
Before the Tournament

After waking up, Kojiro takes out his cooking tool and begins to make some breakfast and also some food for their picnic in Senju Park. He promised the children to have some picnic yesterday as Kunou and Yasaka wanted to explore Konoha some more. Yasaka and Kunou like to walk around the famous village because the air around them is not yet tainted or as Yasaka put it 'Mother Earth is not yet angry'. He never knew that the DxD world had a consciousness of Earth, like the Nasuverse. Lucky for him, the 'Mother Earth' as Yasaka put it, is not trying to kill all humans like the one he met in Nasuverse.

As he finishes cooking the food, Kojiro places down the food on the table and begins to brew some coffee for himself and tea for Yasaka. While the inn gave them food for their stay, his companion demanded that he cook breakfast as they wanted to taste his food every day. He doesn't mind that 'request' because he likes to cook as the activity is quite enjoyable for him.

"Morning, Kojiro-kun"

He looks at Yasaka sitting down on the Futon and then stretching like a cat or fox because of the Yasaka race.


"What is today breakfast?"

"Grilled Fish, Miso Soup and some Veggie"


Yasaka then walks toward the bathroom Kojiro made after knowing that the inn doesn't have a private bathroom, and begins to take a bath. A few minutes later Kunou and Sakura also wake up from their sleep and begin to take a bath with Yasaka who is still inside the bathroom.

When Kojiro places down the last dish which is the omelet, the door to the private bathroom opens up, and coming from it are his companions already fully clothed. They then sit down on the chair and begin to eat.

"So where are we going today, Kojiro-kun?"

"Both Kunou and Sakura want to have a picnic right?"



"Then we can go to the Senju Park before we go to the stadium and watch the tournament. I already purchased the ticket in the VIP room."

"Hmm, that's good. Also, Kojiro-kun can I ask you a question?"


"Where do you get that money? Because of the money I see when you buy us some food in the nearby food stall, I can see you use different kinds of money from our own."

"Ah! About that, I got some jewel to sell"


"Yup, I got this jewel from some old vampire"

"... Do you have a vampire friend? I thought they were self-isolated from the world."

"Ahhh, not not a vampire from our world but the vampire from Sakura world"

"The Nasuverse?"

"Yup, He is one of the strongest vampires in that world. He also has a massive supply of jewels in his pocket dimension and every one of them has already been cut into a smaller piece."

"The same old vampire that you say is the most irresponsible vampire in that world?"



"No no no. Yasaka please trust me on this one. There is already many victims to his trolling activity"

"... Very well"

"Good, now let's go to the Senju Park"

After eating their breakfast, Kojiro, Yasaka, Sakura and Kunou walk the North West of Konoha and walk for around 15 minutes before they arrive at a wooden gate with a Senju clan symbol engraved on the surface of the gate.

They then leisurely walk along the narrow path to their destination. While walking Kojiro feels there is a group of people following them. He turns his head toward Yasaka who raises her eyebrow as he guesses that she also feels the presence of the intruder.

Kojiro quickly creates a privacy spell around them and then asks her.

"Do you feel them?"


"Let them do their job, I don't think they come here for a fight but rather to gather some information."

"Yeah, I agree"

He then looks at Fou and Lilith still standing/coiling on Sakura and Kunou's shoulders before saying.

"Fou Lilith, protect Sakura and Kunou with all your might. I don't think they will attack us but please watch them closely just in case"



After walking for a few minutes, they arrive at their destination. He looked at the massive tree surrounded by a pond and playground. They then quickly place down all the items he brings for the picnic and sits on the ground while drinking some sake he brings with him. He continues to enjoy the day while seeing the children playing in the playground around the park.


Watching from far away is a group of Anbu that has been ordered to watch a family of four by their Hokage. Anbu with the code name of the dog, looks at his comrade before gesturing for some secret sign that Anbu division created for their silent communication.

~Target. Confirmed~

~Affirmative. Scanning Now~


He continues to watch the target while his partner Anbu eagle, scanning the target, confirms the rumor that they don't have a chakra network in their body. Every living being has a chakra network inside their body that is the fact in this world because chakra is the force that makes them alive, so when councilman Danzo says that there is a family of four come inside Konoha without a chakra network in them, make them skeptical at first. However, Lord Hokage orders them to check this family just in case because councilman Danzo only knows about this information via seal around Konoha.

He looks at his partner and asks.


~Negative. False Rumor~

~Affirmative. Regrouping now~


The reason why Lord Hokage sent a group of Anbu just to spy on a civilian family is that if the rumor is true then their target is a unique case of civilian or a trained assassin that suppress their chakra so low that the seal around Konoha think these people don't have chakra network.

After they far away from the target, Dog waits for the rest of his team to regroup with him. When all his team has arrived he looks at Eagle and says.


"Yes. Our target had a Chakra Network around them but it was so low that the seal around Konoha though they didn't have any chakra at all."

"So they are clear?"


"Very well, Do you know the reason why they have very small chakra?"

"Usually it was caused by marriage between sister and brother. While we shinobi will not feel the effect of this practice, the civilians will have their chakra shrunk to the point of non-existence that will result in death to the mother because she doesn't have enough chakra to give birth and also the death of the child that just was born."

"Good, Write it in the report while I go to Hokage tower and give the verbal report to Lord Hokage."


They then disappear in a blink of an eye and only leave a lead on the ground that quickly becomes ashes.


Kojiro smiles as he feels the Anbu around them leave them alone, walking toward the Stadium. He doesn't know why they need to wait another hour for scanning them, but seeing that they are convinced that they are safe, the Anbu group begins to leave them alone.

"What is, Kojiro-kun?"

"It was just satisfying to fool a professional shinobi."


"Yeah, The group that was spying on us has been ordered to see if we have chakra network or not"

"But you don't have any chakra in you, Kojiro-kun."

"Yeah, but I have Magic Circuit around my body and a magic core. While you and Konou have a different kind of chakra network than them. So I cover us with my magic and make it look like we have a chakra network even though it produces only a small amount of chakra."

"But how can they see our chakra from that distance?"

"Konohagakure has a clan that can see through our body and sees the chakra pathway inside our body."

"Then how do you know they are bringing this clan member?"

Kojiro smiles at her before whistling a little. A second later, a swallow appeared from the sky and landed on his shoulder.

"I know about that because of this guy. This swallow is my familiar."

"I see."

"Yup. Anyway enough about that, we already arrive at the stadium."

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts