

This is my first story so I hope you all like it ( Slow Update )

BKLife · Anime & Comics
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Death and Wishes

Ok, let's make this quick I Danny Knight, I'm a black man and I died at the ripe old age of 27. I had died from severe exhaustion while working on a pill that could enhance the human condition. These enhancements were not temporary either they are permanent but unfortunately out of 504 hours I only slept 15 out of those hours. I moment my head hit the pillow I was gone and woke up in what could only explain as a colorful void with Sebas Tian look-alike stand next to me. He told me my work not only help humankind grow stronger but eliminated disease and created a superhuman world. When he told me what my invention had done I told him to tell the bad news.

His eyes became hard as he told at first only the strong was the only one to receive the pill and ruled over weak for about 70 years before they were overthrown. He told me it was just in time too because 10 years later humankind faced its first alien attack. When he said that my mind was blown. I was my work was used in the way I originally planned for but the whole alien attack threw me for a loop. After he dropped those bombs on me we began to talk for about 2 hours. After our talk, he told me I was going to be sent to a new but familiar world. I was happy and worried about this but I was more interested than anything. He informed me that I have 10 wishes but they will be augmented or delayed depending on the wish. It took me about 5 hours to make my list.

1. Immense Intelligence - To help make school easier and to help me manage my other wishes properly

2. Panmnesia - So that I never forget and to help with my 5th, 7th, 8th, and 9th wishes

3. Infinite Inventory - So I can store anything I want in it

4. Observe - So I can gain insight into what or whoever is in my sight

5. Pause - So I can stop time

6. Saving and Loading - Cause Routes

7. Infinite Growth - Cause who wants to be the Perfect Goku if you don't put in the work

8. Infinite Ingenuity - Kintaro Oe, Rick Sanchez, Eggman, Phineas Flynn, and his stepbrother Ferb Fletcher that is all

9. Reality Hacking - For fun and insurance

10. Reality Modding - For fun and insurance

Once read over my list he told he will have to delay wishes 3, 4, 5, and 6 til he was 5 years old while 9 and 10 will be delay till he was 15. As for 1, 2, 7, and 8 will available when Danny gains consciousness. With that, we said goodbye and he sent me off to my new life. Right now I laying in my crib slowly moving my arms up and down. I was born to a streetwalker name Pam Alice Knight who lives in Gotham City East End. Right now my enchanting mother was working with a client or should I say an unfaithful bag of shit.

After about 2 minutes the door to me and my mother's room open and the fat tub of lard walk huffing and puffing like he just ran a marathon. Walk past my and rush out the door as his phone begins to ring for the 10th time. My mother comes out of her room with 30 dollars in her hand. She places the money on the counter next 180 dollars and goes into the bathroom to wash as she does after every client.

After about 15 minutes she walks out clean and picks me up. " How my little man" she puts me on her lap and begins to feed me. I have been getting breastfed for 2 1/2 months and I still feel embarrassed. 10 minutes I was full and she cleaned me up a knock was heard a knock at the door. Mother looked at me with a small smile and placed me back in my crib. That makes client number 7 like clockwork. This happens every day from 12 pm to 10 pm.

I can't wait till I get older so I can help out but more importantly, so I can get the HELL OUT OF THESE DIAPERS.

I as I said these is my first Fanfiction so it might be bad so I hope you all like it

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