
Infinite: Order of the Torches

Ava would have never imagined a life so different. She had been kept with a guardian in a large house on a hilltop, far from every other person. She knew she was special, different. She knew the stories her guardian had told her about her mother, was far from the truth. There was more to herself, something much complex. She discovers a mythical realm, a world where every being has powers and she is in the strongest clan, Spellbinding. But it’s not as easy as that. Especially when she realizes she is the awaited one and her benefactors are the true enemies. Ava must navigate her way and lit the torch again.

ASIAHGIRL_01 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

A Marriage Proposal


"So, tell me. What do you want to say Amelia?" Neville said ruffling his hair as he walked beside his younger sister heading to the garden wondering what she was about to say.

He had just come back from the lake with Ava and wanted nothing but sleep and a really good massage. But he couldn't ignore his sister. She was his weakness, his lovely little Amy.

Princess Amelia heaved a sigh as she looked at him.

"I don't trust that girl, Ava or whatever she's called" She blurted, Neville raised a brow.

"Why?" he asked.

"Are you really asking that question?" Amelia flared "You know how his majesty is and what he can do. Why would he want to accommodate an outcast who has no ties with the royal family? Why did he ask you to train her? Did he tell you his reasons, did he confide in you?"

"Look Amy" he said calmly "I'm sure his Majesty knows what he's doing. I've tried to ask him but he's not telling me anything. There is something in it for him, something big"

"I'm sure she's evil" Amelia sneered.

"Well, I don't know" He yawned sleepily "She doesn't look evil to me"

"I saw her sneak out of her room last night, I wanted to follow her but a guard caught me"

Neville's eyes instantly shot open. She saw what?

"R…Really?" he stammered.

"Yes, she did" Amelia answered "I'm sure she has a mission here"

Neville paused, he was in fact very happy that his sister wasn't able to follow Ava. If not, he too would have been caught, and would have to explain the strange events to Amelia- who would most probably freak out… he had to be careful with his missions next time, and make sure Ava didn't get curious enough.

"Neville?" Amelia jolted her brother from his reverie. "What happened?"

He ran his hand though his hair and heaved a sigh "I'll keep a close eye on her, trust me"

"Good" Amelia said "But don't get too close to her, I don't want her to feel accepted here in any way"

"O…kay?" He nodded and watched as his sister walked away gracefully. He was about to walk away from the garden when something hit his head.

Neville spun around wondering what it was, he looked down to see a small pebble on the floor. Then another one hit him, it was his neck this time.

Who was playing pranks with him? Was it Aurora?

"Hey, who's there?!" Another pebble landed on him. Oh gosh! He was tired now and wanted sleep so badly, whoever it was should really come out.

The person picked up another pebble ready to throw it at him again and in an instant, He spun and held her hand. She looked up and shot a pretty smile.

Neville looked at the familiar face of the girl. She had pale smooth skin with straight blonde hair and freckles. She was obviously of noble birth judging by the expensive pink diamond jewellery she wore.

"Where are you from and why were you throwing pebbles at me?" Neville said releasing her hand.

"Seriously" the girl came out of the rose bushes. "Has Prince Neville completely forgotten me?"

Neville paused for a second "Maya?"

"Of course it's me. Wow you look so…grown up" She said touching her hair as she assessed his slender stature, perfect jawline and distinct features.

"Wow. You too" Neville simply said completely astonished.

Maya was his best friend for most of his childhood. Her mother died at a very early age. Her father Lord Lauren, was a very close friend of the king and was one of the Nobles of the spellbinding clan. But it had been so long since they last saw one another, like eight years or so…

"It's been such a long time" Maya started "Everything here has changed since those days"

"Yeah" Neville nodded "So why are you here? I am really so surprised right now"

Maya laughed, eyes never leaving his handsome face. "We wanted to make it a big surprise. We're here for the wedding proposal, everyone is here"

"Um…Wedding proposal?" Neville asked perplexed

"Oh yes Prince Neville. My brother Alexander is betrothed to your sister, Princess Aurora"


Ava was almost screaming in frustration, she sat on the rocking chair in her room burning in fury.

Neville was such a bully, how was she going to get the coin before tomorrow morning? She needed to get back to the lake fast and start searching before it was late. That prince had completely ruined her beautiful day. What a jerk!

All of a sudden, her head began to ache. Different scenes rushed to her brain all at once. She saw Sir Asher sprawled on the floor, soaked in his own blood and in deep pain as he took his last breaths, a number of men in black chasing after her and she ran tears filling her eyes.

But the scenes stopped as suddenly as they appeared, her head no more ached and everything became completely normal. What in the world was that?

She tried to think about it but found no plausible explanation. She really hoped Sir Asher was okay, her mind told her that something was amiss.

Pushing the thoughts from her head, Ava left her room and hurried down to the corridor. She noticed the way the maids were walking to and fro talking silently and gossiping like they were busy with something. Was there an event?

Ava didn't have time to find that out as she was on the way to the lake to fetch Neville's stupid coin. She soon saw Rosslyn and Annabelle too, she quickly stopped them to ask what was going on.

"Lady Ava, weren't you informed? The Arthurs are her, Princess Aurora's betrothed husband has come for his proposal to fix the date for an engagement ceremony!" Annabelle said excitedly

"Oh" Ava nodded "Really?"

"Yes, the king is in such a good mood. You can't leave your chambers like this Lady Ava" Rosslyn advised "You should get dressed"

"Yeah…But…I have something to do, It's important" she said.

"Nothing can be more important than this, My Lady. Besides, we won't take much of your time" Annabelle persuaded.

"Okay…yes then" Ava succumbed to their pressure as they both ushered her to her chambers.

She was going to manoeuvre herself out of this mess. She needed to pass Neville's test.

The lake was far more important than this…

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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