
Infinite Source Mage

In the mystical realm where power reigns supreme, a once-mighty mage finds himself stripped of his greatness. Reincarnated as a young boy just after 7 years of his unknown cause of death, and then in a humble village, his path to glory begins in the most unlikely of places. With no parents to guide him and only an orphanage to call home, he sets on a goal to find the mysterious journey to reclaim his rightful place as the most powerful mage. ~~~~~ gender: male age: 9 (will age through chapters) hair colour: White (might change) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ajwoohin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs



In the kingdom of Nielism, there existed a warrior named Gohn, known to be at the pinnacle of his abilities. However, rumors whispered of him being nothing more than a lazy rich kid, falsely claiming his skills and relying on his father's influence. Gohn was the youngest among the king's six children, and speculation circulated that his rise to the top was solely due to his father's power, not his own merit.

Gohn smirked, amused by the fact that kids had been deceived by his plan. Now that the hindrance were out of the way, he turned his attention to the orphanage.

He approached the door and knocked, but received no response. Little did he know that the children inside were cowering in fear, hiding beneath a table. Although they were unaware of the reason behind their unease, a sense of bad intensions hung in the air. Yanyan, the youngest among them, couldn't help but shed tears as she clung to her sister, Mai.

Gohn grew frustrated when no one responded, despite knowing that the children were inside. He circled around the orphanage, peering through a window to catch a glimpse of the frightened children huddled under the table. His evil grin widened as he stared at one of the children, his mind filled with sinister intentions. With a false worried of concern, he called out, "Could you kids please open the door? I just want to check on all of you."

Javier, Xander, and Jim, although terrified themselves, stood their ground and shielded their sisters. Despite their fear, they refused to let any harm befall their family. Trembling and with tears streaming down his face, Javier mustered the courage to shout, "Get out! We don't want you here!"

Gohn's eyes widened in frustration.his plans momentarily foiled by the unexpected resistance. He begrudgingly retreated, his anger simmering beneath the surface.

Prior to his visit, Gohn had enlisted the aid of ten skilled mages, each at least mastery mage level rank. Following his orders, they surrounded the orphanage, ready to carry out his next command.

"Cast the Lock Chain Magic!" Gohn commanded, his voice laced with malice.

The ten mages complied, conjuring a powerful spell that sealed off the orphanage completely. Windows, doors, and any other possible exit were locked shut, leaving the children trapped within its walls. Darkness.


Bell's eyes widened in sheer horror as he witnessed the little girl's glow intensify. His instincts screamed at him, urging him to take immediate action. Reacting swiftly, Bell tapped into his skill "Mana Leap," propelling himself high into the sky.

Meanwhile, Marc's eyes widened with concern as he witnessed the intensifying radiance enveloping the little girl. Panic gripped his heart, and he yelled out, "Bell!"

The sound of Marc's voice reverberated through the forest, echoing the urgency of the situation. Yet, despite his yells, Bell remained out of reach, suspended in the air, unable to offer immediate assistance. Marc stood rooted to the spot, his body trembling, as he helplessly bore witness to the impending catastrophe.

In an instant that felt like an eternity, the little girl erupted in a violent explosion, sending shockwaves through the surrounding area. Marc gasped, his eyes widening in disbelief and horror as the blast unleashed a gruesome display of blood and carnage. splatters of blood stained the forest, splattering across the vegetation and even reaching Marc himself. His hair, shirt, and pants became marked with the haunting reminders of the tragedy that had just unfolded before his eyes.

Marc's gaze slowly traveled downward, and a wave of distasteful washed over him as he spotted a grisly sight a detached organ, specifically an eye.

Marc, his hope shattered and despair filling his heart, sank to his knees. Tears streamed down his face as he struggled to comprehend the horrifying events that had unfolded before him. His body convulsed with coughs, his breath ragged and strained. In the midst of his shock, he heard rustling in the bushes nearby. Marc's gaze shifted, and his eyes widened as he spotted Bell lying on the ground, blood staining his back. Relief washed over Marc as he realized that Bell had survived, thanks to his skill, Dark Regeneration.

With a heavy sigh, Marc collapsed onto the ground beside Bell, his body trembling from the overwhelming emotions coursing through him. He mustered the strength to ask Bell what had happened. Still in a state of shock, Bell rose to his feet and recounted the events that had unfolded. He explained how, while he was airborne, his initial instinct was to use a mixed mana regeneration skill to heal both himself and the little girl. However, to his surprise, the girl had released her grip from Bell's back, causing him to panic. In desperation, Bell had called upon the system for assistance.

The system quickly adjusted his body mid-air and used the girl's body as a solid surface to step on, utilizing Mana Leap to propel Bell back to the ground at a high velocity. The force of the impact had resulted in his bones shattering upon landing.

As Bell descended from the sky, he heard the little girl utter her final words, a heart-wrenching plea for her mother.






The weight of her tragic fate and the explosive aftermath hung heavily in the air. Bell's scream reverberated through the forest—a scream born from frustration, helplessness, and deep sorrow. His eyes burned with a surge of bloodlust, reflecting the anger and determination surging within him.

Marc, initially taken aback by the bloodlust emanating from Bell, quickly realized that they had fallen into a trap, and their worst fear had become a reality—the children were now left alone and vulnerable.

Without hesitation, Marc sprinted towards Bell, urgently shouting, "Bell! The kids!" Bell's eyes widened in realization, and he swiftly leaped from tree to tree, pushing his exhausted body to its limits. Bloodlust gave way to concern as his thoughts raced to the safety of the children he had promise to protect.

Bell and Marc pressed on, navigating the dense forest with all their strength, until they reached the entrance of the village.

Both Marc and Bell were on the brink of exhaustion, their bodies battered and weary. Marc, covered in blood and scratches, urged Bell to go ahead, pointing out a raging fire engulfing the orphanage. He insisted that he would be fine and urged Bell to save the children. Bell's eyes widened, a mixture of fear and desperation flashing across his face.

As he arrived he saw many people surrounding the orphanage, as some tried to extinguish the fire with some water, bell screamed in despair, and mana leap on the orphanage. The heat of the flames searing his skin, and the intense pain becoming an nonexistent. Desperation filled his soul as he attempted to open the locked door, his hands clawing and pounding against it. Turning to the window, he tried to shatter it, but his efforts proved futile.

An anguished cry escaped Bell's lips as he grappled with the impossibility of breaching the orphanage. Flames consumed his clothing, his skin blistering and peeling, yet he felt no pain. While the dark regeneration ability offered some protection, it was the singular focus on his siblings that shielded him from the agony. using every ounce of strength, Bell unleashed his attack skills Cut, Dark Claw in a last-ditch effort to penetrate the barrier, but his efforts proved futile. The orphanage remained inaccessible, a fortress of flames standing between him and the children he cares dearly.












Name - Bell Aize

Age - 9

Gender - Male

Race - Human

Attribute - Mix mana

Title - Rock Frog Absorber

Old Title - The Greatest Mage




Strength: 29 (+4)

Speed: 29 (+9)

Vitality: 38 (+10)

Intelligence: 70







(Dark Regeneration)


(Dark Claw)

(Mix Mana Regeneration)

(Mana Leap)



(Ishka Village) Population: 200+

(kingdom of Nielism) Population 1.2M+

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