
Infinite: Order of the Torches

Ava would have never imagined a life so different. She had been kept with a guardian in a large house on a hilltop, far from every other person. She knew she was special, different. She knew the stories her guardian had told her about her mother, was far from the truth. There was more to herself, something much complex. She discovers a mythical realm, a world where every being has powers and she is in the strongest clan, Spellbinding. But it’s not as easy as that. Especially when she realizes she is the awaited one and her benefactors are the true enemies. Ava must navigate her way and lit the torch again.

ASIAHGIRL_01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Asher felt the sharp pain as his eyes slowly peeled open. A sudden feeling of weakness dominating his entire system. The pungent smell of cigarettes filled the air he tried to move but then he felt his hands in front of him, chained to the cold iron seat that gave little to no comfort for him. Then his brain started to recall.

He had opened the door for a stranger, but the stranger did something to him, something that made him unconscious. And now he was probably being kidnapped.

"Good morning, Asher"

A deep throaty voice said, he raised his head to know where it was coming from. There stood a man before him, with dirty blonde hair and a muscular stature. Asher looked at the whole area surrounding him, it was all dark and empty with only a small beam of light coming from a half open window. There was a table in front of him, with a black sack on it.

He had been kidnapped for sure. What did the kidnappers want, money? His life? Why?

"Who are you?" Asher said boldly even if he was weak to his knees "What do you want?"

The blonde-haired man chuckled. More men came behind him, all muscular and dressed in black clothing. This was probably their leader, he looked like those professional hitmen, what would he possibly want from him? Asher thought.

"It's not me you should ask_"

 "It's me" Another voice boomed as a figure appeared from the shadows. His blurry façade slowly became clear as he came towards the light. He was tall with dark accentuated features, his dark brown hair fell at the side of his face covering his left eye. Intricate black tattoos covered one side of his neck and arm. His fiery golden eyes staring directly into Asher's as he slowly walked to him, emitting a powerful and dangerous aura. Asher saw the dirty blonde-haired hitman who was speaking earlier shiver in fear, then immediately compose himself.

"Hello Assistant of The Phoenix, it's been quite a while don't you think?"

Asher's eyes widened at the familiar voice.


"Yes me" Lord Supreme smirked "Twenty years, Asher. Time really goes by quickly"

"What do you want again? You won and we lost, is that not enough?" Asher said recalling the horrible memories of the past. He looked at the dark-haired man wondering how he wasn't touched by the aging process.

"You humans" he paused "You so much underestimate us the Mythics, do you think we are simpletons like you?"

"What-do-you-want?" Asher stared at his captor in the eye, putting extra spaces between his words.

"Where is she? The Phoenix's daughter" the dark haired male simply said.

Asher paused and swallowed. "I don't understand what you are talking about_"

"Oh you do" Lord Supreme said carelessly and stood upright "You are not going to tell me that easily"

Asher exhaled shakily. The hitman took a glance at him and then shook his head sympathetically.

"I'm giving you another chance, Mr. Anderson. Where is the girl?"

There was a long pause. Asher looked down, he knew what this man was capable of. He had faced his wrath once, and had never prayed to experience such again.

But even still, he kept quiet and stared blankly at the treacherous man before him.

"Alright then" Lord Supreme said and walked to the side of the chair, Asher noticed that there was a large switch there, his captor's face darkened "Let's try this another way"

The switch went off.

"ARRRGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Asher screamed in agony. A powerful whim of electricity rushed through his veins. His hands vibrating uncontrollably as he felt his heart ache. He felt blood rush to his brain, with force and intense aching. His hairs stood upright in resonance with the shock. Every part of his body went completely weak.

And then it stopped.

Asher's body perspired, his hair sticking to his completely wet skin. His breath was uneven and heavy, body trembling as he looked up to his captor.

An unexpected, loud laughter boomed in the air, it was coming from Lord Supreme. "Oh dear, you humans are so weak. I didn't even have to use my powers to make you feel so much pain"

Swiftly, the dark haired male held Asher's jaw tightening his razor-sharp fingernails as they cut through his skin. The dirty-blonde hitman's face had been stripped of all colour and animation with fear. All the other men watched in pity.

"So tell me now. WHERE IS THE GIRL?"

"I…Would never…ever…tell you where she is" Asher stammered stubbornly.

"Arrgh!" Lord Supreme roared, scratching his victim's face with his fingernails creating a deep wound on his face.

"YOU!" He growled "You're proving difficult, you'll regret doing this"

Suddenly, his fiery countenance became cold and emotionless. It was impossible to know what he was about to do with this sudden change of demeanour. The dark haired male extended his hand and a sharp knife appeared on it. Asher quivered in fear as he saw the poker-faced man hold his fingers.

"You would never dare me again"

I'm trying to focus on updating more frequently. Please support me and vote, your engagements mean a lot.

I had fun writing this chapter and I don't think it's healthy........


Who else thinks Neville is such a brat?

Much Love!!!

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