards him.

I know that after coming to this college my schedule has been all messed up and I never have free time. I also think that the time that I spend with Momo has decreased tremendously, so I made a mental note to spend some of my free time to spend with her. maybe a date with her would be nice. After thinking about this I wrote an email to Momo to set a date for tomorrow. since tomorrow was a Sunday. needless to say, she quickly agreed with the proposal. I smiled at the reply and went to get some dinner, I had already skipped lunch because of the dean and I was not going to miss my dinner either. After getting spaghetti with meatballs for dinner, I had a good night's sleep. Tomorrow is a long day.

A/N: if you have any idea for the story. please comment. the story is generated on the way, which means that i can add new things if i need.