

This is my first story so I hope you all like it ( Slow Update )

BKLife · Anime & Comics
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Lessons and Life

( This Is Going to be kinda bad so please bear with me )

It's been 3 years seen I was brought into this world and I have discovered more about my abilities. First and foremost my Infinite Growth is amazing. I can grow consciously and unconsciously with just simple tasks. I learned to walk in a third of the time it takes a normal baby to. I didn't even crawl I just put my hand on the table stood up, and began to walk slowly I might add but walking none the less. I found that my new body is like a plot of land waiting for the foundation of something magnificent to be built.

Next, my Immense Intelligence and Panmnesia are both extraordinary as well. First, both Immense Intelligence and Panmnesia didn't just make me smart but what they do is allow me to soak up knowledge and anything I experience like a sponge. It's nice to learn and remember anything I want but I could do without the unwanted memories. For instant one night I was woken up by the sound of banging in my mom's room. So I hope off the couch and go to check on her only to find her being forced fed some guys dick. I will never be able to unsee that but the pros outweigh the con so I will learn to live with it.

Next, my Infinite Ingenuity is my second favorite. With it, my creative capacities are leagues above with I was originally capable of. My mom had bought me a big bucket of lego to keep me occupied for when she had to leave the apartment. I may have been slightly creative in my previous life but I never could build anything but a basic gun with lego. Now I can build anything I want relatively easy and without much thought. Our tv went out and My mom didn't know what to do but she had to leave to work.

So when she left I took the back off and took a look at it. After about 10 seconds I found out it was just a wiring issue. I was able to fix it pretty easy and when she came back and saw me watching tv she asked ' when did the tv turn back on'? I just told her I give it a good hit and it started to work again. She said okay took a shower and went back out. As for right now, I 4-year old was standing outside my apartment waiting for my mom to be done with her group of clients. While waiting I decided to people-watch through the window right next to our door.

While looking out the window I made sure to pay attention to every little detail. I sat there for over 45 minutes when the door to our home finally opened and out came the 6 men the booked her. They came out high fiving and laughing while I just watched them. They looked so happy and proud I just shake my head and wait 5 minutes before going in. I enter my home and heard my mom taking a shower so I sat down on the couch and turn on the tv to watch my cartoon. I got 30 minutes into my shows when my mom came out of the bathroom cleaned up and dressed. She came into the living room and saw my watching tv.

" Dan I just made another 300 I so how about we order pizza tonight?" she asked, " Yeah mom." She smiled and said she would be back in 30 minutes and left to head to the pizza place. After she locks the door I jump up off the couch and begin my work out aka the Saitama method. I may be 4 years old but my body grows more powerful with everything I do. After about 45 minutes my returns and we eat to our fill before she nad to leave out again to work. As I train my body the news comes on saying that spotting of a huge bet like creature has been seen for the 10 times in the past 2 years. As I watch the news begin thinking about how much fun am going to have with my Reality Hacking and Modding.

" This Time Around I am going to enjoy life."

I know it's short but kind of a short summary

Hope you like it

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