

Hello there, Before you dive into reading this novel, I would like to mention that it is not a story written for entertainment purposes. I am writing this as a way to improve my English skills. I work at an IT firm, which means I will only be able to upload 2-3 chapters per week. Please keep in mind that I am not an experienced writer, so expect a mid to low-level novel. However, my colleagues are supporting me, so I hope you can give it a try. Please note that there will be no harem in this novel. There will be a romantic aspect to it, but it will be slowly revealed. The main character is overpowered but likes to be in the spotlight.

The_Zephyrous · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

CH 007

"Hello, future hero candidates I hope you have the spunk to win this challenge" Present mic shouted and waited for a response. Silence.

"Since we are all on the same page let's look at the challenge shall we," he said. Silence. I was seated next to Iida who seemed to be reading into the paper so much. "so here is how this will go heroes, everyone will be assigned a group, in an urban setting. there will be three types of robots or should I say, villains. The first one is the one-point robot which is one point if you defeat them." He continued.

I took my fingers and stuck them in my ears as I knew what this round was all about. Have you ever played with your ears by, closing them and opening them in succession? If not you are missing out on a lot of joy mate, especially in a loud environment. The sound effect it gave me was enough to skip the entire thing. Suddenly I saw Iida standing up and asking doubts and he turned towards Midoriya and advised. all that stuff went as canon. What I didn't expect was, him looking at me. 

"you have been playing this whole round without listening to the crucial information given by the organizer on stage. If you want to play go somewhere else, this is a very pristine high school." He hauled at me, I looked around us and saw people murmuring to themselves. I sank into my chair to escape from Iida.

After the briefing, I was sent to sector B of the exam stage and watched as Iida lectured Izuku and Aoyama standing there flashing his navel laser.

"well alright everyone now is the time to run, the faster you go the the higher number of robots you can kill, Move it "The moment Present Mic said these words everyone scattered inside the field. 


"I think it's time for me to show off" I said rolling my sleeves as I started to float in the air. I then closed my eyes and used my mind stone to pinpoint and differentiate the robots and other students "151 robots, 50 3-pointers, 50 2-pointers, 50 1-pointers and finally the zero pointer. This should be fun" I grinned.  I then focused my power of space stone to create really small portals which were connected to a black hole, I came up with this idea after watching Danzo using vacuum style as an OP Ninjutsu.

The portals were small, blueish-grey dots which looked like a baseball dipped in liquid nitrogen. I also made sure that they were away from the students so, no one would enter them but they had the suction of a black hole which was enough to pierce anything. After I summoned the portals all the robots were turned into a broken mess, including the 0 pointer robot whose center was absorbed into the portal.

Quickly I deactivated my power since I needed some parts of the robots lying by for proof that they were there. I stood there as candidates ran around trying to find the cause. 

"you won this round in a landslide" I heard a sound behind me, and I turned around to find Ectoplasm the vice principal of UA High. "you scared me, sir," I said even though I noticed him way before he arrived here. 

"come on kid, I noticed that you noticed me before I came here. don't lie to your teachers" he said smiling. crap, these guys are good. I walked with him as he guided me to the headmaster's room.

The room was filled with teachers of UA high namely Midnight, Cementous, Vlad King, Aizawa and All Might in his weakened form. 

"Welcome, Kaneki Nagisa I am Nezu the principal of this institution. I saw that you easily won the battle" said the rabbit bear mascot "What was your quirk Nagisa, we all saw you were floating in the air then suddenly you clenched your fist. Then all the robots were destroyed." 

I smiled at him, who in his right mind would reveal the quirk to a government servant not just that there is also a traitor, which wasn't revealed in the anime yet. "my quirk is something like teleportation, which I have already filled in the registration form" I said and waited for their response. they looked at me and smiled "Keeping it a secret is good and all, but remember that we are your teachers and we mean no harm to you."

I nodded and left the office as I could hear them discussing about me but I let it slide. 

With that, my physical exam concluded and I am sure that I aced it. I went down and saw Momo was waiting for me with a snack bar this time.

"How did your exam go" she asked in a nervous tone. I just smiled and showed a thumbs up, which relieved her stress a bit. "it went well I think I will be able to get a seat in this academy" I replied.

"oh wait, your mother asked me to take you to your father's office. " she said, I know my father works as an insurance agent for villain damage control so I'm not sure why he would ask me to come there.

"yeah we can go there, " I said and had some snacks from the snack bar and headed to the limo. "Momo where will you be going, after leaving me ." I asked, she fidgeted "I am going to buy some new clothes, for the high school. I thought we both could go but your mother suddenly called and told me to convey this message to you so I will be going there alone ." . I know this is a good time to be with her since it will turn into an easy date, but I also wanted to know what my father wanted to say.

"Hey, I just thought of something. why don't you wait for me outside my father's office for just a bit, I will talk to my father as quickly as possible and join you." I suggested since this is a golden opportunity, she thought then smiled "Ok, I will be counting on you".

After that, we both entered her limo and started our travel to my father's office.